Lahat ng Kabanata ng A Breeder For The Alpha King : Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
101 Kabanata
First time
I was in that room again, with the difference that I didn't feel like I was waiting for the King, but for Johannes.We were closer and I felt more comfortable with him. Of course, I didn't forget why he was next to me, why I wasn't either executed or sent to the mines or any other place of hard work. He wanted a son, an heir of Alpha blood.The lights weren't off like the last time, which gave me the opportunity to really look around. The room was magnificently large and beautifully decorated. Much more than the room I was staying in.The curtains that descended from the high ceiling were cream colored with gold embroidery. The top part, the skirt of the curtain, was reddish, with a fringe of gold. The bed was huge, and I already knew that. The bedding was impeccably white, fluffy, with a bedspread intricately threaded with gold, a work of art. Reddish rigs with gold fringes were all over the floor and the whole room smelled like absolutely nothing.However, I knew that Johannes was a
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“Is something wrong, my dear?” Nanna asked. I squeezed the letter in my hands."He traveled." I felt Nanna's hand on my shoulder as soon as I spoke. She gave me a light squeeze."Problems?"“He just said there was an emergency and he needed to travel with some Rangers.” I sighed. Johannes and I didn't speak to each other after… After. And I felt very insecure. He must not have liked it. He left me alone, left upset and never came back to look for me. Not even our dinner, which was already part of my routine. Something I looked forward to every day.“Don't be like that, my dear.” She said and stroked my hair like she always did when I was little. "He will come back."“What if he doesn't want to talk to me anymore? I mean… We did that and he left unhappy.”“Honey, don't be like that. He wouldn't have been so patient and friendly if he didn't like you at all. As the King and your owner, he could have forced you, which he didn't.”That was both true and totally confusing. "I don't unders
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A note
I walked into the office and took a deep breath. I didn't like going there at all. It was extremely stressful for me. The fact that I had to spread my legs and let an unknown male - no matter how gentle he was - handle me down there was more than humiliating.“Rest assured, Miss Whelan. I will try to be as quick as possible.”It was really a shame that the human pregnancy tests didn't work on us. A pity, really. It would make our life a lot easier. I knew humans did blood tests too, but… It wasn't used in our world, let alone the world of the Royals. They didn't accept using practically anything from humans. Also, we would need a laboratory of our own, since if we let our blood fall on human hands, they would know about us. And humans could be greedy. I felt the discomfort of the touch and closed my eyes.“Relax… Or it will be worse.”Did he think it's easy? What the hell. I held my tongue so I didn't give a proper answer, but deep down I knew he's just doing his job and trying to do
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Stay with me
His… his bedchamber? But wait a minute! We were in the room connected to this one, so…“Johannes, wait… But I was…” I looked behind me, as if I could see through the door which was already closed.“Yeah. I asked them to place you in the Queen’s bedchamber.” He said and I saw his Adam's apple go up and down. He was nervous.“But why?” I asked and his orange eyes gleamed at me.“We were producing the heir of the throne. Technically, there is where I should take my Queen to have intimacy for the first time.”“I am not your Queen.” I insisted. It all made no sense.Johannes licked his lips and approached me. He was too tall and I had to look up, while he put a strand of my hair behind my ear.“Would you like to be?” He asked and I froze.Johannes has been very friendly and polite and… passionate, but I didn't know to what extent this is just an act. Yes, I was falling him, but I remembered at that moment how he left the room after our first time, how he disappeared and I didn't buy the ex
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Something smells bad
“Are you okay, Casey?” Johannes asked while we ate lunch.“Huh? Sorry, I…”"Are you worried about something?" He asked again, putting down the cutlery, "Did something happen? Has Imara disturbed you again?"I know I shouldn't but my mouth was faster than my brain."Do you like her?" I asked and saw that Johannes, who had the wineglass in his hand, stopped halfway to his mouth and looked at me with a cold gaze.“I wouldn't say that the proper term would be that. Like her." He said and continued to raise the glass to his mouth.“It's just… You seem to dislike her at times, but you stick with her.” I had already started to ask, so the best thing would be to get rid of all the doubts in my heart right away.I liked Johannes, but I didn't want to keep kidding myself that he liked me too. If he liked the wicked Imara, it would be impossible for him one day to nurture more than affection for me.Johannes took a deep breath and set his glass down on the table.“Casey, I can't get rid of her y
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I do
I clenched my fists, not wanting to believe what I had just overheard. Johannes was, indeed, just playing me. He was pretending to be nice, but in fact, he hated me. I knew from the beginning I should have never believed his words, his kindness. I should have never let myself get too deep into this sort of relationship we had. And I must say, he was a good actor. I left with the utmost care as not to be heard and I knew where I had to go. I had never visited that part of the castle, because even though Morgan lived there, so did Imara. And, to my own surprise, she was the person I had to talk to. “Please, I need to talk to Concubine Imara.” I asked the guard and he looked at me puzzled, but didn’t deny my request, going inside the room. I waited for what it seemed like forever, but finally, the door opened again and there she was, wearing a black robe, looking like what he thought she was: a Queen. Well, she could be Johannes’s Queen for all I cared. Ok, not all I cared, because
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I love you
“Are you sure this is going to work, my dear?” Nanna asked me, her eyes full of worry. “Or better, are you sure that is what you want?” “Nanna, I have told you again and again: Johannes is pretending to like me!” I told her one again. I didn’t know why, but she was taking it hard to believe that Johannes was a liar. “Maybe you overheard it wrongly. DId he say your name?” “No. But no need! Who is the daughter of the traitor that he has been having contact with? Who is the daughter of the traitor who he had been acting all nice with?” I asked Nanna again and took her hand. “Nanna, I am this person. You know it!” Even so, Nanna was still with those eyes, as if we were missing something. “I hope you are right, my dear, because if not, you’ll not only put yourself in danger, but also, you’ll be betraying Johannes trust.” She said and I felt a tightness inside of my chest. “He trusts so much in you that he let you sleep beside him, inside his own bedchamber. He let you stay there all b
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The crave
The pack I came from, the Nightstar Pack, wasn't close to the sea, although we had a small lake nearby. I always wanted to see the sea. It was a childhood dream and, after my anger for the King's lands had passed and I learned that, in fact, the sea was so close, I wanted very much to go see it.Johannes promised me that one day he would go with me, but only when he was sure it was safe, as the lands had been plagued by rogues and other creatures. And I waited.And to think that my first contact with that blue immensity would be diving into it because I was running away from the royal guards and the King himself, it was crazy! If someone had told me it was going to be like that, I would have said that the person who suggested it needed to be institutionalized!Even though Zaila knew how to swim, jumping over the slope was difficult, as that was where the waves broke. Strong though she was, Nanna was already of a certain age and it would be foolish of me to believe that she could manag
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Escape route
Normally, I should be happy to be able to conceive for the king. Every concubine will surely be, but why does it feel like a curse this time? Even though I am happy about it, I still have a feeling that this is extremely odd. Xxxxxxxxx Why did I let her escape with the stranger? Who is that stranger? His scent seems familiar, and this sure is not the pure will of Casey. I know her well enough to know that she wouldn't have dared to jumbo into the ocean in such a way. "There is some sort of foul play somewhere; I need to get to the bottom of this," I said to myself. Calling out, I beckoned for Xavier, one of my trusted men, to come over. "My lord, here I am," he said as he bowed before me. "So far, have you heard any reports about Casey and Nanna?" I asked. I'm sorry, my lord; after you left the search party yesterday on the ocean, we found some footprints and followed them for some time. But suddenly the footstep stopped leading to nowhere; I believe that was on purpose. "Someo
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"Perhaps he seeks my assistance solely to maintain his reputation, but there must be more to it than that." It seems unlikely that he would go to such lengths just to save face in front of the townspeople. I can't help but wonder if there is something deeper motivating him. As for Joshua's possession of the weapon, it is certainly a cause for concern. The Alpha only wields it in times of war, and even then, it is kept secret from the outside world. How did Joshua come to acquire such a powerful and deadly tool? It's possible that he has connections to some of the most dangerous and influential people in the region. The fact that he is able to control these soldiers is another indicator of his considerable power. It takes a strong leader to command a group of men like this, and it's clear that Joshua possesses that strength. But what other skills and abilities does he possess? "It's clear that he is not an ordinary man, and I am intrigued to learn more about him." Xxxxxxxxx "With he
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