Semua Bab The King's Maiden: Bab 41 - Bab 50
128 Bab
chapter thirty-nine
… [ IN WHICH SHE RECONNECTS ] … We have moved out of the King’s throne room. Out of the Palace, and into the very depths of Lucian City, we are stood before a ginormous door. It has silver for wood, no doorknobs, nor handles, and also without hinges like a regular door in the house of many. This unique door stands alone at the center of the forest, sharing its silvery light to the surrounding trees. From the looks of it, it is non-luminous, and only glows through the moon’s light. Just like the Sun’s relationship with the moon. The unusual door stands at unmeasurable height, reaching far out into the dark sky. Night has fallen upon us so quickly. I hadn’t realized that much time had passed until I saw darkness start to fall over the land.In the cricket sounds and buzzing of insects, we all stand in the dirt, facing the magnificent door. And by we, I mean, Wylan the Sorcerer, Rome the Lycan King, and I, the one who has clearly been reborn. “This has to be done.” Rome touches my
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chapter forty
[ IN WHICH WE MEET ] My feet is buried in cold water. When I look down, the water is dark. I can't see through. The water is as dark as the rest of this strange place. The water stops just above my ankles, and it is enough to make my skin crawl with discomfort, and make my toes turn pruney. I cannot help but feel uneasy. The feeling could be from the cold, or the uneasiness could be caused by the ghost-like version of me standing nine feet away. No one wants to see a ghost. So, that makes me the last person to delight in this situation. What triggers me the most is that I have a change of clothes. I am now clothed in a black long dress— black is so not my color.“Can we get this over with?” I peer straight at the woman. She is distracted. ...[“Wow, damn. I am so sexy!”]...I snap my sharp gaze to the woman under the spotlight. There is a spotlight on her even when she lays in the dark. I do not know what the spotlight is, or where it comes from. There is no beginning or end to the l
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chapter forty (continued)
Life is unfair— it is not fair.And it is not our fault. We have no say in our own lives. We are practically living a fairy tale someone else wrote.Faye Donovan did not choose her life. And she was given a fate so tragic that it brings tears into my brown eyes. She was only a child, living in the 1800's with loving parents and a sister, the age of six. However, she had no idea she was made for greater things; greater things that would propel her into destruction. She had no idea of her fate.Fate is like a child born into a wealthy home, getting to enjoy privileges and never once feeling the cruelty of the world till death takes them away. Fate is like a child born into a poor, merchant home, never to live a life that is handed to him on a silver platter. Fate is like a child born into sicknesses and diseases, and has no choice but to endure the consequences till he or she is taken away by that same sickness at a young age, and that child will never get to experience the magical and b
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chapter forty-one
*warning: this chapter of The King's Maiden you are about to read has been marked mature, because of it's sexual content and language. viewer discretion is advised.*[ IN WHICH SHE IS FAYE ] Seek revenge. No. I couldn't seek revenge even if I wanted to. That is the funny way Fate works. I have been cursed to thirst after the Kings. My heart will ache badly if I tried to raise a fist against them. Naturally, it would ache if the sun smites them because of the connection between us, let alone causing that pain myself. Revenge is impossible for the one who has been fated to love them unconditionally. And that is how it will be. I lay awake on a bed. It has been a minute since my eyes snapped open after the insane dream. Slowly, the events from the dream starts to fade away, and I can't remember most of it. Forced breaths leave my lips as I scan the ceiling with wide eyes. With a racing heart, I sit up on the bed, peering into the unfamiliar room. It is day time. I must have been asleep
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chapter forty-two
[ IN WHICH SHE IS NOT HERSELF ] Something has come over me. Something dark.Something evil. I am not myself.But I can't stop what I have already started. The minute I left Lucian City, something in me changed. Something uncontrollable bloomed. Something unrecognizable germinated. Maybe that was why the guards didn’t come after me when I declined their offer to be an escort. But they could also have been commanded by their King to stay back. So they all watched me walk out. It was almost like they were watching me do their bidding. It felt like Lucian City had turned me all around to be who they wanted me to be— to be Faye, their Queen only. But then again, it could have been the Lycan King who had me wrapped around his ringed finger all this time. He did prove that after giving me an urge to release, and then, telling me to hold on.That was cruel. But it only made me want to act cruel.It has nearly been an hour since I left Lucian City, the land of the werewolves. And I haven't
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chapter forty-three
[ IN WHICH SHE SEEKS REVENGE ]Sin hurries towards me as I walk through the doors, but triggered by my question, he pauses in his steps.“What?”“Answer me! Did you like it?” I wield my sword with my left hand, standing by the door.His face crumbles. “I do not know what you are talking—”“Don’t fucking lie to me! You know what I speak of. I know you killed me.”I watch his Adam’s apple bop up and down as he swallows under pressure. He reaches his hands out, advancing slowly towards me with caution written all over his face.“Alright, lower the sword. I need you to calm down.”I wave the sword around like a wild, madwoman. I may have gone mad. Actually, no, I have indeed gone mad. I do not understand why I have to act this violent. The last time I was like this and had no control, it was minutes before the ghouls attack. Are the ghouls coming for me? Or is it something else coming to devour me?“Don’t tell me to calm down. You do not tell a woman to calm down.” I quote something I lea
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chapter forty-four
[ IN WHICH SHE SEEKS REVENGE... BUT REGRETS IT ] What have I done? I crash back into my senses after the deed has been done. My teary eyes watch Sin with my heart aching in my chest. I can feel the consequences of the pain I have caused him. I cry harder, seeing the torment playing along the fine lines on his face. It was like I had been possessed. I would never have done that. As much as I like to deny it, I love Sin. But maybe not as much as I thought? Someone who loves you wouldn't drive a sword through your heart. Then, out of nowhere, the ground starts to shake with each grunt Sin lets out. I nearly get knocked off my feet when a large item falls to the ground. My eyes rove the area as the room starts to mimic darkness, creating the illusion that it is already nighttime. Then with one last scream from Sin as he starts to pull the sword out, a giant body of black smoke makes its way out of him. A dangerous growl comes with it as it grows bigger and bigger, reaching towards th
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chapter forty-five
[ IN WHICH SHE IS BACK TO THE BEGINNING ] My eyes snap open. It takes a whole minute for my brain to register the things around me. For the first few seconds while my brown eyes are opened, everything around me moves fast, and they move by in a blur. It is like I am immobile and stagnant while the world ages in time. Then, suddenly, it begins to slow down. The enthusiastic chatter of people’s voices settle in an irritating murmur, and it feels like I am trapped in a bubble that causes their voices to echo loudly in my ears. The lights blind me, and I feel nausea wash over me like I had just taken a terrible rollercoaster ride. Then, instantly, everything clicks. And everything is clear. The joyful chatter of friends and familiar socialites reaches my ears. My body freezes in the chair. I am back at the Dinner Gala event. It is like someone had reserved time. “Sin.” I mutter. Tears blur my vision, ruining my eye makeup. I jolt in my chair, realizing the truly tragic state of my
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chapter forty-six
[ IN WHICH SHE IS DESPONDENT ]What comes next? I find myself asking that question as the clock ticks by, and yet after many hours, the answer still hasn't dropped in the palm of my hands. I have no idea what comes next, hence the feelings of hopelessness.Sighing dejectedly, I lift my eyes to peer around the vehicle. My brown eyes fall on the two men sat in front of me— my designated driver in his assigned seat, and my bodyguard, Jon in the passenger seat. As usual, I am sat in the backseat of my Mercedes Benz to bask in the peace and quiet of the vehicle. But sadly, I cannot find peace and quiet for my mind is deeply troubled.It has been this way since the Gala dinner event.Marcus had alerted Jon, the bodyguard of my mental breakdown who later grabbed his phone to call on my driver. Thankfully, seconds later, I was ushered into the vehicle and driven away from the taunting scene. However, I was driven away too late. Everyone had already witnessed my meltdown.Grace and Angie did
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chapter forty-seven
[ IN WHICH SHE IS AN AGGRESSIVE NIGHT OWL ] Insomnia. I envy those who can sleep whenever they want to. It has been approximately 4 hours and I haven't gotten any sleep. My intention was to cry myself to sleep, but after roaring like a wounded lion and wailing like a gigantic sea animal, my eyes are now puffy and my voice is hoarse, and yet, to no surprise, I still cannot fall asleep, despite being unimaginably tired. What I still can do is silently whimper in my soul. So, this is what a broken heart feels like. Now, I understand the movies' portrayal of a broken heart. Except mine feels worse than that.And it kills me even more that I caused half of it.I continue to lay there on my bed, staring at the white ceiling. I had turned on the light projector in my bedroom, and it projects beautiful stars onto the ceiling, giving the illusion that I am trapped in outer space; the Milky Way Galaxy. The moment I start to make peace with the dark and quiet luxurious bedroom, a loud knock
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