Semua Bab I'm His Lover: Bab 1 - Bab 10
65 Bab
Friday evening at 7:00. I'm in my Advanced Calculus class, physically present but mentally drifting. Since I've already grasped the material, I let my mind wander as I doodle in my sketchbook. I start daydreaming about the upcoming summer. My plan is to backpack across Europe, meet new people, and perhaps find romance. I also contemplate my future at school. My dad mentioned that the small business he'll be passing down to me will soon be under my management. I'll inherit it when I turn 21, and I'm currently just shy of 18. It's funny how I brought up "The Sound of Music" movie. In less than two weeks, I'll be turning 18, coinciding with my high school graduation. Quite fitting, isn't it? "Ms. Romero, Ms. Romero. Ms. Romero!" Mr. Martian's urgent voice pulls me from my thoughts, even raising towards the end. Quickly, I close my sketchbook and look up at him. "Yes?" I'm not sure what this is about, but I'm about to find out. "What did you learn?" He asks with urgency. Fortunately,
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Charlie came into my room, and we had a hushed chat about what was going on. I felt completely out of the loop. While Mark, my dad, and John seemed to have all the facts, I was left in the dark. Mark had filled me in, and it seemed likely he got the details from his dad due to their recent bet. My head was pounding. As everyone else discussed the situation, I struggled to concentrate. Despite my efforts to stay focused, it felt like being in my Friday math class, where I couldn't answer anything correctly. My dad gently shook my arm to get my attention, but I couldn't snap out of it. "Yes?" I replied, my eyebrows still furrowed in confusion. "How much did you catch of that?" My dad inquired. I shook my head, feeling slightly embarrassed because he probably mentioned something to me. John looked annoyed, but Mark just chuckled. "Well, I made a bet with John here, involving my business, or more precisely, your inheritance. He can only claim what's rightfully his if he or one of his f
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After a quiet pause, Mark brings up another aspect. "What else does it say in here?" He skims through the pages and inquires further. I join him in reading. "They talk about weekly dates, going out formally every couple of months, and even planning for a baby in five years?" I blurt out, my face showing both surprise and annoyance. "Do they seriously expect us to stick to such a rigid schedule for having kids? Shouldn't that be a decision we make together? I mean, I do want to have children someday, and I'm not ancient, but turning it into a requirement makes it seem like a chore. And I'm not a fan of chores." John jumps in, saying, "Well, it seems quite reasonable. It's not too demanding," seemingly relieved that we're not arguing about more fundamental aspects, like the marriage itself. I continue reading. "They're not asking for excessive public displays of affection," I add, scanning the document further. "We're supposed to get to know each other's families and friends, and they
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By Monday, everyone at school knew I was getting married, or to be more precise, that my wedding was arranged. But, of course, no one knew it was planned. It's like that first rule in Fight Club: don't talk about how things turned out. On Sunday, we took engagement photos after breakfast. We took the pictures strategically, making sure not to reveal the ring, or rather, the lack of one. At least not until Wednesday. We posed with him on one knee, holding a small box. To be honest, it all felt surreal. I pretended to cry to make it seem more authentic. We also took a picture with his face nestled in my neck as we hugged. They looked incredibly real. Most people think they're genuine. We're in this situation because John informed the newspaper about our engagement. Nice, it made the front page. John also insisted we post on I*******m and F******k. I get I*******m, but why do we need F******k? Sorry to say, but everyone on F******k is the same age as my dad. They've read it, so problem
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He approaches the counter, and I still haven't looked up. "So, what can I do to help? Earrings or a necklace with diamonds?" he inquires. "No, my girlfriend and I are here to pick out an engagement ring for her," Mark responds. He's quite adept at making up stories. Sometimes, I even find myself briefly believing him. When I finally glance up, I see the familiar face. "Richie?" I inquire. "Well, if it isn't Savi," he replies. Richie's real name is Nick, but I've always called him Richie. It might seem a bit confusing. Richie was like a mentor to me during my freshman year in high school. When I was a freshman, Richie and I were paired up. He guided me on how to interact with teachers and showed me where my classes were. In a way, he was like a guardian angel watching over me. You might still be wondering why we call each other by different names. I don't remember much about how it started, but I do recall that he once asked me for my middle name and the name of my street. I told h
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So far, things are going according to plan. Everyone seems to like the dress. I've written a letter to my mom and sealed it, but I haven't sent it yet. I thought it would be more personal to write her a letter instead of just calling her. However, I'm holding off on calling her until she responds. In the letter, I mentioned that I wanted to catch up with her and discuss the wedding dress, but I didn't reveal that I'm getting married or anything like that. I simply expressed my desire to have a conversation with her. I need to send the letter today because it's Monday, and it's been only a week since I got engaged. The wedding is in less than seven weeks, so I want to get in touch with her soon. I plan to send it on my way to school. I'm feeling nervous as I arrive at school, thinking about what her response might be. Fortunately, my first class is in the gym. It might sound strange, but I actually enjoy going to the gym. Just because I like going to the gym doesn't mean I fit the "j
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I suddenly wake up from a small nightmare due to some turbulence, and Mark notices. He takes a seat and checks on me. "Are you alright?" Mark asks, looking concerned. "Yeah, I'm okay," I respond, even though I'm not entirely fine. I don't want to encounter her again because of what Mark told me about his mom. It's been bothering me. "Would you like something to drink?" Mark inquires to make sure I'm okay. "Sure, just water," I request. Someone hands me a glass of water a few seconds later, and I thank them. "Are you feeling nervous?" Mark asks, not making eye contact. "Well, kind of... Alright, quite a bit," I admit, secretly enjoying how he looks when I stare at him. He finally looks at me and asks, "Are you checking me out?" This is unusual for him. I start to blush. "Anyway, can't I admire the man who's going to be my husband?" He chuckles. "Are you going to use that excuse every time I tease you?" "No," I pause, and he thinks he's won the banter as he starts to walk away
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She hasn't said a word about it since I told her. "Mom? Are you okay?" "What on earth is going on here?" She raises her voice and immediately stands up. "So, this Mark fellow is your boyfriend, huh?" "Well, you could say something did happen to me," I tell my mother, maintaining my composure. "Yes, Mark is the man I plan to marry." Despite her rudeness, I remain polite. Somehow, I feel more grown-up and self-assured. "You can't be serious! You're only 17!" Her comment is so absurd that it makes me burst into laughter. "No! You have no right to say such things to me! You've been absent from my life for most of the last 15 years, and it's getting hard not to cry," I respond firmly. I love Mark, and he loves me. Dad is supportive, and we all share the same belief – Mark's role is to ensure my happiness, and he genuinely cares about it. "Why can't you be happy for me?" I wonder aloud. I can almost hear her crying in her sighs. Her eyes well up. "I'll do my best to accept it... So, how
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While pacing around our room, I comment, "That was..." Mark interjects with a quip, "Weird? Unexpected? Revealing?" "Not quite," I respond, gazing at him with a serious expression. He raises his hands playfully in defense. "What's your take?" I stop staring once I've asked the question. Some might find it impolite and bothersome to be told, "Try on the clothes. Your sisters are here. Begin getting to know your mom in a new way. Do whatever you like." But it didn't feel that way to me. It was more like, "Don't let anyone dictate your actions. Follow your instincts." At least, that's how I interpreted it. Now, I'm not entirely sure which perspective is better. "Okay, but how should I approach it?" I head over to the bed and lie down beside him. He rises to go to the bathroom. "I'm not entirely sure. You'll figure it out. Trust your instincts." "It's almost nighttime. If you're still feeling anxious when you wake up, we can talk again," he says with a smile before disappearing into t
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We posed for the pictures, and they turned out really nice. In one of the photos, I'm smiling while giving him a cheek kiss. That's true too. One pose came to us naturally. We placed the phone on the desk, stood close, our foreheads touching, and smiled like excited kids. Our eyes met, and it felt genuine. The camera had a filter to blur the background, focusing only on us. We chose black and white, like an engagement photo. I set the best picture as my lock screen, and the first shot became my home screen. Mark did the same, and his lock screen displayed a photo of our hands and the ring. All the photos looked beautiful and, somehow, authentic. The way we looked at each other made it feel real—more than just a fake setup or a contract. Mark reenters the room while I'm looking at the pictures. "Time to head out," he says. I nod, and we prepare to leave. Finding the dress shop takes time. It's called "Bridal is Beauty," and it looks nice from the outside. Through the window, I s
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