Semua Bab A Crazy One-Night Stand: Bab 31 - Bab 40
138 Bab
You’re hurt
Lorenzo’s whole body trembled as he painfully tried to push those memories aside…He shakily opened his eyes….“We found the culprit…it was Tonia.Turns out she was asked to dispose it the last time but she forgot and then she added it to the sample clothes that needed to be checked today.We’ve fired her.”Carlos informed him.”And also,Mrs Martini was only trying to help since the model didn’t show up,”Lorenzo sighed.”Has she gotten home now?”“I called the housekeeper…She said Mrs Martini didn’t return home.”His fist clenched.”Find her.”Carlos nodded and walked out of his office.Lorenzo stood to his feet and walked towards the window…How was he supposed to explain his behavior to her today?***************************It was late now and Fabiola was sitting on a bench in a park…When she had gotten to this place…there was people around but now everyone had probably gone home and she was alone in the quiet park…A tear rolled down her cheeks as the word ‘alone’ reverberated in her
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Oh Lorenzo
She recalled how violent he had treated her…She pulled her hand away from his.“I’m fine.”She moved away from him and sat on a chair.Lorenzo stared at her wondering what this little lady was doing to him…She kept on messing with his head…At this point,she might unman him.He turned to face the police officers.“Can I get a first aid kit?”One of them hurried off and came back,handing him what he asked for.Everyone watched as he bent in front of her and took her hand again.“It’s just a small injury..let go of me!”She snapped.“Stay still,okay?”He warned.Sighing,she watched him wet a wad of cotton wool with peroxide and pressed it to her elbow.“Ah,”She gasped.He immediately started to blow on it before he smeared his fingers with ointment and dabbed it on the cut…then with bactine,he eased a small bandage on and pressed it in place.Then he stared at her feet.“How long have you been walking around barefooted?Your feet are so dirty.Are you sure you didn’t hurt them?”She was t
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His father’s heir
Fabiola thought about the girl from last night…“So…uhm…that lady…you know…the one you called Maliyah,did she get home safely?”She asked as naturally as she could.“Yes.”“What’s your relationship with her?”Lorenzo smirked.”Why do you want to know?”“I’m just curious.”“Curious,huh?”“Fine,don’t tell me if you don’t want to,”She snapped.He nodded and continued eating.She grew upset that he wasn’t going to tell her who that lady was to him.Not that she cared…She only wanted to know…“Is she someone important to you?”Lorenzo laughed at how quietly she asked that question…he almost didn’t hear her..“Hmm….call me honey and I will tell you about her.”She glared at him but he kept smiling at her and she couldn’t maintain the glare any longer….This man is just too handsome…she badly wanted to kiss him.“Why should I?”“You’ve called me that before.”He reminded.“Keep your information to yourself then,”She looked away from him and sighed trying not to think about the way Maliyah had
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The only reason
While Lorenzo was away at the Lougue talking to his father on the phone.Carlos tried to stop someone was barging into his office.“Miss De Luca…you can’t go in…you have to make an appointment before seeing Mr Martini.”“An appointment?Me?Have you forgotten who I am?”“Please…”She pushed Carlos out of her way and hurried into his office.“Miss De Luca…you can’t…Mrs Martini,I didn’t mean to wake you.”Carlos apologized now seeing Fabiola yawning and sitting up on the sofa.Mrs Martini?She heard about Lorenzo getting married from her parents but she knew very well that he wouldn’t stoop so low to marry someone like this woman before her…This ought to be a sham!And why the hell was his jacket around her body?A fake marriage should remain fake!Anger blinded her vision.“You bitch!You should know your place!”She yelled,coldly and raced up to Fabiola.Before Fabiola could comprehend anything,Maliyah’s palm landed on her cheek…instantly getting rid of how sleepy she felt.Fabiola gasped
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Too perfect to handle
Fabiola opened her eyes,glaring at him.This has got to be the most selfish person she has ever met!She recalled the expression on his face when he had seen her bracelet for the first time…that night.And then he had even stolen it…She was sure he knew something big about her bracelet…And the fact that he was taunting her with it was so annoying…But she knew she had no other choice…she had to continue putting up with his bullshit!She grabbed her bag and head for the door…“And where do you think you’re going?”He asked,coldly.“To get some fresh air and calm down!”“With your face looking like that?No!”Fabiola’s anger was to the roof…“You’re so annoying!”She shrieked.He picked up his jacket from the sofa.“I have a meeting now.Do not leave this office.”He warned,harshly and stormed off.She sank on the sofa and sighed,heavily…How the hell did she get involve with that psycho billionaire again?She placed her hand on her cheek and pouted…When she recalled the way Lorenzo had p
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Fabiola and Lorenzo walked into the dining hall and greeted everyone.Then they sat down…Fabiola observed the two advanced looking man and woman…They must be Maliyah’s parents…Then she saw Maliyah and Esme walking out of the kitchen,talking and laughing…They seemed so close.Esme glanced at Fabiola and rolled her eyes…for a long time,she had thought the only person she had to compete with for Lorenzo was Maliyah…she hasn’t been too bothered by Maliyah though because Lorenzo had never been moved by the young heiress at all.Esme wondered how Fabiola would keep up with Maliyah…she knew it wouldn’t be easy because Maliyah never fails to always openly expresses how she feels about Lorenzo every damn time.“You know Grandpa,I had missed you more than anyone else when I was away.”Maliyah said.Diego smiled.”I had missed you to,my dear”Fabiola sat there,quietly…she wondered why everyone was seated already when dinner was yet to be served.Everyone was chatting cheerfully and having nothin
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Sweet kind of weakness
Diego and Maliyah’s father,Edward were at the other side of the living room in an important conversation…They had not paid attention to the drama happening…Maliyah stared at Lorenzo,confused.Why was he acting as if he was being controlled by his wife?She had always thought Lorenzo was unable to love any woman…It was still so shocking seeing him so crazy about Fabiola.What was so special about her?“What do you see in her,Lorenzo?”She asked,bitterly.Fabiola looked up at Lorenzo.“Honey,what do you see in me?”Lorenzo felt so weak…a sweet kind of weakness…If she kept calling him these pet names…he might be just end up completely at her mercy.“Things I didn’t know existed…the feelings are foreign but they make me happy…do you even notice how long and hard I stare at you?How stuck I get when I catch a whiff of your scent?”Fabiola stared at him stunned…She had only wanted people to think they were in love as usual…Why the hell was he looking so serious and intense?“And you don
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A brawl
Fabiola sat beside the old man.“I know you like to read book before going to bed.Otherwise,I would have stayed here with you.”Diego laughed.”It’s one of the hobbies no one can stop me from doing.By the way,have you even been reading the books I gave you?”Fabiola swallowed.”I have.”“I can tell you’re lying…did they make you sleep off?”Fabiola chuckled.“I like to read too,Grandpa.”They both turned to see Maliyah.“I thought you had left with your parents.”Diego wondered.“Oh,I forgot my cellphone.”“Okay,have you found it?”Diego asked.“I’m still looking for it.”Diego paid no mind to her and continued his conversation with Fabiola….Maliyah stared at Diego and Fabiola…Back in the days,even Diego thought she was perfect for Lorenzo…Maliyah wondered what that woman had done to both Lorenzo and his Grandfather.She got her cellphone and stormed off…Fabiola saw Lorenzo walking down the stairs looking gloomy.What’s up with his mood?So she moved closer to Diego.Esme smiled watch
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Bed her again
As she got into the car as Lorenzo had ordered,she still felt scared…If Miguel and Lorenzo were used to doing stuff that were dangerous…she wasn’t…What if they get into an accident?She wanted to cry but no tears came out.“Cover my eyes with this.”He instructed handing her a black piece of cloth.“Enzo,Please let’s just go home.”She pleaded.He eyed her,angrily.“Look,everyone knows Miguel is naughty and doesn’t really seem to think straight…I don’t think you should do this simply because he challenged you to…you shouldn’t stoop that low.”“Are you trying to say I’m petty?”“No…I.”Fabiola swallowed…her words weren’t even getting through to him…Lorenzo grabbed the black cloth from her and blindfolded himself.Seeing his eyes now covered…Fabiola felt like punching him.Where had the prim and proper Lorenzo go off to?He was acting so childish…Despite the kind of situation they were in right now…Fabiola suddenly leaned closer marveling how he could still look so gorgeous with blin
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An attack
Fabiola tensed.”But…but I don’t want to.”“Oh you want to,Fab.I’ve confirmed that a lot of times.And the reason why we haven’t done that is because I was simply giving you time to come to terms with being married to me.Do not think you have any control or whatsoever.”He snapped and stood up then walked away…Fabiola instantly lost her appetite…She knew she wanted to do that with him…but sex had always been something special each time she thought about it…She had even wanted her first time to be special if not for the fact that she had thought she was dying…But thinking back now…it was kind of special…it was an amazing experience…An amazing experience she had with a man who was out of her league…Could she have sex with him again and not fall in love with him?If she wasn’t falling already…But he seemed pretty serious few minutes ago and she knew the possibility of escaping his bed now was so low.**************All morning,she couldn’t stop thinking about what he had said.She ke
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