Semua Bab An Heir for the Arrogant Billionaire: Bab 11 - Bab 20
103 Bab
Chapter 11: An Admirer at the Conference
Sharon had her breakfast in her room: black coffee,orange juice, a couple of rolls with black cherry jam.She may have slept badly but like she had already decided, it was nothing a careful make up job would be unable to hide.She made up and her make up hid most of the evidence of her bad night. She put on the clothes she had delibrately picked which was smoothly tailored dark grey suit, short jacket, straight skirt with a crisp white shirt under it, to make herself fade into the crowd, mostly men, in city suits who would be attending the conference.Even her auburn hair was pulled back austerely from her face but she could do little about her long legs in their sheer black stockings. Men always starred at them. a car was coming at eight-twenty to take Bryan and herself to the hotel where the conference would be held, so she left her room at eight- fifteen.Bryan appeared a moment later, elegant and formal in a dark city suit, red and white striped shirt with a stiff white collar an
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Chapter 12: The Charming German Admirer
'So is there any man in your life', Gerhard asked again as Sharon looked at him saying nothing but smiling.She shook her head.'Not at the moment. Have you met the girl of your dreams yet?'He laughed. 'I keep hoping, but so far not luck'.'Maybe you are too difficult to please!''I have been brought up to expect the best', he agreed with wry amusement. 'No doubt you are right but never mind, I enjoy my life. I'm free, single and love to mingle as they say'.'You still watch that program on TV?''All the time. When I work at home, I have the TV on the music program blaring, it helps me think and keeps with awake during long nights'.'I wonder how people managed before recorded music!'Sharon said thoughtfully.Gerhard told her how his parents had their own personal chamber orchestra.Sharon ate her salad slowly as she listened to him. She had just finished her salad when the delegates started moving away towards the conference hall. The conference was starting again in fifteen minutes'
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Chapter 13: The Conference Dinner
Gerhard stood up as she got to him, kissed her on both cheeks gravely.'Thank you for joining me. All the men are going to envy me tonight, having you for a partner. That dress is very sexy and you look breathtaking in it'.'Thank you, Gerhard', she said sitting down, brushing down her filmy skirts as they hissed silkily around her legs.'Ehat would you have to drink?' he asked summoning the waiter.Remembering what happened with Bryan the previous evening, Sharon ordered a mixture of orange juice and mineral water and stayed off wine all evening.The meal was superb and Gerhard kept her continuously amused and it would have been a wonderful evening had she been unable to see Bryan's face from where she was sitting.By some stroke of bad luck, however, he was seated facing her, on the next table. She had to avoid letting her eyes wander that way or she found herself all too often looking straight at him.Everytime it happened, she felt a strange dizzying lurch, as though her sense of
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Chapter 14: A Most Memorable Night
Sharon looked at him with disgust. He's really got guts. Coming to drag her down for breakfast but she did not doubt that he would do it too. His arrogance was becoming intolerable.'Get your foot out of my door!''Are you trying to get me to lose my temper? Bryan ground out between his teeth.'What happens if you do?' she asked. ' Ate you going to turn into a monster and tear us into pieces?'He wasn't amused, a dark colour went round his face as he said coldly, 'Very funny'.On an impulse, she said, ' You were wrong about Gerhard you know. He was a gentleman all through the evening unlike some people I know'.Bryan laughed without humour. 'But that was because I got you out of there before the evening ended'. His gaze slid from her face to her neck, her shoulders and her breasts.His eyes flared with rage, 'If you had come back here with him in a taxi late at night, looking like that, he wouldn't have just seen you off to your door and said goodnight. That dress is an invitation to
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Chapter 15: A Most Memorable Night (2)
The erotic shock of feeling his fingers in her wet self caused her to get away from him.'I must have been out if my mind', She said, ' I can't.....'She made for the light switch but Bryan caught up with her before she could reach it.'Don't run away from it now, Sharon', he said in a smoky voice, 'Not now that we've got this far. His arms went round her from behind, pulling her back against his half naked body and she shuddered as their flesh touched, skin to skin, the roughness of his hair, the masculinity of bone and muscle imposing themselves, making her conscious of her own femininity.'I should never have let you touch me', she said, as much to herself as to him, hating herself because she felt the undeniable rise of desire again.'You're not a virgin?' he murmured, kissing her neck, pressing himself against her.'What's that got to do with it? I don't just sleep with anyone....''I never supposed you did. I wouldn't want you if I thought that you had', he said and his hands co
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Chapter 16: The Morning After
When Sharon woke the next morning, Bryan was gone and she might almost have thought that she had dreamt the night before except that as she sat up in the bed, she saw a note a note lying on the pillow next to her and recognized his bold and distinctive handwriting.The message was brief, almost curt. 'Breakfast downstairs at seven forty five. B'.That was all it said. He hadn't even said good morning nor even signed with his name, just with an impersonal initial.There was no indication whatoever of the intimacy they had shared the previous night.She ran a fingerprint over the writing,as though she were touching him and felt her inside dissolve completely.She thought of Bryan and images of the memorable night they had ran through her mind and she trembled.She wished that he had stayed behind so that they could have had another session. She knew that if he had still been there, she would have thrown herself at him again. At least she would have been the one to initiate it this time
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Chapter 17: Cold and Formidable
After sitting on the floor for so long and crying her heart out, she realised that she couldn't stay there all day. She had to go down to breakfast because he was capable of coming up to get her and she didn't want that- she didn't want him walking back into her bedroom. The very idea wanted to make her want to throw up again. She showered and put on a dark grey pleated skirt, a lemon shirt, a grey waist coat over that. She combed her auburn hair into an elegant French pleat and did her make up. Clipped neat silver earrings on her ears and the considered her reflection.She wanted to look businesslike, cool and remote.Bryan Ferdinand wasn't going to find any weakness in her today, never again in fact.She had lied to herself for so long, telling herself that she hated him while she was in fact carrying a torch for him. Last night, the torch had set her on fire but it had burnt out now, thankfully, all that was left was blackened earth and emptiness.Now she really did hate Bryan Fer
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Chapter 18: Flight
The drive to the conference hall this time was endless. Sharon wondered when it would come to an end. The venue was not far from their hotel but today, the distance seemed to have increased tremendously. The car was claustrophobic, stifling her and making her feel like screaming, shut up in it with Bryan. His body far too close, every movement he made tearing at her nerves and making her sweat.She was so tense that as they got out of the car to go into the conference, she caught her heel on the Kerb.Bryan put an arm around her to stop her from falling, and as their bodies touched,Sharon had that familiar dizzying sense of the world spinning round her.She pushed him away, trembling and as she did so, caught sight of a dark red graze on the side of his throat, just under his ear.Heat enveloped her as she realised what it was. She had bitten him last night in the last moments of their lovemaking. She hadn't realised that she was leaving such obvious marks. What if someone noticed, m
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Chapter 19: Down with the Flu
Sharon woke up the next morning with a splitting Headache and a temperature, so she didn't have to lie to David when she called him at home.'I flew home a night early, I'm coming down with the flu, started throwing up and it's so hateful being I'll in hotels. I didn't miss any of the conference though, just the ball and Bryan is there to cover everytime that does happen.David was sympathetic. 'Don't worry about it. I think that you did the right thing. I hate being I'll in hotels myself'.'How are you? Feeling any better?' she asked, reminded that he had been ill before they left. In fact that was the reason she had had to go to the conference with Bryan in the first place. How much different she would have felt today if he had gone with her. She broke off a sigh Incase he heard it and started asking questions.I'll be back on Monday. I'm okay', he said. 'Maybe you caught the same bug I had? I hope I didn't give it to you. Have you got a headache?''Frightful one'. But she suspected
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Chapter 20: Having to Deal with Mr. Arrogant
After the call, Sharon went over the Japanese stock market, observing all the shares they held and how they were doing. She had an appointment with a Japanese client that afternoon and wanted to know what she was talking about when she met him.She was coming out of the beautiful building which housed the bank at Lunch time when she saw Bryan strolling towards her from the taxi that had just dropped him.He looked at her and in his head, he thought, 'Look at the lady who made him feel less than what he was. She tries to put me down at all times but she does not know that I cannot be out down. I am like a mountain that cannot be shaken. Instead of allowing myself be put down by the likes of her, I shall cease to be Bryan Ferdinand. She reported sick but there is no sign of the I'll health in her. She looks as cool and as beautiful as ever and I want her desperately but I'll be damned if I'd let her know after hurting my feelings at every turn,by flinching away from me, from my touch bu
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