Semua Bab Racing Desires: Bab 11 - Bab 20
132 Bab
11. Excited
Kiara's POV:For once, I'm not cursing when the alarm clock sets off. For a matter of fact, I was so excited I hardly slept in the first place. Even if it got damn late last night. At least I earned quite a bit of cash, which might come handy in Dubai.Damn I have hardly ever left London, despite the country, and now I will be flying to Dubai. Luckily, I had a passport made last year, as I originally had planned to work abroad. Now I have this amazing opportunity, which I still can't quite believe.I've been tossing and turning wide awake in bed since 4am. Meaning, my phone is safe for one more day. Jumping underneath the shower, I wonder what the showers will be like in the place we will be staying. No matter what, it can't be any worse than here.Everything said at the lunch break yesterday, still seems like a dream to me, and I'm waiting to wake up out of it any second. One thing I can't get off my mind was the look on Dean's face at the beginning, like total remorse. Did he honest
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12. Seatbelt
Kiara's POV:"Well, it's not like I would mind joining it, but until now, there hasn't really been the opportunity." His words make me flush bright red like a tomatoe. "You shouldn't believe everything the tabloids write. As soon as I am seen with some female, they make a fling out of it. To be precise, you are only the second woman to be flying with me. So no mile high club," he chuckles."So, it's only for business flights?""Well mostly, but sometimes I do use it privately, it's only that I don't really have much free time, you know."Once seated, I can't quite figure out how to put the belt on. You'd think driving a sports car like mine would give you practice, well somehow this doesn't apply to me. Or I'm simply too excited. Dean loosens his seatbelt again and walks around the table, which is between us and comes over to me."May I?" He points to the belt, which is already getting tangled. Defeated, I shrug and let go of the seatbelt. Dean sits down next to me and reaches for it.
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13. Red
Dean's POV:Writing the small card for Kiara, I hope she isn't going to hate me. As her boss, I probably shouldn't be sending her dresses as a gift. At least I have the excuse of putting it down as a thank you for her amazing work. It didn't take me long to find the right dress. As soon as I entered the boutique and saw it drapped on one of these mannequins, I knew this was it. There are another two dresses I chose for tomorrow, which will be sent directly to her room while we are out for dinner. Perhaps that will give her some time to relax after the first surprise.Knowing her, she is going to pop as soon as she sees it, although she really deserves it. And after all, I was the one to take her here. The least I can do is dress her right for a place like this. There is no need for her to waste money on it.As soon as I'm back in the hotel, I hurry to get myself ready, while someone else brings her the box with the dress for tonight. Although it's a business trip and I should see thi
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14. Stop fighting me
Dean's POV:Kiara snorts, shakes her head, and bursts out laughing before I can see the pain take over her face. "Nope, not anymore. Caught that cheating piece of shit, fucking my beeeessst friend on my kitchen table five weeks ago. We were together for two years and eight weeks ago he asked me to marry him. Yeah, that fucking asshole, was probably having it off with Nora, that little bitch, already at that time." Chugging down the whole glass of her sex on the beach in one go, I can tell how much this is nagging at her and I push my glass of whiskey on the rocks over to her. A small pained smile appears on her face before she chugs the glass down in one go too."More?" I ask carefully, as I don't know how much she can take and we already have had quite a bit."Yeah, one more should be fine." With that, I order another two glasses.Moving a little closer to her, as I see she is fighting tears, I whisper: "He doesn't deserve you. And honestly, he must be very dumb to let an amazing, s
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15. Ice cube
Dean's POV:Until now, I've never really had sleeping problems. Not in a long, long time anyway. After crashing that glass against the wall last night, I simply decided to drink the whiskey directly from the bottle. It's not like I was totally wasted after it, but I felt a little better.That was until I decided to go to sleep at 3am, and everything kept on replaying in my mind. As soon as I closed my eyes, there she was in her red dress, with red lipstick, and all I wanted was to crash my lips on that girl. And that damn boner taunting me on top wasn't exactly helping either. Not even Nadine had this impact on me.She was engaged for three weeks and had a relationship for two years. Even if she wasn't my damn employee, I'm sure she isn't over it yet. I mean, cheating leaves a deep impact. Who the hell would cheat on a girl like her? That guy deserves a decent bashing.It's 9am, and I am heading for breakfast. Should I ask her to eat with me? I mean eating alone in a hotel can be dead
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16. Freetime
Dean's POV:Jeez, that was complicated, and me staring at her cleavage wasn't exactly helping. When an amused giggle leaves her lips, I facepalm myself."That sounded totally weird and awkward, didn't it?" Grinning at me, Kiara simply nods.Thank god she can't wear that cleavage during the meeting, I'd probably blow the whole thing up.I wait in the lobby for her while she gets changed. As the main guy today is quite strict other than his brother yesterday, it's a plain black dress covering all the important skin parts. But as soon as she reaches the lobby, I can see it still looks great on her. It's tight fitting but covers everything perfectly. Her hair is put back into the usual ponytail, which she wears at work, and she sure looks professional.As we only have a little less than an hour, Kiara decides to mainly stop at small gift shops. "You don't need to babysit me. Do whatever you like, I'm fine keeping myself occupied", does she want me to leave? Or does she simply not want to
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17. Control
Dean's POV:The mixutre of music in this club is really good. And hell, this girl knows how to move her sexy curves. After nearly losing it during bad boy, I try and keep a little more distance between our bodies. My dick is hard enough and aching even without her pressing and grinding against it like she did and giving that perfect friction, which nearly had me groaning right here on the dancefloor.A lot of eyes are set on her here on the dancefloor and some of them don't sit right with me, they kind of look like the types who wouldn't accept a no if she were here on her own.Even keeping a little distance between our bodies, the dances are damn hot, and I wonder how much she goes clubbing besides tonight. Every move is like perfection. While grabbing some drinks at the bar, I have to ask her. "Where did you learn to dance like that? I'm nearly sure you could entertain the whole place with your moves.""Ah, wouldn't you like to know, huh? I bet that's something you couldn't find in
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18. Fuck the rules
Dean's POV:Irritation flashes through her eyes, but she nods. "I want you to fucking answer me." Once more I press my hard dick against her."Yes," she answers breathless, the moment the elevator opens to our floor. My fingers intertwine with hers while I pull her along down the hall until we are standing in front of her door."As your boss, I know I shouldn't be doing this, but I can't hold back from you anymore." Fuck those rules I set up. I press her against the door my fingers run through her hair, tugging slightly again until she tilts her head backwards giving me access to crash my lips on hers.Somehow, I nearly expected her to put up a fight, instead her hands wrap around my neck and pull me even closer. Licking at the seam of her bottom lip, asking for entrance, she parts her lips immediately giving me full access to her mouth.Our tongues fight about the dominance and our kiss deepens quickly. Fuck does she taste good.The elevator to our floor opens and heavy panting I pul
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19. Secrets part 1
Dean's POV:Waking up, I can't stop the stupid grin on my face, looking down to the beautiful girl who is currently half sprawled out on my body. While my arms are wrapped around her, her head is on my chest, including half her upper body, one arm wrapped around my middle, and one leg hooked around my leg.This is possibly the nicest way I have ever woken up. No denying anymore, I can't keep my distance to this girl. I mean, there are other bosses who have some sort of relationships with their employees, too. Right? It's not like one of us is taking advantage of the other. We are both old enough to understand this. And yet, this worries me.A look across to the clock tells me it's already 11am. Even if we haven't slept much, we need to get up. Our flight back goes in four hours.Gently, I place a soft kiss on Kiara's head. "Good morning, sleeping Beauty," I whisper softly. "We need to get up and have some breakfast and get ready." She grumbles a little and only snuggles up a little ti
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20. Secrets part 2
Dean's POV: Annoyed she isn't spilling right now, I grunt slightly. But seeing as I will know by tonight, it calms me a little. What the hell does she do, which is in the evening and wouldn't be on the files? Is she bartender or something? Then again, that would be nothing she would need to hide. And why the hell does she need that money?Is she in debts or something? I mean, until a couple of days ago, I thought she's loaded. She drives a fucking Mustang and not one of the cheap ones, she can't be lacking so badly. Damn, I need to at least chill my thoughts until I know more tonight. Not easy for someone who controls everything.Kiara is typing away on her phone until she looks up at me smiling a couple of minutes later. "Ok, got everything organized."Yeah well, what ever that means. As I've paid the suites for the whole day today too, there is no need to rush seeing as our flight has been delayed. Instead I decide we should have some more fun time at the pool, we each have two coc
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