Semua Bab Dirty Little Secret: Bab 21 - Bab 30
81 Bab
Chapter 21
The late afternoon sun casts a warm golden glow over my body as I step out the hospital doors. I needed to make a pit stop at the bathroom, Lorenzo went a head to fetch the car. I take in a deep breath of fresh air, enjoying the afternoons sun on my face. I have been cooped up in the hospital for way to long and the feeling of freedom is like a balm to my soul.“Hey” Lorenzo’s deep, rich voice calls adding to my good mood. He’s leaning against his black Bugatti La Voiture Noire, with his arms folded across his chest, looking handsome and relaxed in his t-shirt and jeans. “Want a lift baby girl?” A mischievous grin paints his face.A smirk pulls on the corner of my mouth. “Nope, I don’t get in a car with a stranger.” Lorenzo straightens up and a smile spreads across his face as he makes his way to me. “I’m no stranger, baby girl. I’m the man taking you home and writing a whole new road map on every inch of your body, I’ll make you scream my name, like it’s the only one you know as I
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Chapter 22
Sometimes in life, we have to make tough choices. It might not even be the right one at that moment, but the damage is done, and you have to live with it and try to make the best of your decision. "I'll pick you up at six." Lorenzo says as we come to a stop outside Shane's apartment. "Okay." Lorenzo jumps out of the car and walks to my side, to open the door for me. He offers me his hand and with a blush painting my face I gently take it and step out of his car. Lorenzo brushes his lips against my knuckles. "I’ll see you tomorrow night. Rest well baby girl.” I inhale sharply as he lets go of my hand. "Let me get your bag." "Thanks." I stood there on the sidewalk, smiling foolishly at him. Lorenzo grabs the bag from the tailgate and drops it on the floor as he gently cups my face in his hands. "You are so beautiful, Lilly-Ann." He whispers running his thumb over my lips. His touch is so warm, it engulfs my whole being. He gently place his lips on mine, I feel all my worries melt
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Chapter 23
The night grows weary as we come to a halt, outside Starlux Hotel. The people are cued up to enter the luxuries palace all dress in astonishing ball gowns and fancy tuxedos, with glamorous masks covering half of their faces. Rayon hands me a beautiful black mask to match my dress as he straps on his own. Tonight’s event is more like a brag then a charity. A lot of important people are here, throwing their cash around while sipping on very expensive beverages that’s being served as we wait for the doors to open. Finally, after what felt like an hour, the dark wooden doors swings open and a welcoming aroma streams out of the hotel, as the melody of a piano bounces off its walls, greeting its guest with a cheerful and lively song. "Ready?" Rayon asks, holding out his hand to lead me into the dragon’s dungeon."Yup." I give him the best smile I can manage as I take his hand. My heart is sprinting, and I have to admit, I am a bit nervous."Deep breaths." Rayon whispers as he place his h
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Chapter 24
Fear does not stop death, it only stops us from living.My body trembles as a wave of fear washes over me. My hands shaking uncontrollably and my heart is racing in my chest. My eyes start to dart around the room for any sign of danger. I need to get back to Rayon, he needs to know what happened.My body hunches as it is ready to jump in to action, I inhale sharply to calm my nerves, You’ve got this, I tell myself over and over again. As I rise to my feet the Russian woman comes sprinting back in, she is in quite a hurry. Dead focus on the task at hand, she doesn’t even spot me. One of the papers she carried falls to the ground and without thinking twice, I rush to pick it up and make my escape through the curtain where Rayon is still waiting for me.“Ann!” Rayon grabs my arm as I exit. “What happened? You---” He examines me as a concern look pulls on his face. “Ann, Is every thing all right, you look like you just seen a ghost. Come let’s get you some water.”“He killed them.” I mum
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Chapter 25
Regret, yeah that's one thing that comes too late and you can't change it. I can't really say I regret going to the charity last night, but I can say I regret the way I left Lorenzo."Lilly-Ann, Rayon told me what happened last night, did you see anything or maybe got a picture?" Regina asks as I enter her office.I take a seat and let out a sigh. "No, sorry ma'am, I didn't." I know this means we can't use anything until we have hard proof.She narrows her eyes at me. "Lilly-Ann, this job is hard as it is and sometimes, we have to sacrifice a lot to get a story. We need to take risks, go where others don't want to, and ask questions no one else is willing to. That is why there is no room for mistakes, we speak for the people, Lilly-Ann, and we rip the masks off those devils and if you're not strong enough or focused, you'll get trampled. So, you can choose, get your head in the game, or leave my office without a job?" She said dead seriousI look up into those mahogany brown eyes of h
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Chapter 26
Sometimes you need to be naughty, to see how a person will respond and I wanted to be naughty with him.I thought Lorenzo will take me to some fancy restaurant or candlelit dinner on a rooftop, you know like in the movies, but to my surprise, we drove up to his mansion. "Need to pick up more papers?" I ask smiling sarcastically.He lets out a huff and kills the engine. "Come." Lorenzo hops out and walks to my side. "Tonight, we will dine here." He says, reaching his hand out for me to take. Without any hesitation, I place mine gently in his. Lorenzo’s touch is warm and firm but gentle. "Sounds good." I can't stop the butterflies in my stomach, as a foolish smile spreads on my face. "Order in?" I ask as he opens the door to his mansion."Oh no, I'll cook for you, baby girl." Lorenzo gives me a seductive smile as he gently runs his tongue over his upper lip, with a sexy lustful fire dancing in those eyes.Geez, he's hot, rich, and he can cook, what's wrong with the world? We walk to
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Chapter 27
The next morning, I woke up in his bed, next to only the memories of last night's crazy sex. The best sex I ever had in my entire life. My legs are still jelly even after a genuinely nice nap. "Shit." I jump up right, my hair must be a real mess. I started searching for my clothes."Morning, baby girl." Lorenzo strolls in, with only jeans on. Carrying a glass filled with orange juice. "I don’t know how you take your coffee, so I bought you juice." He says placing it on the bedside table. Lorenzo plots down next to me and kisses my forehead. "Did you sleep well?""Uh, yes." I smile sweetly, sipping on the juice as last night’s event plays off in my head. Lorenzo’s phone starts to ring. "Well, shower is in there, you can grab one of my shirts if you’d like." He points towards the bathroom and stands as he plants a kiss on my head, leaving me alone in his huge bedroom, that smells of his cologne. A shower will be great. I grab the black silky sheet and wrap myself in its luxurious e
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Chapter 28
There are times when we wish we can rewind the clock and get back the time wasted on ridiculous people and stupid mistakes, but those are the times that make us or break us. It's all up to you. You are your own worst enemy."Lorenzo!" I storm into the room without even knocking. Lorenzo jumps to his feet and rushes to my side."Lilly-Ann?" He wraps me up in his arms. "What is the matter, baby girl?""I need you to take me to my sister, please." I can feel the tears burning in my eyes."Yeah, come let's go." Lorenzo grabs my hand and pull me out of the office, Jaxon sit still, staring as we exit. His blank expression confuses me, Jaxon looked surprised at first but he didn’t utter a word, was that fear in his eyes or something else?We step into the garage, my eyes widen at his impressive collection. Who needs this many cars? There must be twenty or more, neatly parked cars stack in the garage as they gleam in the dim lit space. Varied of colors and models, from sleek sports cars with
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Chapter 29
The atmosphere is one of constant motion, with reporters typing away at their computers, making phone calls, and interviewing sources. This is the first time the office came to life, like hell, everyone is working even the slackers. A soft chuckle escapes me as my eyes scans over the busy office. Something is up, this is not normal, not for this place at least. I make my way to the elevator. "Great, why must the elevator be out of service today of all days." I pout and start to jog upstairs."What's going on?" I ask Will breathlessly as I reach his desk."Oh, the big boss is coming in today, or should I say the new big boss." Will rolls his eyes. "He some hot shot from England.""What?" I frown, what the hell does he want with a newspaper from New York?"Lilly-Ann!" Regina calls my name but with a hint of anger and irritation in her voice."Well, I need to go." I widen my eyes at Will; he fully understands the, oh shit, expression on my face."Shut the door," Regina says as she gaze t
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Chapter 30
On my way back a light switch on in my head with a great idea. We will go to Del Forno, a nice little cozy pizza place its not utopian, it’s like a friend hang out, I should try to make it feel casual and not demanding. I don’t want to pressure him in to something he doesn’t want. Yeah, Del Forno sound perfect for us at the moment.Driving up to Shane’s apartment, Rayon sits on a bench waiting. I slide out the car and ignore his presence completely. I don’t have time for his self pity speeches and heartless apologies besides I have nothing to say to him. “Ann.” Rayon’s gaze lock on mine and a painful smile pulls on his face. “We need to talk.”“Rayon please just go.” Storming to the entrance, he jumps up and block my path.“Just listen, okay.” He cage me in with his arms, I feel the anger boiling as I roll my eyes at his demand. “You know how you use to talk about our wedding.”“Seriously, Rayon. Have you come here to scratch old wounds?”“No, I just wondered, if
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