Semua Bab A Night With The Porn Star: Bab 21 - Bab 30
188 Bab
I don't do cuddles
My heart fell into my stomach at the sight of her leaving his room, knowing exactly what they had just done. I know I shouldn't feel angry or jealous but I was. Very much so. Drake and I weren't obviously a couple. He was a porn star, I knew it but I'd like to think he was sleeping with only me right now.Hell, whom am I kidding? Look at him! I'd be crazy to think a man like him was a one woman kind of man. Pulling my robe tighter around myself, I went to see the deck, looking out at the quiet, dark ocean that expanded for miles on end. The moonlight cast a perfect reflection in the calm waters, making me think about the night I ran from Jason. That was the darkest night of my life and I never wanted to relive it. I came to Florida hoping to start a new life, and here I was getting wrapped in another man and letting my emotions take over. My promises to myself were shot to shit now and I was the only one to blame for it. How could I have let this happen?!"Hey.I jumped at the sound
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Passionate kiss
"sorry, not sorry? I laughed out."Oh, really?" He began to really tickle me now, causing me to buck in his arms before I screamed bloody murder. When I continued to buck, I ended up on my back against the couch, Drake hovering over the top of me.He finally stopped tickling me and was now staring intently into my eyes. Slowly, he lowered his voice to mine and I was frozen, the grin on my face slowly falling. My eyes searched his before falling to his lips. What was he doing? This wasn't part of the deal.....His lips found mine, kissing me softly and so passionately that I felt light-headed. My arms instinctively wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer to me. Our kisses usually ended up with our tongues devouring one another's but this one was different. He slightly opened his mouth, lightly running his tongue along mine, causing my body to tremble beneath his. His mouth kissed my bottom lip before he tugged it between his teeth. The sensation sent butterflies into my stomach. No
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Thoughts of her
Shrugging, I turned my gaze back to him. "We were just talking. It wasn't about anything in particular."Luis cocked an eyebrow at me while he studied me with his hard glare. I could tell that he wanted to say so much but for now, he was staying silent.My phone jingled on the lounger next to me as I picked it up and saw a new text message from the one and only.Drake: text me when you get back to the island.And that was it.He didn't explain why he left without a word this morning and he definitely didn't mention anything about our little cuddle session from the night before. But, whom am I kidding? We literally had a conversation about how this was just fun for both of us. Why do I keep expecting more out of this?But, I knew why.Jason's face came into my mind as I cursed under my breath and shoved thoughts of him away. I seriously couldn't keep letting him in. I ran away from him for a reason and I would never go back to that piece of shit.Texting Drake back, I replied with a si
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Keep thinking of her
My phone buzzed in my back pocket and I immediately pulled it out, praying that it is Lynn.And it is.Lynn: hey back on the island. Here's my text to you."Can we finish this later? I have plans." I began typing a message back to Lynn, completely ignoring kristoff's annoyed glare as I walked past him to leave his room.He can be mad at me all he wants, but I'm not about to let him control my life. After all, he works for me, not the other way round.~~~~~~~~~~~~~I kept looking down at my phone, hoping I'd see a reply from Lynn but she wasn't saying a word. I asked her to meet me at her villa but she hasn't confirmed yet. My heart pounded harder and harder in my chest the closer I got to Lynn's villa. I have no idea why I'm so nervous to meet up with her for a fuck, but I'm thinking it has a lot to do with the fact that I can't stop thinking about her.I honestly thought that after a few good fucks, I'd get her out of my system, but that wasn't the case at all. If anything, I feel li
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Don't hurt her
Her eyes found mine right away as I watched her mouth slightly open before she drew her bottom lip in with her teeth. Instantly, my dick came alive in my jeans when she did that. Luis needs to leave or watch. Either way, I'm going to fuck Lynn right now and an audience won't stop me from doing that."You're looking like a snack, lynn," Luis stated while he fanned his face. He turned his face to look at me then but I only had eyes for her. "Well, I suppose....", Luis slapped his knee and stood up from the couch. He had to walk right by me to leave but he momentarily paused to whisper, "remember what I said. Dick comes off. I will shove it in sphincter."Even though I know his threat is real, it wouldn't be the first time something was shoved in my ass. Little did he know, it was a secret kink of mine that wasn't all that bad."Got it," I whispered back with a wink.Surprise flushed through Luis's eyes before he made his exit.The light humming sound of the bathroom fan echoed around Ly
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Devilishly handsome
I wasn't happy to find Luis waiting in between the two villas, taping away at his phone when we joined him. His eyes flew up at our presence and, as always, he checked me out."Are you flying home with us?", Luis asked with a smirk.Chuckling, I shook my head. "I still have some work to do here yet. I'll be flying back in a day or so." Actually, I didn't know where I was flying off to next. I hoped it was home, knowing Lynn was my new neighbor, but I also knew that kristoff wanted to shoot as many scenes as he could before the awards ceremony in month. If he had his way, my dick would be in any woman beside Lynn. And that made me feel a bit queasy.The honking cab pulled our attention away from one another as I walked them to the clearly impatient driver. Luis opened the popped trunk and threw his luggage in before giving me a quick wink and small wave and then jumped into the backseat.Lynn shyly looked around, tucking her hair behind her ear as I placed her suitcase in the trunk. It
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So creepy
"I love you, Luis", I giggled, trying to flap my eye lashes at him.He turned his head to glare at me but it was short lived when he wrapped an arm around my neck and pulled me close."I love you too, but you're still an asshole." He kissed the top of my head before letting me go."Fair enough," I replied still swallowing back my giggles.When the plane finally landed, Luis and I booked it to the luggage bay before running to the parking garage to get out of here. I was dying for a hot shower and a goodnight sleep in my own bed before heading in to meet my new boss tomorrow morning.But when Luis drove away from the airport, I was instantly irritated that he took the wrong freeway."Luis," where the hell are we going now. I'm exhausted?""Babe I know you are but we have to make a tiny appearance at the boss's house. He's having some kind of mixer and is being too impatient from our weekend results. I promise we won't be long."Groaning, I slumped back into the seat and tried really h
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I miss you
"What do you mean?", Luis replied.My heart was pounding in my chest and I have no idea why I'm so nervous right now. Maybe it's the fact that my new boss, who literally just met me in person, is asking my best friend what my story is. From personal experience, that usually meant they were fishing around to see if that person was single. Be smart here, Luis!"You know what I mean. I hardly know anything about the girl beside her professional background; which is impressive, by the way," Noah added.Okay, maybe they can keep talking about me if he's going to keep boasting about me. I worked really hard to have that professional background he's speaking of.Luis laughed. "Lynn's great, Noah, but you should know that she's a bit of prude. And if you think she'll ever date her boss, you'd be crazy."Did my best friend just call me a prude?! What the hell, dude?"Whoa, I didn't say I wanted to date her. I was just wondering if she was...," He paused, "Ya I know....easy."If I didn't have d
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So sweet
Before I could delete any of that rambling mess, I had pressed send. She wasn't even here and I was already losing my cool. What the hell is wrong with me?Drake: I'm sorry, ignore that.Her reply came just as I pressed send.Lynn: you wouldn't mind? I'm exhausted and Luis doesn't seem to want to leave just yet.Shit. She actually wants me to come and get her. Perhaps we're still playing this game. Well, don't mind if I fucking do.Drake: send me the address. Grabbing my keys now.I had never jumped up from my couch as fast as I just had in my life. Excitement was coursing through my veins and even though I was literally just picking her up to bring her home, it didn't matter, I still get to see her.My phone dinged the moment my feet slid into my shoes and my hand was on the front door. She sent me the address and I knew exactly where that neighborhood was. It was one of the rich, posh ones that some of my directors had places and I was very familiar. I don't know who her boss is but
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Take good care of her
"Neighbor," I supplied, knowing that wasn't a revealing answer at all. It was nobody's business what Lynn and I decided to do as adults.Noah seemed to size me up with his gaze before he shook my hand and then plastered on a fake smile."Well, neighbor, welcome to my home. Stay awhile." He turned to Lynn and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "This beauty was just getting acquainted with her co workers."I took everything I had not to punch this prick's lights out when he put his arm around her shoulders."Yeah, it looked like it when I walked in," I replied dryly. "Lynn has an early day tomorrow," I lied again, "and should probably get some shut eye. I came to take her home."Noah pouted but finally let go of lynnWhen he turned to Luis. "You're not leaving, are you?", He asked."I guess I don't need to know that Drake is here." Luis watched me suspiciously and I remembered his words from the villa. He was obviously very protective over Lynn and I didn't mind at all."Oh good!" Noah
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