Semua Bab Savage Passion: Bab 41 - Bab 50
78 Bab
Special Chapter 1
LYDIA When my eyes opened, I wasn't in heaven or hell. I wasn't in the Rose mansion. Neither was I a slave. I was just a girl sitting in front of the dresser mirror whilst my mother combed my curled up hair. I remembered this moment. "Mama, Mama, Tell me a story," I remembered whining as mother added conditioner to soften my hair. She noticed how bad I winced each time she brushed down. It did hurt but the pain seemed to dull down like crazy when he told her stories."I've told you every story in the book Lydia ." She smiled, sectioning my hair into rows of threes. She stole a look at her reflection in the mirror and smiled before proceeding to braid my hair into a singular knot. "Then tell me something else mama. Why don't you finish that story?""Which one?""The boring one you told me last night.""Oh, I remember." Mother chuckled as she finished the braid and flipped to my right shoulder. I smiled looking at the finished job. I looked perfect. She then carried me to her favorit
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Lie to self, make an enemy of allies.
ALEXIOS Her reaction frightened me. I had seen in her eyes the betrayal he feared she had committed against herself and her family. Her response was valid but so was mine. This wasn't my fault. I didn't know why I got so jealous when Archie approached and danced with her. Why I wanted to kiss and fuck her every time our eyes crossed paths. Things used to be so much easier before the moon goddess decided to fuck all of that up. I stopped the music giving it an afterthought. I could not allow Lydia back into the party all teary-eyed. My mother would surely ask questions and Lydia would spill considering she was so much volatile at the moment. I ran after her. It was then I felt it. It was the feel of Lydia Nightshade's fear. Her anger, her determination to be free of the danger she was in. Danger. She was in danger. My feet quickened and as I got closer to the ballroom, I stumbled on a dreaded sight. Some force had sent Lydia zooming through the air. She crashed into a pillar causi
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The fall of Fiona Blossom
ALEXIOS I never intended to say it. It was cruel to bring up his past. It was the most insensitive thing to have popped up in my head. Twisted as what Curtis wanted to do was, I knew he was only looking out for me. However, the heat of the moment and the unwavering eyes that were fixated on me cornered me and my wolf. It was the only thing I could say to break the chain of madness but as I watched him become a mess o tears and mental torture, I wondered if all of it was worth it for the girl. My legs jerked backward as I took a step closer to him. With each thrust forward, I felt like they would give at any moment. All his life, Curtis had been prepared to be the Beta by my side. His parents did anything; his father especially to fulfill a dream that was stripped of them. Their madness ensued even further when the boy showed that he had potential. They drove him last his limits. Physically, mentally and spiritually. All in hopes that when the time came, Curtis would be unstoppable
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Loved by the moon
CLARA I chose to be my son's side when I see him snap at everyone he loved. You only do that out of desperation. I had been in a similar situation myself and I could assure the entire world that it was not a pretty place. When I lost Alexios and his father. I was certain I would die. That moment when I felt the bond to my husband being cut off. I literally went insane. I had been alone then. Looking at how frantic Alexios became seeing his rejected mate in a pool of blood proved that I had been right. By some miracle from the mother of night, the rejection had failed. Alexios was still very much Lydia 's mate. I saw myself in his place when he threw the tablecloth along with everything the pack women had prepared for the feast. I moved to his side once the healer arrived. A talented werewolf from an unknown pack that my late husband had adopted. Her gift was one of healing. But even knowing that, I couldn't help but be worried about what would happen if Lydia was one of the fe
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A witch is a witch
CLARA I did have to snap out of my suspicions eventually. They had no grounds. It could have had something to do with the circumstances concerning her transformation. It wasn't every day one saw a werewolf shift at the state of near-death with a healer just right around the corner. "The girl will be alright. She just needs some rest and plenty of water." The healer informed Alexios, giving a solemn now to both of us before exiting the ballroom. Alexios and I remained motionless for the space of five minutes. All we did was stare at the girl and hope that the healer was right. It still felt very much like a miracle. It was but I knew exactly what I was hinting at. Alexios eventually lifted Lydia off the table and into his arms. There was something different about him and the way he carried her. Who knew it would take him the culmination of his fated's murder for him to realize the bond his wolf shared with the girl. A bond that survived even his rejection. "I'll take her to her r
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Your rejection
LYDIA A dull pain stabbed me all over as I felt life return to me. The image of my mother slowly faded and morphed into a silhouetted figure that hovered above me. My sight was far from clear so I assumed this was death coming to take me to the bosoms of my parents. Its warm hands caressed my face and in a whisper, the figure spoke."Are you alright Lydia?"The voice. It sounded familiar. It reminded me of someone. Someone that was not supposed to be here. I looked around and noticed that the walls were floral pink. The soft scent of cologne and spices filled the air. This didn't look like heaven or hell and it certainly did not look like my room in the Rose mansion. I blinked incessantly until my vision cleared up. I glanced again at the hovering figure from before. It was Alexios if my memory was not failing. It came so casually that I immediately jumped to the side of the bed the moment it struck home that it was indeed Alexios. "What... Why are you here?" I stammered, grabbing
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So it wasn't the bond
LYDIA Being rejected by your mate was the greatest pain in the universe. A suffering that had somehow managed to evade me. A mutual one was never written in the books because being denied was always one-sided. I was not sure what to expect. Heartbreak? Physical pain? Not that I cared. My heart was already broken. My body was already in pain. The proverbial rope that was tightening earlier loosened. I felt the alien emotions that were pungent in the air just a few moments ago vanish. It was successful. I wiped the tear off my face and dared to look into Alexios's eyes. He was dejected. Not quite what I was expecting. I had freed him. He could go back to hating me. A life where he did not have to make a choice that most probably led in my direction."You can keep me here if you want," I told him."But is that what you want?" He questioned me. No, I didn't want that. I wasn't even sure what I wanted now. I didn't want to remain a slave. I didn't want to be close to this man who had hur
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LYDIA As I opened the doors I was met by the confused and terrified face of Clara. She had been listening. Too awestruck to move and do a thing about it. In a way, it did make things better. I didn't even know I would have been able to face her and tell her that I was leaving. Clara grabbed me by the hand and dragged me towards her son. With tears in her eyes, she proceeded to speak. "Rebuke the rejection!" Alexios looked at her then back at me before giving his reply. "That is not my choice to make."His reply caused Clara to look at me. She pulled me even closer, her hands cupping my cheek as a mother would to her child. "Child," She began. "Believe me when I say this because everything that is leaving my lips right this instant is nothing but the truth. Do not let your hate fester on your eternity. Second chances are not always guaranteed."I wanted to so badly give her the answer she wanted. If I could, I would but I had made up my mind and there was no changing it. "This isn'
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Ending old things
FIONA I rose to the sound of the house gates creaking. My eyes fluttered open, and I blinked, feeling out of sorts, wrong. I drew the knitted blanket draped over my body close. It wasn't usually opened this early so it did ruin my sleep. I staggered towards a covered window and flicked it aside. The gates were indeed open and strange enough, they were opened for Lydia . I wondered why that was so. Her eyes searched around until they found mine and eventually, we made eye contact. She smiled. The disgusting whore smiled. As if to imply that we were friends of some sort. I scored and put the curtains back in place. "Why was she leaving?" I wondered. Normally I would assume she had charmed a guard or something but the girl was no witch. Neither was she a seductress of any caliber. The only answer that seemed to suffice was that Alexios had let her go and that only brought up more questions. Why would Alexios ever let her go? He hadn't reached out to me since last night. Even his moth
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Goal: Kill a wh*ring Luna!
FIONA "Wow," I chuckled, laughing at the euphoria that followed. "You think we should break up?" It felt like the things that haunted my nightmares. Did Alexios really think I would just hear that, give him a smile and call it quits? "That is very noble of you Alexios. Why? Why should we break up? Because you think we are toxic? We are not Alexios!""I am doing this because I love you, Fiona." He told me. Hecate! Did he think I was so gullible! His words seemed to open my eyes. They were closed before. Yes, they were. If not, I would have seen this from a mile away. This wasn't a breakup. No. This was a setup. How could have not seen it before? Alexios noticed my demeanor and tried to move closer. As he did, I looked him square in the face and said. "That is why you sent her off didn't you?" " you even mean by that?"Oh, he was playing dumb. Men. I did love him but I was not stupid enough to ignore the game being played in front of me. Clara paying me a visit and telling
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