Semua Bab Lycan Healer: Bab 51 - Bab 60
139 Bab
51 Miscommunication
"Your smile looks beautiful," Zena commented after seeing me smile widely. Even if she rudely pointed at my lips, I still continued to smile because I was already in my best mood. She then said, "I hope you keep smiling. If you want to, I can help you escape this place." and that statement automatically makes me frown."Do I look like someone who wants to escape? I like it here. I love Winston!" I exclaimed.I am glad that she is not the love rival that I was worried about, but what is this? Why is she trying to separate us again? Why does she always make me feel worse?Am I too insecure about her that everything she does makes me feel irritated?I thought we were fine now. Why does she need to retract my bad impression of her?"You love him? Why would you love him?" She asked in shock, which I don't get at all. Isn't it obvious? Winston is a lovable Lycan! He is strong, handsome, and reliable. He is the best leader of the clan. He is still lacking as a father, but he is working it ou
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52 Drain it out
Every person wants to be understood according to their own perspective.Most of the time, misunderstandings occur when one party misconstrues the actions or words of another and reacts accordingly. So whose fault is it? Mine for not being clear, or her for not understanding me? Well both.I want to hide sh*t from her, and she expects sh*t from me, which is why we couldn't really connect.However, now I'm really going to lose my sh*t because of this misunderstanding. I think she's mistaking things on purpose, and that also really pisses me off, because I believe she's essentially doing that to cause conflict and chaos.Maybe she's doing this to turn Winston down. She wants his position, right?What kind of trick is she trying to do?Miss Zena, you are a lycan! You shouldn't do such vile things that don't fit your beautiful appearance!It's infuriating that I am getting close to being kicked out of the territory again because of her.With the current treatment I've received from Winston
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53 Bad at math
"Papa, this is tiring. I want to stop." I heard my baby whining, but I couldn't move or open my eyes. What's going on? Who's hurting my son?I then heard Winston's tired voice, gently saying, "Please don't stop yet."My son and husband are probably talking near me. I could hear their voices clearly. However, why do both my husband and son sound tired? Who exhausted my moonpies?Wait? What happened again? Why am I lying here with no energy?I was trying to recall why I was lying like a dead person again when suddenly my son yelled too close to my ears. Maybe he is lying beside me or sitting close to me. I don't know for sure because the only sense that I have recovered is my hearing."I don't want to give my blood anymore." William yelled. "It hurts!""Please, William. Mama won't live if you stop.""But it hurts!"I flinched at hearing their conversation.Am I the reason why they sound tired and in pain?Did I collapse and go into a coma again? What about giving blood?Blood? What is s
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54 Muscles over Brain
The spell that Levitra planted inside William won't harm any part of my son's body. He is more like the carrier of the spell—the one who will weaken the defense within the barrier-protected territory of the Lycans.I don't know if it has its timer set before activation or if there's a healer who'll activate it. One thing I must do is negate the effect, or at least delay its activation, so the Lycans can prepare for the attack.For centuries, the Lycans relied solely on the sturdy barrier that their founder created. It is the only wall that the healers could not break and the only territory they couldn't infiltrate. The Lycans are strict about who they welcome to their territory. Most of the other races that can enter it are humans, because they pose no threat to the wolves at all. But for the healers, our scent alone could make a wolf growl.
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55 The War
As usual, it's painful and frustrating to see how my beautiful lycans refuse my help and presence. I would normally give up and simply find another way to help, but that doesn't apply to the current situation.If I give up and simply return to my room, my lycans would get hurt, and worse casualties may occur.I don't want that to happen! I want this race to be safe and not lose its number. I prefer it if they keep reproducing!It's pretty obvious that this situation is a threat to their race. How can I sit still? I even used my wings, which I rarely use, just to help them, but they still refused my help!They still looked at me with hostility, as if I were more dangerous than the healers standing outside their territories. Did my enchanting wings not work on them?Well, we are more like monsters craving their flesh, so I can't really blame them."It will be easy for them to kill you if you all go out in an open space! That is what those healers are attempting to do—ambush you! Like I
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56 Falling & Rising
The moment I heard my wings ripping off my back, it triggered my heart into rage. As if after I heard a snap, my mind went blank, and all I could think of was to rip all the wings off the healers who ripped my wings off."Bastards! I will kill you all!" I loudly declared. I could no longer feel my wings, but I remained in the air. I used the other healer's body so I could continuously ride on them while I split and slashed their necks.I hate being a healer, but I never hated my wings. I took good care of it and treasured it. It was so elegant and beautiful that I hoped no one would scratch it, but they ripped it! They fucking ripped it!"She's gone mad! Hurry, kill her! Ack!"I killed the noisiest one. I keep attacking everyone, but their number is something I can't really deal with on my own. I am also missing one arm. It takes time to grow them again, so maybe I might not only lose my wings here? Maybe I'll die too.My confidence when I bravely shoot myself up to the flocks of heal
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57 End of War
"Every lycan life is important!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I grabbed the two motionless lycans as I insisted on not leaving them to die. But despite my will of protecting them all, another lycan fell close to us and breathed so hard that it felt as if his life was being pulled out of him.I cried even louder in frustration.I feel so powerless to even take care of one of them.I thought I could protect them as long as I stood beside them. Only now have I realized that being alone is not enough."Leave them be. Let's go!" Sir Vitto yelled.He pulled me away from the two dying lycans, and he put me on his shoulder before he kicked the ground to dash away from the center of the chaos. Thanks to this action, I realized what I should do."Sir Vitto! Please bring me back to William!""Why?""He can heal me! I need to return fast to my peak so I can fight again!" I exclaimed.Sir Vitto hesitated for a moment before he changed his direction and ran toward Winston's mansion. However, on
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58 The Hero
I remember back when I still couldn't enter Lycan territory or even stand beside them, I always fantasized about how I could impress them.I always have these scenarios in my head, thinking that if I keep supplying them with my resources, they will appreciate my existence.There are times I daydream of them looking at my wings with sparkling eyes.I sometimes fantasize about seeing them look at me with a wide smile and welcome me with open arms.I always have this wishful thinking that my paradise would always be in the arms of the beautiful creature—lycans.I always crave their affection and acceptance. And even the simple word of thanks could bring me so much happiness if, even once in my life, they would grant me such a gift.However, I did receive such thanks from them, but why do I still feel worse?"Thank you."The Lycan woman, whose name I still don't know, expressed her heartfelt gratitude. She looked at me with such a warm and gentle expression as she returned my wings.It ma
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59 Mother-in-law
"Can you rebuild it?" I asked. I was surprised to hear that such a sturdy and ancient barrier can be rebuilt after being destroyed, so out of curiosity, I asked, "Is this some kind of Lycan's secret?" with sparkling eyes.Winston smiled at me before he commented, "Your energy is back." He patted my head. "You now have the energy to be curious."He let go of hugging me, and he started ordering around the lycans. It's nice to see that the lycans remain on their feet and are still in order, but Winston is back to ignoring my question again.Tsk. If only he were not needed in the restoration of the barrier and leading the lycans, I would insist on knowing."May I help you?"I was startled when a hand with black fur suddenly extended toward me. Before turning to face the person who had been too kind to assist a healer like me, I slowly took hold of the hand."May I know your name?" I asked because the lycan who was supporting me to stand up was the lycan woman I helped a while ago and the
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60 The Barrier
"Why are you so quiet? Are you tired? Should I take you back to the mansion?" Wynnzen—I mean, my mother-in-law continues to act kind and concerned toward me. She treated me as if I were not the reason her son became a mess. She treated me kindly, even if I was one of the reasons why their territory was in chaos. I discovered her identity thanks to the soldier who informed me about her. Yet I can't speak out, and I feel awkward. No wonder; her name sounds familiar. She's Winston's mother! However, if you looked at her, she looked so young, thinking she's Winston's mother. I know my bitchy mother Levitra also looked young, but my villain mother had to eat lycans so she could be beautiful despite being a four hundred-year-old bitch. For Wynnzen, I bet her young and fresh look is definitely a natural beauty! "Hello? Are you sick?" Wynnzen waved her hand in front of my face because I was in a daze from her beauty. I shook my head before I could respond to her. "Ah. I am not sick. I
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14 Protection Status