Stuck between my Billionaire Alphas. 의 모든 챕터: 챕터 51 - 챕터 60
73 챕터
Chapter 51: Janette.
We're on our way up to Cara's room and I decide that looking around is a better option than staring at the brother of my best friend.I'm guessing he's master William then? Whatever. I don't want to know more about him than I already do.I finally notice the motif in this place though. It's weird that I haven't picked it up yet. There are wolf paintings almost everywhere. They're mixed into the wallpapers, they appear and disappear at different intervals on the floor. They're mixed into almost every surface I can find here and the thing that really fascinates me is that I can't see them unless I try really hard.It's like they don't want to be seen, and I want to believe that's just a trick of the light and my poor eyesight, but I've seen it on too many surfaces for it to be a coincidence. There's nothing I can think of that would bring an explanation for that, so I cast it out of my mind and decide to focus on something else.Like the ceiling for example."You're Cara's friend rig
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Chapter 52: Janette.
"Did you get to see her?"I turn to look at Greg and try to hide the feeling in my eyes. I nod."Yes, I did."He doesn't ask me any more questions but I can already tell that he suspects something. More than that, I feel he knows exactly what happened in Cara's house."There's food on the table if you need any. I'm heading down to the shop."That reminds me."Can I start working a full shift there? I don't have anything else I'll use Monday to Thursday for anymore.""Read."I blink but he just smiles at me."I'm heading out. Your friend was here looking for you, Leander. He's dropped a lot of books for your project and I think you would like to read them or see how many there are first before filling up your schedule."I frown."Leander was here?"He nods and I try not to look confused. How did he get the address to this place?Greg regards me with an amused look on his face for a while before he shakes his head and walks past. I am still confused as to why Leander would come here whe
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Chapter 53: Xavier.
Reeve is standing too close for comfort and I can almost feel his breath going down my neck."You know I can literally smell what you had for breakfast right?"He moves in even closer and lets a waft of breath out near the side of my face. I give him a jab in the ribs and smile as he moves away. He's making me lose focus.The world is in its white shape again and I look at the space in front of me.Revee has convinced me to try replicating the Drakin finder once more, but I'm not doing that.My trip to the park yesterday was not a waste. Even if it was clear enough that it had seemed so to Axel and my father.The guard had been bristling with annoyance when we came back home yesterday. Something that has to do with the birds that wouldn't stop going after him so I could focus on the entity in front of me.The thread that unraveled had been that of an entity, something like a spirit but not quite. The birds had been her work, and with Axel distracted I could talk to her.She's from "
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Chapter 54: Janette.
Fredrick stares at me like he already knows what my gameplan is but I don't want to believe that.I have to get into his Drama club, but the answer I was met with while at the gates isn't one I want to encounter a second time.To Fredrick's left is the doofus who told me "No."He didn't even let me register or audition. I love acting, portraying a character is easy for me, their emotions even easier....... I just know that I get into character quite well and I know if I'm to audition, I'll wow them.Okay, I'm not sure audition is the right term to use but I believe I've still made my point.The guy who refused me auditioning is one of Fredrick's star students and I'm sure he shares his master's hate for me.I let out a sigh and let my eyes travel around for a while. Most of the students are doing what they want to behind their systems. I think I'm the only one who still uses a normal note and pen to read."Janette, can you tell me what i said just now?"I blink and look around to see
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Chapter 55: Janette.
"You read on that before you came to class didn't you?"Leander's voice is one I identify immediately as his and I turn to see him sitting on the chair opposite me. It's lunch time and the cafeteria is bustling with students. I can't see Jane, or Cara, and for some reason that worries me.I know I don't like Jane, but sometimes I get these budding fears concerning her, and most of the time I'm always accurate with the feeling I get.My skin is crawling and I just feel weird."You know it's wrong not to reply to a question asked right?"I shake my head and blink back some of the confusion I'm feeling. I feel really weird today. I look up to see Leander fixing me with a hard stare and I smile back nervously."I'm sorry. I'm just feeling really strange today."He nods and my eyes widen."You noticed?"Leander scoffs and attacks his steak."I'm sure half the school has noticed. You spoke like someone reading what was in front of her in class, I'm sure you made some girl spill her drink o
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Chapter 56: Janette.
Leander helps me change into something else, and it's not really something else as it's his shirt.The short sleeve button-up has me feeling like all the school has their eyes on me, and I'm sure they do because this is so unlike plain ugly Janette."For fuck's sake will you stop moping?"I can hear annoyance in Leander's voice so i stop. There's no need for me to mope when i know i have no power over what Cara does or what she wants to do.What I don't understand is why she would do this? It's not like her. Something has changed."Obviously."I blink because I'm not sure I heard that right. I look at Leander and he has his eyes on the book in front of him, seemingly paying me no attention, but I'm sure he said something just now, didn't he?He smirks and looks up at me."What's the seventh letter of the alphabet?"The way my brain comes up with nothing makes my cheeks heat up. A, B, C, D, E, F...."F. It's an F."Leander chuckles and drops the book in his hand on the table. "It's G
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Chapter 57: Greg.
"She's not in here is she?"I shake my head and let William in through the door. I can tell from the way his shoulders are sagged that he's having a hard time. Good.He should.He settles onto my couch and lets out a sigh. I ignore the feeling i get from hearing that sound and walk over to the kitchen to fix him some tea. His favorite brew has been thrown out, i did that the moment i calmed down and found myself able to think straight. I make another brew instead and take it to him, noticing the frown that lines his face for a quick moment before it's replaced by a complacent look.His black and gold tux stands out on his body and that in turn makes him stand out. I can imagine how plain i am compared to him, in lilac and faded lilac. It looks good on me in a way i know only i can pull off, but it still isn't compareable to black and gold. William's eyes flicker to mine and he drops the steaming mug of liquid carefully. "Purple looks good on you Greg."I nod "Thank you for the
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Chapter 58: Janette.
I get back home to see Greg asleep on the couch, which is odd.He's never fallen asleep on the couch before, and he hasn't changed out of his outfit too.I walk over to see his body sprawled out at strange angles and fear bolts through me for a quick second. I imagine the worst and try not to let my breathing become too fast.He's okay.Greg is okay.He's never slept on the couch before, but who knows? This might be one of the things he does every once in a while.Just because i haven't seen it doesn't mean it's impossible right? "Greg?"I tap his leg a few times and he doesn't stir. I move closer and summon the courage to give him a few soft slaps on the cheek."Greg?""Can't i get some sleep for fuck's sake?"His voice is slurred and groggy and i sigh in relief when he streches and rolls over to sleep on his stomach."You scared me. I thought something had happened to you.""I'm fine Janette. You can see i'm fine can't you?"I want to tell him that i see he's fine. If he wasn't
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Chapter 59: Janette.
"Are you ready for this now?"I nod and Leander settles into his seat for our study session."That's not what we're supposed to read."I look up to see him frowning at me but i roll my eyes instead."I already covered those last night. I'm reading for an audition.""An audition for what? The project is due next month.""And this won't take me a day or two to complete. I'm reading ahead so i can keep up with you. Don't feel worried that i'll slow you down, i can keep up."It's either he's noticed the way my throat seems parched or how my voice sounds raw, but Leander backs off and he doesn't ask me anymore questions.Greg's advice sunk in pretty well and i don't know if i'm capable of carrying it through, but if Cara wants to act the way she's acting now then who am i to stop her. I've seen her three times today and each time she's looked away like the sight of me disgusts her.I want to believe there's something else in the works, but everything seems to be confusing recently and i m
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Chapter 60: Janette.
It's the end of the school day before i get the chance to see Cara again, and when i do she's with Atreau. He's grinning, with his hand around her waist and he's pulling her closer like she's some sort of posession. It sickens me to the bone, and what sickens me the more is the fact that Cara doesn't seem bothered by it.They're out of my sights and almost down the hall when i'm accosted by someone else. Someone i've been meaning to go search for myself.Fredrick smiles as he stands in front of me and i smile back because i want his book."I heard you and Cara are having a bit of a tiff?"I shake my head and let my smile go even wider."We're totally okay to be honest. She's just found someone she has to be with and i guess that's why she's keeping her distance. Atreau doesn't like me so much."He regards me for a second longer than i feel he has to and when i see my chance i go in for it."I actually have a question to ask you professor?"Fredrick blinks and raises an eyebrow up.
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