Semua Bab TO BE MATED: Bab 41 - Bab 50
1499 Bab
Chapter 41
"I did catch the sarcasm," Aislinn responded. Keith just stood there watching and waiting with a goofy grin on his face as if something great were about to happen."Ailinn, that was Sarah. She's one of my best friends and for all intents and purposes, she's in charge of the women. There are too many in this pack for me to deal with all of it myself. At some point you'll have to spend some time with her and get your position around here straightened out. But with the rest of the complications at this point I think it best if that waited."Aislinn nodded. "Alpha female," she said earning an impressed look from Cullen. She looked at Keith quizzically as he just stood there looking amused. "Is there something growing out of my forehead?" She asked Cullen.He shook his head and glared at Keith, who only returned an unimpressed look. "Have you actually met Keith?""That first night we met. At the bar.""Yeah," Cullen breathed out. It was all like a bad dream now. "Well, this is Keith. His a
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Chapter 42
Cullen had to give Keith credit. He was nothing if not efficient. Cullen was looking over the pile of reports on his desk. It had only taken Keith 24 hours to produce a background report on Rafe Senach. Cullen was reading over the man's information. He looked relatively innocuous, if the reports were taken at face value. There really wasn't much more to it than what Aislinn had told him the other day, except some previous addresses that Keith already sent people to check out along with the address of the compound that Aislinn had been held at. The idea of what the man had done to her had Cullen contemplating the things he intended to do to Rafe.Cullen also had a list of names. On the list were three bookshop owners, a couple collectors, and a librarian. All of whom shared the last name Senach with Rafe or, Keith had found out, were related to a Senach. Keith had done some digging and had pulled up some information on the family name. Apparently a lot of Senachs had been dying recentl
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Chapter 43
While she was talking Cullen was running his hands under her shirt and heading for her breasts, causing her to smile through the annoying topic. She breathed out with an odd soft growling purr that had him more listening to her breath then her talking as he cupped her breasts and pushed his hardon against her. Aislinn tried to continue but was finding it more and more difficult. "Half the people I run into seem curious about me, amused for some reason, and inclined to sniff and move on. The other half, mostly women, are acting as if I insulted their mothers." If Cullen kept up his play then she'd never get to talk to him about what was going on."They'll get over it," Cullen said in dismissal and pinched her nipple, causing a delicious moan. He smiled and moved her off of his lap onto the desk. He sat her on the edge of the desk and nuzzled her nose with his angling her face up. He was pleased that she seemed to be taking this all with such acceptance. "As long as you think putting up
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Chapter 44
Cullen considered that. "Maybe not gas masks, but I think that figuring out what was in those bonfires just became top priority." Keith nodded, impressed at Aislinn's thought process. Cullen figured that there were only two ways to figure out the herbs Rafe had used. Involve the feds, which he desperately didn't want to do, or find the druids. He looked at Keith. "Do you have any more word on the Senachs?"Keith shook his head. "They've all disappeared. Every address we've found is abandoned."Aislinn looked at them uncertainly. "Senach?""Yeah, that's the name of all the people who were involved with the book shops and such from your vision," Cullen said and pulled the report out of the pile on his desk. He looked at her with interest. "Mean something to you?" He half wondered about suggesting she touch it again, but she pulled back from it when he showed it to her so he set it back down."That was my grandmother's maiden name. Brinah Mong Senach," she said uneasily. "Do you think I
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Chapter 45
"A very dangerous kind. Aislinn you need to get very far away from this man."Aislinn felt guilty that she was scaring her grandmother so much. That shocked her out of her desire to learn something new. Aislinn had been missing for seven years and here she was on the phone leaving her grandmother with no uncertainty that she was in danger. She owed her grandmother more than that. "Grandma, I really am okay. I'm safer here than anywhere else. These people can protect me better than running away can."There was more silence. "You have a great deal of faith in these people you're talking about. And you seem to have acquired a great deal of knowledge about things I worked very hard to make sure our family wouldn't have to be concerned about. Who are you with Aislinn?"Cullen was watching her. His heart jumped a bit each time she professed how safe she was with him. Keith could read the pleasure his friend was getting out of this on his face. He shook his head. Keith had never thought he'd
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Chapter 46
Rafe stood in the great room of the Tairneach manor. One thing he did like about Brennus Tairneach was his taste in decorating. The manor was huge and richly furnished. Everything was brocade, silk, antique, or plush. A grandfather clock on the wall began to chime. The moon was high and could be seen through the skylights in the ceiling of the great room. Every room in the manor seemed to have a fireplace. That was Rafe's favorite part about the place. It was as though the fates had planned for him to be here. He was seriously considering having the cabin on the Arnauk reservation remodeled in this fashion. A large greenish tinted fire blazed in every fireplace and no one questioned the oddity. Even though the nights had been far too warm to justify lighting them.Jenna stood in the middle of the room. She was naked except for a large red, ruby, signet ring hanging from a thick gold chain around her neck. It had been her father's ring. Rafe had been gracious enough to let her keep it.
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Chapter 47
Sarah boarded the plane angrily. She sat in the seat fuming. And she was still pissed when she took the taxi to the address that Aislinn had given her. Cullen had been insistent. He didn't know who to trust. So his solution to the problem was to only involve the people who he thought needed to know. Sarah and Keith were the only two on that list right now. Cullen would arrange a meeting of the pack elders when he had enough information.Keith was in the middle of dealing with the fact that while he had been talking with Cullen about Aislinn's grandmother and then having a delicious dinner at Taigh-Oèsda, Sarah had managed to pin down Ranaild's son Iain on the fact that his mother had been missing for quite some time. When Sarah had tried to talk to Ranaild about it he had also turned up missing.Sarah figured that she should be the one looking into it since she had discovered it. But Cullen was adamant that Aislinn's grandmother be dealt with delicately. Keith was not the delicate typ
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Chapter 48
God, she thought,and then there's Cullen again. Can't I stop thinking about him for just one minute?Her heart nearly beat out of her chest. The way he touched her was more than she could handle.I'm in love with him,she finally admitted to herself as she stared out the window.The question is if he feels the same and then what do I do about it.According to Rissa an alpha male could choose any female he wanted.But they generally tried to find a woman equal to their abilities who could compliment their position in the pack. There was supposed to be someone out there that the fates intended for each of them.That didn't stop people from mating with whomever they liked. It just made matters more complex for the few lycans who put effort into trying to find the one who was meant for them. Rissa said that Cullen had been around a long time and had chosen not to mate on several occasions.At least one of those occasions had been badly handled. The girl had been wrongly given the impression th
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Chapter 49
Keith dropped his eyes and looked embarrassed. It was a rare occasion that someone was capable of making the alpha obviously upset. It wasn't any fun to pick if it actually ended up hurting his friend. From the way Cullen sounded after Aislinn's reply there was no doubt that she'd stung him that time. Keith wasn't even sure what she had said that was so terrible. Cullen appeared to have lost his ability to mind read when it came to her. He was usually a savvy diplomat and never showed when someone got to him. Keith often wondered if it was even possible to get under his skin. Keith had never seen Cullen lose his confidence so readily as when he was dealing with Aislinn.Aislinn looked into Cullen's hurt expression. She hadn't meant anything by her response. "You just took me by surprise," she said apologetically. She smiled hopefully at him and softened her voice, hoping that Keith wouldn't hear her confession. "I don't actually think I'm capable of telling you 'no.'" Aislinn bit her
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Chapter 50
Brinah considered Sarah's tone during the little informative lecture as they got back in the elevator and wondered what she was missing. When they got out on the 13th floor the entire place was buzzing. Sarah explained to Brinah that the 13th floor was the main area of the den. She was telling Brinah about the different recreational rooms on the floor and was in the process of telling Brinah that Aislinn seemed to be spending a great deal of time in the library. Sarah felt like a tour guide. "I figure that Aislinn will be easier to find than Lord Arnauk. He's usually dealing with the latest conflict. Aislinn spends a lot of time reading." Brinah was smiling, eager to see her granddaughter.When they walked into the library most of the crowd that had gathered for Aislinn and Cullen's scene had dispersed. There was one couple rutting in a back corner of the library. Keith was sitting in a large armchair near the door thumbing through a book with a devilish smile on his face. He had note
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