Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Prince's Guard : Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
56 Kabanata
Chapter Thirty One
Chris let himself be led through the corridors, wanting to turn back and argue the case more. “He’s still a prisoner.” Why? He didn’t need to be a prisoner! Chris glanced back as if he were going to backtrack, seeing one of the guards, Pete, behind them. “We’ve said what we could,” Jaxson stated, subtly tugging his hand.“We should have said more. There was more to-”“Chris, we made our point. It’s in your brother’s hands.” “You don’t think it worked… do you?” “There’s no point thinking until we know the outco
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Chapter Thirty Two
Chris nestled himself, half between awake and asleep, although this time, he knew who he was pinned to. A smile crept over his face with the fact. He was still jammed in between Jaxson and the sofa. It was just so safe. Nothing could get him, nothing could harm him. There were no cells. No chains. Jaxson groaned next to him, shuffling as he put his hand to his head. “King wants to see me,” he mumbled sleepily. He swung his legs from the sofa, tearing himself from Chris.“I’m coming,” Chris announced, stumbling his way off the deep squidgy sofa.“The King ordered I come alone.” “Tough.”“Chris, please. We
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Chapter Thirty Three
“Have you heard?” “The Prince? Can’t believe it.” Jaxson rolled his eyes as he made his way to the training grounds. Same shit different day with the twittering gossip. “Julie over heard her talking to the Queen.”“I heard it was Amber.”“Oh whatever.”“What happened?” Another voice came into the conversation. Jaxson slyly stopped, pretending to look in the butchers, something about it seemed a little… off to the normal rumour. “No way you haven’t heard! Anyway, do you remember Laura?” 
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Chapter Thirty Four
 Chris’ feet pounded the cobbles. When his brother had bolted out of the room with the single word of ‘Jaxson’ he knew he had to follow. He wound his way through the streets. Not really sure where he was. Marc had sprinted off before he’d really managed to think to ask where. “Jax?” he linked. Hoping he’d answer. No answer.As he neared the centre he could hear commotion. He followed his ears before he saw a crowd. He surged forward. “Out of the way!” he demanded, the crowd parting as soon as they saw who had demanded. He hurried through. Guards were keeping citizens back. He could see someone lying on the floor, doctors over him. A guard saw him and le
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Chapter Thirty Five
Someone cleared their throat behind him. Chris turned his big raven head to see a female, he didn’t care, he turned back around, nuzzling his chin back into Jaxson’s warm fur. He hadn’t woken up yet. “Is that how you greet your mate? I can’t believe you’re guarding him. You know he’s lied to you.” Chris narrowed his golden eyes. He looked back around looking at her properly. Lauren. He huffed at her, unable to link without her in wolf form. He slid off the bed, scooping his clothes up in his mouth he went to the other side, hiding himself a little from view. Not that furless forms were exactly something to hide. They changed so often there was no embarrassment. But he didn’t really want Lauren to watch him. There was something about being a royal meaning you needed to be more decent. He shoved hi
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Chapter Thirty Six
“I can walk!” Jaxson grumbled as Chris helped him through the palace the next day.“Maybe, but you’re still sore.” “I spend my life sore!” he protested.“You always this grumpy after being injured?” A growl rumbled in Jaxson’s chest.“Take that as a yes,” Chris teased. “Christopher!” his father shouted from behind. Chris flinched slightly at the harsh tone. “Yes?” “Where are you going with that guard?” &
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Chapter Thirty Seven
 Chris awoke to the feel of arms over him, dragging him. His eyes shot open, instantly trying to work out the commotion in the gloom. “Intru-” he instantly began linking but was cut off with a pinch to his neck and the burning of molten gold poured into his veins.  Wolfsbane. He finished the link, knowing the second half of his alarm wouldn’t be heard. Wolfsbane was instant. He felt his burning limbs grow weak and heavy, his struggles while to him felt violent and all consuming, he was barely moving an inch at a time. The assailants had made no sound. He had no idea who they were, with his body being poisoned, he couldn’t comprehend their scent.  
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Chapter Thirty Eight
“My Prince!” Chris frowned to himself. He was quite happy asleep, who was shouting?“My Prince, where have you been?” A shard of agnosing flame ripped through his skull, he groaned. He wasn’t in pain while he was asleep. He much preferred sleep. “Are you OK?” the female voice had got much closer. He heaved himself onto all fours, feeling warm soil beneath his fingers. Why was he outside?His splitting headache had caused a fog, he couldn’t remember anything. His chest was burning, his limbs felt heavy but not too bad. A strange taste in his mouth. He tried to take stock if he were injured but couldn’t fe
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Chapter Thirty Nine
“We have to find him.” Chris shoved the healer from her inspection of his fingernails. “I agree, but you are staying right here.”Chris let out a laugh of disbelief as he heaved himself to his feet, ignoring the protest of the healer.Wade continued before Chris could speak, “My main priority is to keep you safe. Someone has clearly harmed you. We have to get to the bottom of that and find Jaxson.”“I need to help.” He wanted to say his wolf had returned. State he could be helpful by scenting his mate and searching through the link, he wanted to say he felt fine. But he couldn’t. It was like a block, when he tried to say it he said something else. “I want to find Jaxson.”
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Chapter Forty
Jaxson’s shoulders were burning. That was the first thing he realised. That dull burning ache that screams at you to move. He tried to shift, alleviate the pain. Nothing. He couldn’t move. He thought he was bound until the next sensation hit him. While his shoulders were aching, his whole body was sizzling. He knew he was healing from the beating, but this was as if he had been beaten all over again. Wolfsbane. Wolfsbane was in his system. It was part of training to be injected with wolfsbane to know how it feels. To understand the effects. Well… that meant right now, he knew he was baned up to his eyeballs. Explained why he couldn’t  move. Not even a muscle.He was a big male, he couldn’t deny that, while the dose that was standard in training knocked many for six, he had felt the effect but not a lot else. Now? Oh it
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