Semua Bab Moon Spelled Mates: Bab 61 - Bab 70
143 Bab
Chapter 61
Rayne’s POV After speaking with Constance today, everything started making sense and I felt like I had more clarity on what had happened to get us all to this point. One thing from our conversation made me feel better was knowing that my parents were going to tell me who I really was and they were going to give me a choice on who I wanted to be. Marion had taken that away from me and I hated her for that. She had taken so much from me not just my parents but also my choice on who I wanted to be. Marion not only took this from me but also took that from the hundreds of Hybrids that she forced the women of her Covent to create. My heart ached for all those women that were forced to bear a child from someone that wasn’t their mate and like Constance would have to one day tell her twin flame mate that she went outside their union to bear a child for their High Priestess. The pain I could see in Constance’s eyes was a woman who was broken by the hand of Marion. She had kept this secret
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Chapter 62
Rayne’s POV At dinner that evening I looked around the table taking in the intermixture of the different heritages and even though we were all different we were so alike. We all desired the same thing and that was peace for our people and a safe place to call home. There was only one person standing in our way, the High Priestess, Marion. Reese grabbed my hand as he stood from the table and excused us as he walked me to the front door of the packhouse. “It’s a nice night lets go for a walk.” Reese says as he helps me put on my coat. We walked holding hands down the familiar path that leads to the greenhouse. “You have had a very eventful day today.” Reese says to me as he pulls me into him and he wraps his arm around me. “Eventful is putting it mildly. I wasn’t sure at first about the Warlock Witch Doctor but I am happy now that he and his family are here. His wife really enlightened me today about my mother and what she went through in her life to be with her mate, my father,
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Chapter 63
Emma’s POV Alpha Reese and Rayne called Ethan and I into his office this morning and I began to worry that they were throwing Ethan and I off their territory. Ethan had explained everything to me about how he was involved with the kidnapping with Rayne and after having a mate bond with him I can clearly see why he did what he did. Hell, I can see why Rayne wanted so desperately to stay with Reese and why her mother did what she did all those years ago giving up her position as High Priestess. Ethan consumed my every thought and all I wanted was him and it was crazy and intense. I never thought I would be this in love with anyone in my entire life, it was as if he completes me. On the other hand, I could be the reason they would throw us off their territory for what I did. I also was guilty of taking Rayne back to Canyon Ridge and giving her a ring that was spelled for her to forget her birthday weekend that included anything to do with the wolves or Reese. I now feel incredibly bad
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Chapter 64
Rayne’s POV It’s becoming harder for me to not forgive Emma as I can clearly see she is struggling with the pain that she has caused me and knowing that her mother was behind all of the betrayals. I think it will definitely do her good learning from a different Covent. Seeing Reese at work handling the meeting showed me a whole different side to him. I knew he was in charge around here but I never really saw him in action other than barking orders at training. This Reese that sat behind a desk like a corporate boss turned me on even more than the bad boy Reese that I know. “So, Alpha.” I said to him as I turned to look at him sitting in his office chair with a pair of slacks on and a dress top that had the sleeves rolled up and four buttons were undone to slightly show his chest. “Do you have any other meetings for today?” “I have a few calls I have to make and I have a meeting this afternoon to decided who is going to take the role as my Beta.” Reese says as he turns his chair t
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Chapter 65
Conner’s POV There was a total of twenty-two new Hybrids brought to us today and I can’t even imagine how many more there are to come. My mother really was pure evil and I can’t believe so many of the witches feared her to go outside of their union to provide my mother with what she demanded of them. Emma and I spent most of the afternoon removing the rings from the Hybrids while Caleb and Ethan helped them with their first shifts. It was definitely an all-hands-on deck situation and I was grateful that my stepbrother, Caleb, was here to help me. Ethan was going to be undoubtably an asset to my pack. Reese had taught him well and he was probably going to teach me a thing or two. I wasn’t sure at first with them being mates but after I started to get to know Ethan, I realized he was good for my sister. Eve on the other hand was helping in only the way she knew how which was talking and explaining all she could about the wolf side to the concerned parents and answering their questi
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Chapter 66
Reese’s POV Pain from heart ache hits me and I know it’s not mine. I quickly look around for Rayne in a panic. Finally, she comes into view as she walks at a fast pace, almost a jog, from the other side of the packhouse. I excuse myself and run after her but she picks up her pace and enters the packhouse. I call out to her once in the packhouse, but she is already to the top of the stairs and headed for our bedroom. I begin taking the stairs two by two trying to get to her to see what is bothering her. Finally, I make to our bedroom and when I open the door, Rayne is curled up on the bed sobbing. Quickly I go to her pulling her into an embrace. Tears continue to flow from her eyes and down her redden checks. “Baby what happened?” I asked her worried that someone hurt her. “It’s nothing. I am fine.” She said through the sobs but I could clearly tell it wasn’t fine and my wolf was stirring in my head like he wanted to kill someone and then that’s when the scent hit me. “What did
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Chapter 67
Rayne’s POV Reese wrapped a possessive arm around me as we walked back towards the packhouse. I couldn’t believe he had punched Conner in the face but then again this was Reese and Conner was lucky to only escape with a broken nose. Eve saw us and came running towards us and Reese stopped us from walking further. “Rayne is it true?” She asked me as she looked nervous talking to me. “Is what true?” I asked her with a confused look on my face. “Conner said that you are also his mate.” She says and I was shocked he didn’t tell her before this. “We were but you don’t have to worry about it. I’m with Reese only now.” I tell her and I thought she would look relieved but she doesn’t. “I don’t understand why he wouldn’t have told me. Mates aren’t to keep secrets like this from one another.” She says as she begins to cry. “Eve, Conner is a Hybrid and we are wired a little different from you. I only truly felt the full effect of the mate bond when I marked Reese as mine.” I tell he
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Chapter 68
Conner’s POV Reese broke my damn nose and Caleb wouldn’t let me go after him. This was unreal that my own brother wouldn’t let me at least punch Reese back. I finally loosened my fist after the pain of something digging into it registered in my head. As I opened my hand the ring that I had given to Rayne to show my love for her sat imbedded into my palm. The realization that Rayne has chosen Reese settles in my heart and the pain becomes real. When I was gone from here and met Eve I thought Rayne was nothing compared to her but when we return back here because Rayne was kidnapped I wanted to go to her but I couldn’t because Reese had her all locked up in his room where no one was allowed in but him and Ella. What Rayne or Reese doesn’t know is when I saved her that day, I had to tap into our bond to pull all the smoke from her and it drained me for a couple of days. And today when I was using my magic, I felt the bond tugging to go to her but I can clearly see by the ring in my han
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Chapter 69
Reese’s POV Waking up the next morning in the cabin alone with Rayne in my arms felt like heaven. Rayne’s idea of us moving here until this matter was settle was a great idea and it gave us privacy from everyone that was here because of the upcoming battle, plus it removed Conner from the equation of having to see him in the evenings. The thought of coming back to the cabin and having Rayne all to myself every night was giving me something to look forward to after a long day of training my warriors and taking care of pack business. Now that the large group of warlocks, witches, and hybrids have showed up my workload was only going to get greater, and I hoped that Hunter comes back soon with reinforcements. Last night was great with Rayne as we were able to be ourselves with each other and to see a smile on my mate’s face brought me joy. Rayne wasn’t used to the pack life of having people around her at all times and it was something I was going to have to wean her into. I could cl
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Chapter 70
Rayne’s POV It felt amazing to have the day to myself as I lounged on the oversized sectional and watched the television, something I haven’t done in a long time. The cabinets in the kitchen had a few items in them but nothing major and the refrigerator was sparce on food too. Reese and I would need to go grocery shopping if we were going to stay here. I was able to find some microwave popcorn and threw it in the microwave before I began watching another movie. The day seemed to be going by pretty quick watching the movies and I wondered how late Reese would be coming home. A noise that sounded like a thump came from the back porch. I pressed pause on the remote and got up and walked towards the back door to check out what made the noise. We were in the middle of the mountains and there were wild animals running the woods and I figured it was a raccoon or something on the porch. Looking out the window on the door I tried to look out to see if I could spot what it was. Unfortunate
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