Все главы Immortal’s Fire Book 2 English Version: Глава 41 - Глава 50
Chapter 40
Alessia's POVWe were all speechless. All our eyes are on the creature in front of us. It's also strangely similar to Faris who doesn't look like a whole person.He has long black hair. His ears are similar to a dog placed on top of his head, but his face is so human—but unearthly beautiful. His eyes are golden. His body is naked but is covered with lush hair from his waist down. It's like pants made of fur. His body is so ripped. His fingers are long and slim with sharp nails. He's a perfect definition of a human beast.He looks very clean because of his whiteness. Then, he must be the Cerberus, in human form. The scar from his cheek down to his neck is noticeable. I frowned because of the intense familiarity of that scar."Cerberus?" I couldn't stop saying as I stood in front of him. He's towering above me, he and Elijah are the same height. They have the same build and are both unearthly beautiful."I am, child." He answered and it was like a bell in my ears. I frowned and an idea
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Chapter 41
Alessia's POVI was NOT able to speak after my words. Stefano entered the conversation so no answer was given. I didn't force it anymore because I knew it would be pointless to force it. The important thing right now is that we have the relic. But I can't help but harbor a grudge against Sudanni or Erigor.Everyone was happy, except for me who was quiet and did not participate in the fun. I know that Elijah noticed that but he didn't talk to me and let me be quiet for now. It's better this way because I don't want him to pile up the resentment and anger that I can't release.Sudanni also decided to join our remaining mission, going to Mythion. At first, Elijah couldn't believe it, but they agreed. Sudanni didn't give his reason for coming and even though I wanted to know that, I didn't bother to ask. If he wants to inform, Sudanni will tell even if no one asks.We immediately traveled out of Callora Grande. I didn't know there was a way out without jumping or crossing a cliff. There i
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Chapter 42
Third Person's POVThe rain that Honey expected did not come. Instead, dark objects gradually descend. Brings danger and disaster."Get out of here! The demons are coming!" The sentinels screamed and he just turned to the forest when the birds suddenly fluttered there that seemed to be disturbed by the great commotion.Honey quickly ran back to her home fearing for their safety. He opened the door to the hideout and heard the terrible sound of a monster.But he didn't budge there. He quickly went inside and closed the door and it was inside. He saw his brother huddled in a corner turning pale as he also heard the beast's howl."A-ate..." it was just a whisper but the fear could be heard in her voice."Don't be afraid, I will protect you," Honey said and hugged her sister who was shaking with fear.This was the first time that the town of Samona was attacked by demons. Everyone is surrounded by fear and there is no certainty of survival.While outside, the sentinels were confused becau
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Chapter 43
Alessia's POVWho could have thought that death itself will come to me? To take away my soul without any reason? It shouldn't be like this. A reaper only takes a soul if an immortal is dead. I'm very much alive and I'm not dead yet for him to pick up! Have his eyes been defective somehow?"N-no. Why are you taking someone else's soul who's not even dead in the first place!" I couldn't stop screaming. I am very much alive to be treated this way. I am not dead and definitely will not be! This reaper might be dreaming or something.You believe that in this world, you are alive. You are a scarred soul, child. It's time for you to go back to where you are supposed to be. Defying your fate will only cause misery to the living. The reaper said and I backed away because of what he said.I am what? A scarred soul? What does he mean? What does he mean I'm just a fugitive soul? I'm not dead for him to say that. How am I a fugitive soul? Is this reaper crazy so what is he saying?"I am not a scar
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Chapter 44
Alessia's POVI pray that the demon will not enter Honey's ruined house. Because if that happens, I'm sure I'll have no escape. I don't know where Sushi is now I need him. Elijah is impossible to rescue me because of the ongoing crisis and I understand that. They cannot prioritize me especially when the town is in ruins. The majority is more important than one person.I covered my ears with my hands when I heard that the demon seemed to be eating the body of the corpse. My whole body was filled with horror and my tears were unstoppable. I held back my crying because I was afraid that the demons would notice. I want to eat more in fear but I'm more afraid that the demons will notice and I'll be the next one to eat.The smell of blood spread around which made my stomach feel even worse that I wanted to throw up. The blood you smell from an animal used to be different, from the blood you smell from a person being slaughtered.I don't know how long I covered my ears. My tears rolled down
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Chapter 45
Alessia's POVWe got home to the Palace immediately. Elijah made me wear a black hood so I wouldn't attract attention in the palace. I want to rest and if the palace staff sees me I know that my day will not be quiet.Sushi was just following me and the palace staff didn't notice us. They gave more attention to the Sentinels who needed attention because of the dirt on their bodies. Elijah also did not allow me to help with the treatment because he said I had to put myself first. After all, I was not getting enough rest. I can't argue with him anymore because even my body is giving up.I went upstairs because I needed a shower and fell asleep. I don't care if I haven't eaten yet because my tiredness has a stronger influence than the hunger I feel.I immediately entered my room and inhaled the familiar smell of flowers. I immediately took off the black hood and just let it fall to the floor.Estrebelle immediately came out of the bathroom prepared for my arrival."Miss Alessia, your bat
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Chapter 46
Alessia's POVI immediately looked for Elijah to talk to him. I can't rest until I talk to him about going to the festival. I don't even know how I will react if he doesn't agree.I saw Stefano walking and he was carrying a box that I didn't know what was inside. I ran towards him because he didn't notice me."Stefano! What is that for?" I immediately asked him so Stefano turned to me and stopped.I pointed to the box he was carrying so he immediately understood that I was talking about that."Is this? It's for Sudanni. She doesn't eat our normal food and she has to cook her food." He answered me.I blinked. I almost forgot about Sudanni. He disappeared from my mind when there was trouble in Samona. I don't even know if he was in the war or was here first in Valencia."He's not normal, to begin with..." I replied to him. To this day I will still be mystified by Sudanni or Erigor. My sullenness towards him still hasn't disappeared. "Did you see Elijah?" I'll just ask him instead of tal
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Chapter 47
Alessia's POVEveryone is busy preparing for the coming blessing of the moon. I didn't even see Elijah because he was always in the city of Valencia for preparation. After all, that's where the people of Valeria would gather.Samona residents were also temporarily relocated to Valencia while their homes were being repaired. Here they will also celebrate the blessing of the moon.I want to go to the city, to see the preparations being made. I know I didn't say goodbye to Elijah but there's nothing wrong with going out now. It's daylight and there are also many Sentinels scattered around the area."Estrebelle, I want to go to the city," I said to him while standing by my side Sushi was just lying down and his ears immediately moved when he heard what I said. The blessing of the moon is tomorrow and I look forward to witnessing it."But Miss Alessia, the dear king has told you that you cannot go out because the weather is dangerous now." He told me that I was being stopped because of Eli
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Chapter 48
Alessia's POVI quickly turned around and the hooded figure immediately met my eyes. The fact that I had longed to see since I landed here in Wysteria immediately appeared in my mind's eye."L-grandpa..." I whispered and my tears suddenly fell to the side and I quickly approached him to hug him."My grandson..." Grandfather hugged me back. "I'm sorry if I only showed you now. Everything was too complicated so it took me a while." He told me that I could feel in his voice that he was crying.I separated from him while my tears flowed. I don't know how to begin with the number of things I want to say to him."Grandpa, so many things happened...So many questions in my mind that I don't know what the answer is." I promise to sob. Because I have been praying for this scene for a long time. Because of all my questions, only grandpa can answer.He held my hand and pulled me towards a deserted alley."I know there's a lot you want to know. But this isn't the right time and place for you to kn
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Chapter 49
Alessia's POVI drink pumpkin juice that I am not used to tasting. This is what was drunk at this restaurant and everything was delicious while I was restrained from wincing. There is this distinct pumpkin taste that makes me think that I am drinking vegetable juice which I don't like.But I refrained from wincing especially and I was freed and I will be more artistic. I'll just remind myself not to drink pumpkin juice in the future. I know that this is a healthy drink, but it doesn't suit my taste."Miss, let's go back to the palace, they might be looking for us there." Estrebelle is my nanny.I snorted. I haven't gone home yet. I still want to walk and look around. Not every day, I can go to this place."Later. The King is too busy to know we've run away." I promised him and moved my gaze to the center where the blue stone was positioned."But your majesty might be looking for you." It responded to me restlessly."It's not that..." I answered him and I shifted my gaze because sudden
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