Semua Bab Secret Life Of Bianca Star: Bab 11 - Bab 20
112 Bab
Approval, My Ass!
Liam's POV"Get me Derek!" I heard Bianca scream as I exited the dressing room. A wide smirk appeared on my lips. Oh, I would get Derek alright but only after I was done with my toilet business.The look on her face when I had made her realize that her hardened nipple was out in the open and glaring at me like it was beckoning me to stuff it in my mouth and suck the shit out of it, that look was damn priceless.The moment she had turned to me after I had fastened her press studs and was about to leave, my eyes darted to her pink, protruding titty. For some odd reason, I found it a bit amusing but I didn't say anything at first. I glanced away and focused on her blood red, gloss coated lips instead, the way they moved while she talked crap.It hadn't been up to a week since I began working as Bianca's bodyguard but she was already getting on my nerves. I couldn't help but wonder how her other bodyguards could put up with her bitchiness. Or perhaps they had it easy since they didn't hav
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I Wanted Him!
Bianca's POV14 minutes! 14 whole minutes passed and I stood in the dressing room waiting for my idiot bodyguard, Liam to come back. I wondered what he was doing. How long did it take to use the fucking restroom? And how long did it take to inform Derek about my wardrobe malfunction and get him to come fix it?I thought about phoning Derek and speaking to him myself about it since it seemed my bodyguard couldn't even do the one little I asked him to. But I hastily pushed that thought aside. Why would I? Why would I do that when I had already asked someone to? I decided that I'd wait.And that was how I waited in the room for almost an eternity. I was infuriated at one point. I made up my mind to get out of the place and go look for my incompetent bodyguard."He's better got a hell of a good reason to keep me waiting," I muttered to myself angrily.No one kept Bianca Davies waiting and I meant no one. Wasn't Liam aware of this? There was still a lot for him to learn. I'd be more than t
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Hatred In My Heart
Liam's POVThere she was, posing for her shots. I was psyched she was already going through with the dumb lingerie photo shoot. I didn't want to stay a minute longer in this place. But then, this was what Bianca Davies was; photo shoots, interviews, fashion shows and all other modelling crap. If I wished to keep my job, I'd have to put up with all of it.If I wish for my plans to work, I need to be patient towards it all. All for the greater good… and for my plans. Bianca had almost everyone gawking at her while she did what she knew how to do best. Seeing the looks she was giving and judging by her facial expressions, she must have been thinking she was some kind of goddess. Well, maybe she was to some people. But that wasn't my priority. That wasn't what I was after. I wanted Bianca but for something else. I noticed how she relished the attention she was getting and I looked away when our eyes met. I wasn't going to give her the satisfaction of thinking I was just as crazed about
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Who Was That Woman?
Liam's POV"Liam! It really is you!" The woman screamed again as my gaze met hers. She rushed forward beaming to the gills over to where I still stood, frozen and thinking about how long it had been since we last crossed paths. "Oh Liam!" She mouthed when she was just few inches away from me and wrapped her arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug.Ariana...I didn't hug her back, I couldn't bring myself to but I didn't push her away either. I just let her keep me in her embrace for a few seconds before bringing my hands to her shoulders, indicating that she needed to let me go. Ariana released me almost reluctantly and let her bright blue eyes roam around my face as if searching for something and then they went raking all over my body."How have you been, Liam? Do you know how long I've been looking for you? It's like you vanished into thin air. I looked for you everywhere. You even changed your number and you moved without telling me!" She went on yapping and I wished in that ver
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It's Personal
Bianca's POVAs if it wasn't enough that the fool, Liam totally disregarded my existence and relevance throughout my photo shoot and was only concerned about the bullshit Melissa's friend was feeding him with, he stood outside my car and was busy talking to some random woman who I assumed was not just a friend.That son of a bitch!While I was waiting for Liam to come and drive me out of here, he was so lost in his conversation with the woman that he probably forgot he had someone waiting for him in the car.I watched as she was all over him, touching him like he was her man and no one else's. The way she hugged him made my blood boil and I was agitated. I observed as he didn't even make any attempt to break the embrace and just let her press her body against his, particularly, her breasts against his chest.Could she be his girlfriend?The girl was ginger-haired, slightly short and had flawless, fair skin. From what I saw, she had really large boobs that were only partially covered b
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It's So Hot
Bianca's POVIt was a very hot, boring afternoon. I had a free schedule today so instead of chilling outside my house, I made up my mind to go for a swim. I put on a flowery-patterned baby pink bandeaukini which was actually a bandeau bra and a panty that revealed a lot of skin and accentuated my curves.I let my hair down and slowly entered my swimming pool. I immersed my body into the cool, refreshing water, burying myself in it for a while before emerging. I took in a deep breath and went in again, swimming back and forth in the architectural pool.It had been quite long I had a swim. I didn't use to be much of a swimmer before. As a matter of fact, I used to be slightly scared of water while growing up but I had to overcome my fear when I took up a role in an action movie. There was a scene where my character had to swim to evade the bad guys that were chasing her. It was my first action movie and every minute of filming was thrilling.With a budget of $100 million, that movie had
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I Don't Want To Ruin Your Fun
Bianca's POV"Liam?" I asked myself in my head. "What is he doing here? Isn't he supposed to be home or something? It was the weekend. And how long has he been watching us, watching me getting fucked wildly in the swimming pool? And why the hell is he just standing there still?"I had a bazillion questions whelming my brain as Liam's gaze was still stubbornly fixed on the live porn that played out before his unbelieving, beautiful deep grey eyes. At that awkward moment, I wondered what was going through that head of his. It wouldn't be too much of a wishful thinking to say he was probably enjoying the scene and contemplating whether or not to join in the fun and make it one hell of a ménage á trois, now would it?I had never had a threesome before nor had I ever considered it. But seeing Liam standing there looking so hot in a black shirt and black pants and staring at us as we were fucking in the water made me find the idea quite appealing. How awesome would it be to let two sex mach
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My Girlfriend Is Gonna Kill Me!
Liam's POVIt was a Saturday, my free day from Miss Bitchy. I had told her I'd be leaving before she even woke up that morning and she didn't have any objections. Why would she? It was this live-in bodyguard's day off after all. And I would have kept to my word and did just as I said I would but I had a petty fight with my fiancée over the phone.It was one of her useless tantrums and nonsense bickering that had started over the issue of my job. Apparently, she wasn't comfortable with the idea of me working as Bianca Davies' bodyguard and even worse, a live-in one. I did get her point but I made it clear to her time and time again that I was as faithful as a nun and would not do anything to jeopardize our relationship.I had to remind her the reason I started working as Bianca's bodyguard in the first place, how important it was for me and pleaded with her to have some faith in me. She of all people knew well how much I cherished our relationship and had never entertained the thought
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Don't Leave... Please, Stay.
Liam's POVBianca was unbelievable. When I told her that I had something important to say to her, she was extremely surprised I couldn't wait until after to tell her. I insisted on telling her only after she was done taking up Kevin's dick like a real bitch out in the open.I was dazed when she asked me to join her and Kevin. I knew she was crazy but I didn't see that one coming. As much as the idea sounded appealing, I didn't like sharing my women. Yeah, I was that greedy. And there's no way I was going to cheat on my fiancée, never.I didn't seem like a faithful romantic but I was. I had never cheated on anyone before and I planned on keeping it that way. And even if I were to cheat on my fiancée, it would certainly not be with someone like Bianca Davies.I left Bianca and Kevin to carry on with their humping. I turned my back on them and they didn't mind that I stood there. Kevin fucked her to the edge and she cried out, moaning like she'd never been fucked better. When they were d
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I Don't Want....
Liam's POV"Don't leave. Please stay," Bianca whimpered as she clutched my left arm, trying to stop me from taking any further step.I examined her for a minute. Her countenance had changed drastically. She didn't act like just a while ago she was relishing the feel of Kevin's pipe in her hole. She didn't even seem like the haughty, bitchy Bianca I worked for. She looked gloomy and pained. I had never seen her this way before. With the way she constantly held her head up high and carried herself, I didn't think she had it in her to ever feel or appear this way.I didn't like this at all. I wasn't used to seeing her like this and I didn't want to get used to it. I didn't like what I felt as I saw her this way. If seeing her sad like this made me feel some type of way, how on earth would I be able to complete my mission here then?I couldn't let this get in the way of doing what I came to do. I had come too far to quit now, too far to begin second-guessing. I'd never stop for any reason
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