Semua Bab Her Reincarnation: Bab 31 - Bab 32
32 Bab
THIRTY ONE"I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear." NELSON MANDELAGUINEVEREThe torturing had been going on for quite a while now and every time I was cut I healed back, it almost seemed like I was healing quicker with every cut. I did not understand this and I was pretty sure neither did my captors who were…well looking at me with a look of surprise and concern on their faces.I felt every pain inflicted on me but it was almost like I was feeling it from another body, there was something wrong with me and it had to do with Katherine. I knew they did not want me dead if not they would have driven a stake through my heart already; they wanted answers I could not provide and I also wanted damned answersI wondered why I was being loyal to the Duke, was he even looking for me? Did he even care enough? Why was I trying to protect him what kind of loyalty was I feeling
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THIRTY TWO"Love is like a sudden flame; it springs up in the heart and often consumes the whole being in a moment." HONORE DE BALZACTHE DUKEWe walked stealthily to the place we had seen in the vision, I could see that it had been made into a garden and in the garden were two cottages. I signaled on Henry to follow closely behind me as I did not want to alert them of our presence.We hid watching when we saw somebody come out of one of the cottages, I instantly recognized her as the new maid the one that worked personally for GuinevereSo it was she who had stolen Katherine's body, I thoughtWe watched her until she had gone into the second cottage before advancing to the first and true to what I thought Guinevere was tied there, her eyes closed at first and I thought she was dead until she moved, opening her eyes. I rushed over to meet her but she was looking beyond me at something or maybe someone.It was then in dawned on me that I had walked into a trap, there was a man standin
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