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Olivia" Move in with you?" I repeated, staring at him blankly." I'm not forcing you to. I mean, that's your decision to make. I'm not gonna say you have to. " He responded, suddenly looking flushed." But that wasn't stated in the contract, right?" Or was I not just remembering?" It's not. I was just suggesting this, to relief your burden. " He said, offering me a half smile." Relief my burden? Asher what are you talking about? " Did he get drunk before coming here?" Well you see, you can't even spend the $15000 I paid you, on your father. You have to convince him that you're actually working, right? And if you told him that right now, he would want to know where you worked. So I thought, you could just tell him you were going far away to work. If you feel uncomfortable lying to him again, that's fine. I could offer you a job in my father's company. I know you're still trying to get on your feet, so until you get a house, you can stay at my place. It's fine if you're not comfort
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OliviaAsher had offered to drive me home, but I had insisted on helping myself out.Dad was still worried sick about me. He might not stay at work until the end of his shift so there's a possibility he's home already. And if he is, he would definitely see Asher and that would only raise suspicions.Before we left, he had told me a little about her and now, I understood why he was so desperate to escape her claws.A lot of people think it's cool to own all the businesses in the world but really, it requires a lot of work and effort. A lot of work and effort, is a lot of stress.How could she have imposed Smith's jewelries on Asher?He said she had threatened to make sure his business restaurants burnt to the ground, if he didn't take up responsibilities as CEO of Smith's jewelries.What sort of mother would do that to her own son?If Asher's sister took over their father's company instead, it wasn't such a big deal!My guess?I think she's scared the company would leave her husband's
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Olivia"Olivia! There's no reason for you to do that. It's fine if you want to continue living here. I'm not one of those fathers that put so much pressure on their children to move out. This house is ours." My father rushed his words nervously.He had a look of 'have I done something wrong?'." Yes dad! I know that you do not pressurize me to do anything. I'm moving out for a reason." His eyes dimmed as I said those words." I got a job!" I said in a bored tone.Next, silence followed.A smile threatened to form on his face and it did, light returned to his eyes and his face drained of every nervousness it carried." You....."" Got a job." I said, adding a little emotion to it this time.Now that I thought about it, I wasn't actually lying about getting a job that took me away. I mean, Asher had said he was going to get me a job in Smith's jewelries, right?That wasn't lying. I was just not telling him the entire truth.With this thought in my head, I felt less guilty." Seriously?
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OliviaI was….. excited to get to Asher's house. For some reason, it made me both nervous and anxious at the same time.I and Sebastian chatted during the drive and each moment I spent with him, just made me wonder how he and Asher became friends. I badly wanted to ask him that, but I felt it was way too early into our friendship to ask him that.Did he consider me a friend though?Somehow, I also noticed something about Sebastian. He laughed a lot but that laughter never reached his eyes.It looked like he was trying really hard to make that possible but it never happened.Was Asher's mother threatening him with something too?As we drove along the beautiful streets of New York, I realized just how hidden I've been all my life. Where I lived, houses were mostly enclosed in picket fences.Very few people could afford a gleaming round about glass panelling with security officials guarding the streets like their hearts.The tall buildings stood proudly all around, making the city look
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AsherWhy did my mother suddenly show up?I thought she said her flight had been delayed until next week?Shit!Shit!I am so not ready for this! Olivia isn't too.We never imagined to be caught off guard."You don't seem like you want me here." My mother said, walking down to where I stood, close to the kitchen island.The clicking of her heels reminded me of her presence, unfortunately.She had a fake frown on her face as she poured herself a drink.What was her reason for coming so early?I managed to pull a smile and gave her a light hug I hopped she didn't notice my alarming heart rate."You know I'm always happy to have you here mother. I'm just……surprised." I said, kissing her hair.She smiled immediately."Yes, I know I had told you that my flight was delayed. Well, I found a way to get myself back here as soon as possible. You know there's no way I'm waiting until our family dinner before seeing your girlfriend, right?" She rose her brows suspiciously at me as she spoke.I r
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OliviaAsher's mother was really intimidating. I felt like I could melt under her gaze. I knew I was their topic of discussion.I shook when I heard her slam a door shut, very loudly.She stepped out and glared deadly at me before leaving. It was like she was glaring into my soul. I was pretty sure she would have strangled me on the spot if Sebastian and Asher weren't present.I hope I don't have to stay in a room, alone with her. I should probably discuss that with Asher.Despite her harsh stares, Sebastian's presence managed to overshadow my nervousness.Once she was gone, Asher looked a bit calm. I bet he knew his mother wanted him with someone about their social class.Why then did he pick me?It was a little adorable watching him exchange words with Sebastian. Their relationship made me miss Rita even more.What would she think of me if I told her about my contract with Asher?I was drowning in my thoughts when I felt a large warm hand envelope mine and pulled me out.Asher kept
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OliviaAfter informing me of my resumption date, Asher just walked away.What is it with rich people?How could he just tell me that I had been employed into a multi million dollar company, without any interview, and then act like it was nothing?"Of course it's nothing to him, he's Asher Smith. That annoying voice in my head said.The news of my employment was supposed to make the atmosphere even warmer but Sebastian's change of mood ruined everything.And I'm to blame for it all .Speaking of Sebastian…..Asher had said something about not mentioning 'it' to me.What did that mean?Not like I wanted to be unnecessarily inquisitive, I just felt like I needed to know.Sebastian was my friend. Well yes, I regarded him as a friend the moment I saw him. Seeing him in such mood just made me…..cold.Did Mrs Smith possibly have anything to do with this?Curse my forward nature!I should not have asked, just yet. Now that I knew it was something serious, so serious it changed Sebastian's mo
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Asher I exited my study and headed straight for my room. I just wanted to take a short nap before teaching Olivia basic dinner courtesy. My mom would be really looking forward to dragging Olivia out over one simple error. I must do everything I can to make sure she didn't spot a single fault in Olivia. I paused at the door when I heard voices and……footsteps? In my bedroom? What the hell? Kicking into defence mode, I held my laptop tightly. Had someone broken into the house? Who had broken in? How did they get past security? Did they already get to Olivia? How long were they in here already? Different thoughts ran through my mind as I turned the door knob. But when I did open the door….. I met my best friend and my pretend girlfriend, in an unexpected position. They were on my bed, a second from kissing each other. "What is happening here?" I asked them, watching as they scrambled to their feet. I don't think I would ever be able to live the rest of my life ignoring
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AsherWhy did I have the feeling that my mother had actually influenced this? Well, it didn't matter what she did. I was still going to introduce her as my girlfriend to the public anyway, it's all part of the plan.I tried to concentrate on the remaining work I had but it was just too hard. Images of Sebastian and Olivia kept playing in my head.Of course I knew Sebastian would never try anything shitty with Olivia, I knew that so damn well.It just baffled me how quickly they had gotten along.Was I really that difficult to befriend?Or was I just not trying hard enough?"There's no reason for you to care Asher. She's only the other party in your contract." I reminded myself, rubbing the back of my head.I slammed my laptop close and then returned to my room.To my surprise, Olivia wasn't in the bed.Where was she?I looked around but didn't find her. I checked the toilet, and even the bathroom but she wasn't there.My instincts immediately took my attention to Sebastian's room. "Y
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OliviaIt was difficult falling asleep knowing that a man, was just two pillows away from me.Well, I had put two pillows vertically, to separate the bed. I didn't want to initially, because I had no right. It was his bed anyway but it was just too uncomfortable.Asher didn't seem to mind. Few minutes after he got into bed, I started hearing his light snores. So he snored?I turned over, sneaking a peek at him. He looked peaceful and untroubled in his sleep. I bet he wanted to sleep forever and forget all the responsibilities of being New York's Asher Smith, and the burdens of being his mother's son.Part of his hair was scattered over his face. Was it because he was blonde or was his face just glowing in the dark? My fingers itched to run themselves down his smooth porcelain skin.What is wrong with you Olivia?!"It's just a contract, only a contract." I reminded myself before returning to my side of the bed.Minutes passed and before I gave out a long yawn.The last thing I saw, was
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