Semua Bab The Lycan King's Rejected Daughter: Bab 11 - Bab 20
238 Bab
Chapter 11
JAREK I am sitting with the guys outside of the main building at the college, waiting for my first class to start. My phone buzzes in my pocket. My father's name flashes across the screen. Letting out an annoyed sigh, I press the ignore button. I have been avoiding his calls ever since the rogue attack on Lycan City. I know that he is probably concerned about me but I don't have time for one of his lectures. My phone buzzes again. Excusing myself from the guys I walk away so I am out of ear shot and I reluctantly answer the phone. "Hello, Dad," I groan. "Is that any way to greet your father?" My father responds harshly. "Hello, Father," I address him more formally. "That's better," he says with a chuckle. "I hear there was a little bit of a problem over there a few days ago. I am hoping that you proved yourself and didn't run away like a sissy." I breathe heavily into the phone. "No, Father. I fought alongside the prince and the king." "Atta boy," my fath
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Chapter 12
KEENAI try not to look at Jarek as we walk past but it is like my eyes are drawn to his. My eyes meet his hazel ones and I can practically see anger swirling all around him. I tighten my grip on Ward's arm as we walk into the school. Right now my knees are weak and he is the only thing holding me. Ward taps my hand with his and I look up into his eyes. Once again he has an unreadable look on his face. It is like every time he looks at me he wears a mask so I am unable to read his expression. I wonder what he is hiding from me. A tap on my shoulder drags my eyes away from Ward and I find my brother standing behind me with his arms crossed across his chest. "What?" I groan, it is too early for me to have to deal with being tormented. "I am here to speak to him," Faris says as he nods his head towards Ward. "I am not to leave the Princess's side," Ward says as Faris gestures for him to walk away from me."Anything you need to say you can say in front of me," I roll my eyes
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Chapter 13
KEENA"Don't touch what is mine," Jarek growls loudly and everyone in the hallway stops and stares at the scene that is unfolding in the middle of the hall. Jarek pulls back his fist again and hits Ward across the other side of his face. Blood begins to drip down Ward's lip and onto his blue t-shirt. Wiping the blood from his lip with the back of his hand, Ward looks at me and his eyes are swirling to black in anger. I know at any moment his lycan is going to come forward. With an open hand, Ward smacks Jarek across the face, dropping him to his knees. Jarek hops to his feet ready to fight back. Jarek lunges for Ward, knocking them both to the ground. Both of them are rolling around on the ground landing punches where they can. Suddenly, Chad comes over and pulls Ward off of Jarek. The two men step back from one another and glare at one another as they wipe the blood from their faces. Knowing I need to diffuse the situation, I step in between the two angry shifters an
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Chapter 14
JAREKI watch Keena and her fucking body guard from the door of the empty classroom. I can't hear what they are saying but I watch in horror as her body guard moves in closer to her and lifts her chin with his fingers. He gently rubs his fingers down her face. My fists ball up at my sides as I watch them together. It is obvious that they care for each other. "What's up?" A voice comes from behind me and I turn to see Chad approaching me. I unclench my fists from my sides and plaster a fake smile across my face. "Just watching this pathetic show," I gesture towards the classroom. Chad peeks in the window of the classroom door and busts out laughing. "That fucker is in for it when Faris finds out. As much as he pretends not to care, he is pretty protective of his sister." "Come on," I move him away from the classroom. I don't like the way that he is looking at my mate. "Let's get out of here before she sees us." "So," Chad says as we walk away. "Do you want to explain
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Chapter 15
KEENA Today wasn't the worst day I have had in a long time. The girls in my classes were actually nice to me and didn't whisper about me behind my back. Several people had asked if Ward was my new boyfriend. To which Ward responded gruffly to each one that it wasn't any of their business. Each time I could feel my face flush with embarrassment but the look in Ward's eyes told me not to object with what he said. So, I didn't. Now rumors are spreading throughout the school that the Princess has finally taken a boyfriend. Ward and I return home to my father standing on the front steps of the royal mansion with a very irritated look on his face. "Hi, Daddy," I say sweetly as I stand on my tiptoes to give him a kiss on the cheek. My father ignores me and looks straight at Ward. "I didn't know you would be taking my daughter to school in... that." He gestures towards Ward's mustang. "I am sorry, Your Highness. I didn't realize that you wouldn't approve of my car." Ward s
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Chapter 16
WARDI am proudly showing King Erebus my car when an ear piercing scream reaches us from inside of the royal mansion. I know that voice, it can only be Keena. "Keena," I gasp out and I leave the King standing beside my car stunned. As I run into the royal mansion I can hear his heavy footsteps running quickly behind me. We burst through the door of the mansion and try to locate the origin of the screams. "The basement," I murmur as I head towards the basement door. I throw the basement door open and a blast of wind hits me in the face. I fight my way down the stairs and am stunned at the scene that is laid out before me. An elderly woman is fighting off bursts of blue flames that are bouncing off of the walls and the Queen is trying her best to walk through the flames and wind to get to Keena. Huddled on the ground, Keena's body is covered in blue flames. She screams out in pain as the flames burn and engulf her body. The Queen is yelling over the wind for Keena to cont
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Chapter 17
KEENA The hushed sound of voices rushes through my head causing me to wake from my sleep. "Her powers are too strong," Sister Edith states. "She needs to go to a coven to be trained." "I wasn't trained at a coven," my mother chimes in. "And your powers are mediocre at best," Sister Edith's voice is becoming louder as she speaks. My mother cackles loudly and my eyes fly open. "Mediocre," she laughs loudly. "Sister Edith, you have always been funny." I can hear Sister Edith slam the end of her cane up against the floor of my room. "Mark my words," she says as she hobbles out of my bedroom. "The strength of the magic she carries does not match the strength within. She will never be able to harness her powers." "She will learn," my mother calls after Sister Edith but Edith does not answer my mother. She merely continues her way out of my room. "Mom," I try to call out to her but my voice is hoarse. My mother turns to look at me and is at my side in a moment.
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Chapter 18
KEENAThe blisters on my skin are healing slowly so I am unable to go to school. Every day Faris brings home my school work and I sit on my bed and try to not to fall behind on my work while Ward sits in the corner of my room and stares at me. "Are you going to stare at me all of the time?" I groan, unable to tolerate his looks of pity any longer. "I am supposed to be watching you," Ward says with a smirk on his face. "Every moment of every day. King Erebus's orders." I roll my eyes at his answer but a small smile spreads across my lips. He really is adorable. "I don't think my father meant that you have to stare at me constantly." "What else am I meant to do?" Ward shrugs his shoulders. I close the book that is opened on my lap and close the laptop that is sitting beside me. "We could get to know one another," I point out. Ward's eyebrows knit together as he thinks about my proposition. It is almost like he doesn't wish to share anything about his personal life wit
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Chapter 19
JAREK Her bodyguard bursts through the door and shoves me out of the way. "Focus on me, Keena," he whispers intimately to her. Keena takes her eyes off of me and looks deeply into the bodyguard's eyes. "Ward," she whispers as she closes her eyes. I watch in horror as her bodyguard runs his thumbs down her cheeks. Keena lets out a relaxing sigh and the flames that were erupting from her fingertips are slowly disappearing leaving minimal damage on her bed. As soon as the rage that is swarming around Keena is extinguished her bodyguard turns to me and glowers at me. "You need to leave." "I don't think that is for you to decide," I snap back at him. Slowly Keena opens her eyes and lets out a calm sigh. "You need to leave," she says to me with disappointment in her eyes. "I clearly cannot control my emotions around you." "This conversation isn't over," I growl at her as I turn on my heels and leave the room. I am mumbling to myself as I make my way back down to the
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Chapter 20
KEENAI have been kept at home and in my room for over a week now. I am beginning to go stir crazy. Neither my mother or Sister Edith will let me practice my powers. Claiming that until the power within matches my magical abilities it is best that I keep them hidden. The only problem is that I have no idea what that means. Shouldn't the power that is within and my magical abilities be the same thing. Ward has been at my side every moment of every day and while I enjoy his company I am beginning to miss the comfort of Kayla. "Mother," I whine indignantly. "I just want a girls night." "The last time you had a girls night you almost set your bedroom on fire," my mother retorts. "If you and Sister Edith would just train me, then maybe I would be able to contain the feelings that cause me to lose control," I stick out my bottom lip in a little pout, like I used to do when I was a child. "We have told you over and over again, Keena. Once the power within matches your magical
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