Semua Bab Rekindling Old Flames: Bab 11 - Bab 20
67 Bab
It's been a few weeks since the celebration party. I have been avoiding Beau like he is COVID-19. I know we’ve seen each other only a few times since he came back into my life, and it may seem like I’m worrying too much, but I am not. Beau only touched me through my panties, and I was dripping wet. I can’t even imagine what would happen if he touches my bare core. Plus, Beau and I have history, making it easy for me to fall for him if we were intimate. What am I even saying? He’s only touched me three times, and my body practically wants the man to fuck her already. She clearly has no shame when it comes to him, and I know it wouldn’t be hard for me to fall for him again, so to prevent that from happening I am keeping my distance.As an investor in my company, Beau inspects the houses we use his investment to build. I am supposed to go with him, but I’ve been asking Camila to go in my place. Today was supposed to be the same, but Camila had to visit her mom. She isn't doing so well. I
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A few hours have gone by since I got back from the store and made Beau lunch. It’s nighttime, and I should be on the way home, but I’m worried about Beau being alone. I am finding it hard to leave him. The hundreds of ways that his situation could become worse have been floating around in my head all day. I just can't bring myself to leave him."Delilah?""Yes?" I turn away from the TV to look at Beau."Why are you still here?""No reason." The last thing I want to do is tell him I’m worried about him. He’d make such a big deal about it." It’s not because you’re worried about me?""No.""Hmm." Beau places his hand on his chin and stares at me, with an amused glint swimming in his eyes."What?""It amazes me how you think just because you can lie about being worried about me that I will believe you.""I am not lying; it's the truth. I’m not worried about you.""It's funny how you think I can't tell you are.""Okay!” I finally say, exasperated. “Maybe I am worried about you, but I beli
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I smell him before I taste him. The intoxicating scent of his cologne engulfs me. Then, his lips touch mine and they still taste the same as the first day I kissed him. A part of me wants to enjoy this moment, get lost in it, but another just wants my answer. Not thinking, I let my body decide. My hands instantly go around Beau's neck as his arms wrap around my waist. My entire body melts into his as his alluring taste fills my mouth. Beau deepens the kiss, and I let him. His hand goes under my shirt and roams all over my back. Every single place he touches burns for more. I resist the urge to moan.Beau pulls away after what seems like forever and places his forehead against mine while we both try to catch our breath."I love you, Cher, and I am going to make you fall in love with me again," Beau says, still out of breath, with great determination in his voice.I look at him, confused. I’m not sure my ears are functioning well today. Did he just say those words to me? I take a step a
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It’s later that night when I get into my car and drive to the hospital like a woman with a death wish. Beau's driver, James, just called and told me that Beau is in the hospital. He couldn’t tell me why because he doesn't know any of the details. All he told me was Beau had called asking James if he could pick him up from the hospital, but James is stuck in traffic, so he asked me to help get Beau. I’ve been trying to call Beau as I drive to the hospital, but he hasn't answered. It’s making me worry that something horrible has happened to him.I finally get there and rush into the emergency ward, my eyes searching everywhere for Beau. I am a little out of breath from running into the hospital from the parking lot. Aren't I pathetic? The man broke my heart just a few hours ago, and now I’m in the hospital looking all over for him while my heart beats louder than a drum. I had considered sitting at home and pretending I didn't receive the call from James, but I couldn't. Beau doesn't de
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We finally make it back to Beau’s place, and after an incredibly awkward walk up the stairs, I get him in bed. I’m trying to pretend I didn't just have an orgasm a few minutes ago while Beau wears the fact on his face with satisfaction. I want to say something, but I know it would only make things worse. His ego has already grown enough. I don't understand why I can't resist him. It's like when he touches me, I forget everything else in the world, and the only thing I can think of at that moment is what his hands are doing to me. It's so frustrating because it makes me look weak. And I hate that. I need to be strong; I need to resist him. "Is there anything you want to do?" I ask, standing up straight after getting him settled."I would love to change for bed, but I would need your help, if you don’t mind.""I don't; let me get you something to change into." I walk to his closet to get his pajamas.I come back once I find a set and help him remove his shirt before trying to help hi
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“Will you get away from me?” I scream, trying to close my legs but only succeeding in locking his head there. “Beau,” I say, grabbing his hair and pulling. “Get your mouth away from my pussy.” What does he think he’s doing?Beau ignores me and licks. My eyes roll to the back of my head as he uses his tongue to spread me open. Oh my God, not again. Beau uses his left hand to bring my pussy closer to his mouth. I shake my head as his tongue begins to move in and out of me. There is no way I am letting this happen again. I grab more of Beau’s hair, but as I’m trying to pull him away, he takes my whole pussy into his mouth and sucks. If I move his head, he pushes it back, so all I’m doing is helping him thrust in and out of me. Oh God, I can’t, I can’t. This is too much. How much longer can I resist him? Beau is going to be the death of me.“Beau,” I moan, gripping his hair tighter. I know I shouldn’t want it, but I do. I shouldn’t love the way his mouth feels against me, but I can’t help
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BEAUMy hand scrubs over my face once Delilah is out the door. I have never felt more useless in my life than I do right now, which makes me angry. I could kill my cousin for calling my mother. This wouldn’t be happening if Harvey hadn’t found out I was investing in Delilah’s company, which I still don’t know how he did. Harvey came the night of the party hoping to talk me out of it—his presence was just as much a surprise to me as it was for Delilah—but it was already too late. Knowing Harvey, I bet he told my mother so she would come and ruin my plans for winning Delilah back. I punch the nearest wall as I realize all my progress from the past week is turning to dust as Delilah’s scent fades away.Making my way back to the kitchen, the anger continues to course through my body. My mother and Harvey have ruined things for me again. I am pissed off beyond words. And what makes matters worse is I can’t do anything to either of them.Mother gasps when she sees me. “Oh my God, son, why
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DELILAH I scream into my pillow and try to cool down. Once I have had my fill of screaming, I lift my face and turn to lie down on my back. All I can do is stare at the ceiling as the events of yesterday and this morning replay in my mind. My thighs pull closer together as my thoughts linger on what Beau did on our way to his apartment last night and then on what he did this morning. Turning my head, I scream into my pillow again as I remember the look on Jenny’s face as Beau kicked me out. Pure victory. It annoyed the shit out of me. But the main source of my anger is that Beau asked me to leave. I feel so hurt by what he did. How could he kick me out of his house just because his mother wanted me gone? A part of me actually thought he would fight his mother and tell her I wasn't going anywhere. His reaction isn’t surprising though. It's not the first time Beau has sided with his mother. When we were together, he never defended me against the insults she hurled my way. I should know
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A soft knock on my bedroom door awakens me from my sleep. I rub my eyes and drop my feet to the side of the bed, trying to find my slippers as the person at the door continues to knock. I succeed and drag myself over to the door. My eyes open wide once I see who is behind the door and, worse, the state she is in."Camila," I say, shocked to see her. "What are you doing here? What happened? Why are you wet? Did you walk in the rain?" I fire questions at her without even giving her a second to answer.Camila looks up from the ground, and her bloodshot eyes stare back at me. My gaze softens as I realize she must have been crying. Camila begins to sob as I quickly pull her into a hug, not caring that she is drenched. Camila's legs give out, and I follow her to the ground. I don't ask her any new questions and let her cry it out. I say soothing words as big wails escape her. I don't know what happened, but I can guess it has something to do with the heart because of the way she is crying.A
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A sigh leaves my lips as I sit up on my office couch. I can feel the wetness between my thighs. Closing my eyes briefly, I massage my temple before turning to face Camila."Finally, you’re up; we need to leave in the next few minutes. The meeting is at 2 p.m." She stands by the couch as she speaks to me."Give me a few minutes to freshen up. I’ll meet you downstairs." I stand up from the couch and walk to my restroom."Alright, I’ll meet you downstairs." She says, walking to the door.My reflection in the bathroom mirror glares out at me. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve had those dreams. Since he kicked me out of his house two weeks ago, it’s been nearly every time I close my eyes. I know why it’s happening, but I don't want to admit it. The worst part is that I haven't heard from or seen him at all. Sometimes the dreams aren't even sexual. They’re just plain, romantic dreams. It annoys the hell out of me. I am not supposed to be having those types of dreams. Yes, I’m attracted
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