บททั้งหมดของ Taming the Devil: บทที่ 21 - บทที่ 30
Hard choices.
Ryan POV: She was looking so beautiful in that little dress which she was wearing. I intend on apologizing to her for my behaviour at the party but my throat turned bitter when she stood beside Zayn after I choked him. She was worried about him and did not bat an eye although my ribs were killing me as Zayn had punched me brutally. I came to my room after dinner because I got a call but soon I was surprised to see her standing at my door. Damn! If that didn't turn me on. When she came to my room.... I had all kinds of erotic thoughts in my head. However, when she told me why she was here, I felt like my head was blown off. What the fu*k was she telling me? She is with my child? I wanted to shake her really hard so she would come back to her senses.... most importantly I wanted to ask why she let me come inside her when she wasn't on birth control, but my mouth was tied. I was already rude to her by telling her to abort the child. The piercing pain I witnessed in her eyes, it ma
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A mere attraction?
Anastasia POV:On our way back home, none of us said a single word. However, from time to time, Mom and Dad's sighs would fill the air and each time, I felt really guilty for disappointing them. The embarrassment which they have faced tonight because of me, it was killing me from inside. In fact, I would feel better if they would shout or yell at me but the silent treatment which they are giving me, that's really painful. "I am sorry." I whispered after we arrived home. "We will talk later, Ana. Have some rest." Dad said to me and they made their way to their bedroom while I stood there for a long time. My feet started to hurt but my mind was still clouded with his thoughts. Shock, fear, hate, surprise, disdain and pain... I have witnessed it all in his eyes tonight. He was right, I am the one at fault here. I was the one who encouraged him to have s*x with me. Even though he stopped in the middle, I continued to urge him to finish what he started. Tears rolled down my eyes and I
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Sole power.
Ryan POV: I spent the whole night smoking and drinking. Still, it wasn't enough to dominate the fire that is burning inside me. I still can't believe that she is pregnant. At least she should have let me know if she wasn't on contraception. I would have been more careful. But I should also have thought about it. 'She was a virgin, you di*khead.' My thoughts scolded me and I exhaled deeply. "I am the one at fault here." I announced the verdict and put the cigarette butt in between my lips and took a long drag of it. When I exhaled, the smoke surrounded me and it calmed my nerves to some extent. 'Why the hell is she so hell bent on giving birth to it? Can't she just get rid of the problem and make it easy?' I sighed and went to the balcony. I leaned on the railing and lit another cigarette. 'Dad just started to recognize my efforts at work. She does not have to ruin everything for me. I will never forgive her for the humiliation that I have faced because of her.' I made up my min
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Author's POV:Alex Weaver and Chris Logan decided to have dinner together. They needed to discuss the matter involving their children. Because Ana has made her decision clear and Alex Weaver has given an ultimatum to Ryan, it was a matter of time when they will cave in to the wishes of their parents. "I am really sorry, Chris. I did not expect things to be this way." Alex sighed and said to his friend.Chris took a sip from his wine and put the glass back on the table, "This isn't your fault. We cannot always handle our children." He assured him that it is fine and this event will not affect their friendship. "Katherine and I really like Ana. Ever since we saw her at the inauguration ceremony, there was definitely something that pulled us closer to her and Katherine, she wouldn't stop talking about how admirable she is." Alex started, "What happened.... we did not have any control over it but we can straighten out the rest of the things." "What do you mean?" Chris could understand
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Peanut sized thing.
Anastasia POV:I picked up a black pencil skirt and a blue blouse for the day. Yeah, I better wear these clothes now before I won't fit into them. I took a shower, changed my clothes and tied my hair in a neat bun. A perfect office-y look.I smiled as I looked at my tummy. I feel relieved since everyone knows about the baby now. Mom and Dad are also taking great care of me. They couldn't stay mad at me for more than 12 hours and now they are even more excited than me for the baby. They want to see their grandchild ASAP. However, I also got nervous. Ryan will be coming to my office today and I don't know how I am going to talk to him about marriage. 'It will be fine.' I assured myself and grabbed my things to leave. "I will not let you go on an empty stomach." Mom appeared out of the thin air and threatened me. "Mom, I am feeling queasy. Can we not do this today?" I helplessly tried to get away. Although I understand their concern for me still, I kind of regretted telling them the
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Hardcore feelings.
Ryan POV:When I came to talk to her, I was definitely in favor of marriage with her but the conversation took another turn and she got offended as I called the baby a peanut sized thing. I can't believe that she has gotten so attached to something which she hasn't seen yet. The pain which appeared on her face made my heart clench in my chest. Furthermore, something inside me stirred when I saw her retching. She was going through more than what I have. "Let's get married." It did not take me more than a few seconds to reach this conclusion. But I made it clear that I cannot be bound to a loveless marriage for an entire life. "You are right, Ryan. It is necessary for us to get married. For the baby, for our companies but later things will be different. If we ever want to separate from each other... I am sure our parents will understand us." She added and I could not agree any less with her. "You are smarter than what I thought." I teased her. She groaned and rolled her eyes. "Wha
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His way of care.
Anastasia POV: The news that Ryan and I have decided to marry spread like a wildfire in our families and when I came back from the office, Mom informed me that Katherine is coming to our place. "Why?" I asked Mom with my usual widely opened eyes. Mom glared at me, "What do you mean.. why? She wants to talk to you. You are going to be her daughter in law." She showed me the mirror of reality while my lips were tightly sealed."Mom, this is so sudden. Can't you guys give me some time to adjust first?" I almost pleaded with her. "Ana is right. We shouldn't force her." Dad chimed and I gratefully looked at him. He winked but we were forgetting here that the ultimate power at Logan's residence is Grace. "I can't ask her not to come." She announced. The little twinkling hope I had, it died down. I sighed and grabbed my things before going to my room. There is so much going on in my life at the moment that I can't comprehend which thing needs my attention more. I took a shower, dried m
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Woman he slept with.
Anastasia POV: Today, I had a meeting with Delilah. Till now, all of my work has been limited to working on the designs. I never got a chance to meet people and talk. So, now I was pretty excited about selecting the ambassador for my brand. "Miss. Logan, Delilah Smith is here." Samuel informed me and then I saw a tall and fairer than the moon figure. She walked into my office with confidence and looked around until her gaze settled on me. Her blonde hair was open and she wore heavy makeup. Furthermore, the short royal blue colored dress she was wearing... It was beautiful but it was short for the meeting. I ignored that and offered my hand for a shake. "Anastasia Logan." I introduced myself. Her pupil dilated. Because of what reason? I don't know. But she took my hand, "Delilah Smith." "Good to see you. Please have a seat." I settled on the sofa while she sat on my left hand side. "Actually, I have no idea about how the entertainment world works so I did some research on you."
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Anastasia POV:I have never hated anyone in my life as much as I am hating Delilah Smith right now. Today, we were supposed to have a shoot with her. But there were no signs of that woman. Everyone was on standby but the model was nowhere to be seen. If she wouldn't come here in 3 more minutes, I was sure that I would go and crack open Ryan's skull to introduce her to me. It would have been a lot better if I simply hired a rookie rather than an A-listed model. They all are good for nothing and all they know is how to give attitude. "What should we do, Miss. Logan?" The photographer came to me with a pitiful face. I was blowing with rage now. She is 2 hours late. "Samuel, have you called her?" I called him over."Yes, Miss. Logan. I did but she is not answering her call." Samuel wryly told me. I clenched my teeth really hard."Let's wait another 15 minutes. If she will be here, get to work. Otherwise, call it a day." I had no other choice but to make a decision. We weren't so free to
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Anastasia POV:I wanted to take a day off today, however an important meeting with the manufacturer came up and I couldn't postpone it. "Miss. Logan, I have noticed that most of your new designs are based on diamonds. It will be really hard for us to use them in every single piece as the prices of the raw material in the market have raised drastically." Mr. Martin, the head of the manufacturing company shared his thoughts with me. Since, I haven't made so much profit to invest on my own in the new collection, I needed help from someone to cover the cost. Furthermore, what I earned from the launching collection, I invested it into opening an outlet and paid a little sum to Ryan. Once again, I was back to the square with the money issue. I contemplated what to do. "Oh God, you named it as diamonds in the sky." He exclaimed. Most of the designs are based on astronomy so, I squeezed my brain to come up with it. "What do you propose, Mr. Martin?" I leaned back and asked him seriously.
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