Semua Bab Marrying the Billionaire Brothers: Bab 41 - Bab 50
96 Bab
41. Versace On The Floor
~ Killian ~ “Hey, did you see Audrey?” Olivia came up to Killian who was drinking alone at the VIP couch. “We can’t find her anywhere,” “She went home,” he said simply. “She did?” Mikey looked taken aback. Mikey and Liv only took their eyes away from Audrey for a second and suddenly she disappeared. Liv noticed was off about Audrey tonight the moment they stepped into the club. It was their last night of spring break and instead of celebrating, Audrey was moping around in the corner for no reason. “Yeah, she said she was tired, she wants to rest,” Killian explained. “Oh,” Liv muttered. “Well, we should probably go too. We’ll check up on her,” “It’s fine. Stay and enjoy the party,” Killian waved his ha
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42. Pocketful Of Sunshine
- - - - - ONE MONTH LATER - - - - - ~ Audrey ~ Life was pretty darn amazing for Audrey Huntington. Spring had come to the city and the flowers weren’t the only things blooming in Manhattan this season. Audrey was filling her days with Caspian and Killian and her love life was blossoming more than ever. Sure, none of them ever used the word ‘love’ out loud to each other, but whatever they were doing, Audrey was surely feeling the love. Like today, for instance, the brothers invited Audrey for a special dinner in their apartment. It was a Friday night and the brothers just closed a huge deal for the company. They wanted to celebrate and they wanted to celebrate it with her. Audrey felt honored as the brothers would rather spend their time with her instead of at a huge blowout at Nobu. Audrey showed up at their place at 7 PM sharp and
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43. Work From Home
~ Audrey ~ * KNOCK! * KNOCK! * KNOCK! * Audrey raced to the door excitedly in her comfy PJs and fluffy slippers. It was a Monday afternoon and she was expecting her friends. Finals week was upon them and they planned a study session at her apartment today. Audrey was well prepared for it. The living room was filled with all her books and she even got the snacks ready, everything from skittles to gummy bears, to cupcakes and pizzas. “Hey guys,” Audrey beamed as she opened the door for Mikey and Liv. “Get in, loser. We’re going shopping,” Mikey spoke in his Regina George impression. He was flinging a car key in his hand and gesturing for Audrey to come out. “What is this? What are you guys doing?” Audrey eyes her friends from head to toe. Instead of dressed in comfy clothes, Liv w
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44. Come Away With Me
- - - - - TWO WEEKS LATER - - - - - ~ Audrey ~ “So? How do I look?” Audrey stepped out of the walk-in closet and appeared before Mikey and Olivia. She was wearing a smart blazer and pencil skirt, complete with a silk blouse and Manolo Blahnik heels. Her hair was tied neatly into a high ponytail, and she was even wearing fake glasses to make herself look smarter.  If Caspian were here, he’d probably call her a sexy office porn girl. “Damn, you look like a queen that’s gonna slay her first day of work,” Mikey nodded his head approvingly and snapped his fingers. “Thanks, Mikey,” “I still can’t believe you’re getting up this early to go to work,” Olivia groaned and rubbed her head. “How is your head not hurting?&
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45. One Call Away
~ Killian ~ “Guys! This is not funny!” Audrey groaned as Caspian put her inside the limo and Killian closed the door. “I know it’s not funny, but you two did it to me anyway,” Killian laughed. “You’re lucky we didn't drug you too,” “Oh, come on. You can’t still be salty about that,” Caspian waved his hand carelessly. “That trip was the best trip of your life. Admit it,” “That’s not the point,“ Killian rolled his eyes. “This argument is not the point!” Audrey scoffed at the two brothers. “You two shouldn't be doing this. I can’t leave my office, people would be looking for me!” “Don’t worry, we got that covered,” Killian said reassuringly. “What does that even mean?&
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46. Tear In My Heart
~ Audrey ~ “Dad!” Audrey burst through the door with tears falling from her face. After the plane turned around, the Vanderbilt brothers drove her to her dad’s home and she called Sebastian on the way. Sebastian explained how her dad had another sudden heart attack and this time it was worse than before. Her dad could barely speak but he kept saying Audrey’s name. Sebastian said he had been trying to reach Audrey for over an hour. They were now in the Huntington townhouse and the doctors were doing everything they could. “Oh, Audrey. You’re here,” Her father croaked. He was laying atop a makeshift hospital bed with an IV tube running down his arm. He waved his hand to the doctors standing by and said, “It’s okay, you can leave,” “Dad? Oh my God, dad!” Audrey rushed to her dad’s
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47. Fire And The Flood
~ Audrey ~ Audrey was a bundle of nerves as she walked to the Vanderbilt brother’s apartment that night. She paused for a second before knocking on the door, mentally preparing herself for what to say. Killian’s message didn’t explain much, but she could tell that he wasn’t too happy by the tone of the text. Technically, I didn’t do anything wrong. So even if Killian saw me at the restaurant, there’s no reason why he should be mad. As far as he knows, I was only having a friendly lunch. With that thought in mind, Audrey braced herself and knocked on the door. It didn’t even take a second before the door flew open and Killian was standing at the door. It was like he had been waiting for her. 
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48. With Or Without You
~ Audrey ~ When Audrey opened her eyes next, it was already daylight. She was wearing a shirt, either Caspian’s or Killian’s, and she didn’t even remember putting that on last night. Next to her was Caspian sleeping very soundly, but Killian was nowhere around. Audrey stirred in the bed and felt her muscles tightening and sore. Flashes from last night came to her mind and she knew why her body was feeling this way. Caspian and Killian were trying to prove a point and she heard the message loud and clear. Caspian felt her body moving and he reached for her. He wrapped an arm around her stomach and pulled her close. Audrey rested her head on his chest and let out a long sigh. Caspian sure had drained her out last night, but when he held her close like this, she felt her energy returning back to life. “Hey,” Audrey then heard a soft whisper. She tu
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49. Dog Days Are Over
~ Audrey ~ * KNOCK! * KNOCK! * Audrey tapped the door gently and pushed it back. She found her dad sitting in his home office, his head was buried on the documents he was signing. It was a Saturday afternoon and yet her dad was still busily working. “Hey, dad,” Audrey greeted him. “Finally, someone decided to return my call,” he replied without even taking his eyes off of the desk. “I know, I’m sorry—“ “You could’ve just called. You don’t have to come all the way here,” he cut her off sharply. Audrey let out a sigh. Her dad was being salty because she ignored his calls and texts all day yesterday. But she had a good reason for it. She was busy planning and plotting for her future with the Vanderbilt brothers.
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50. Every Breaking Wave
~ Audrey ~ “Holy freaking shit! You got engaged to Caspian Vanderbilt?!” Mikey exclaimed as he slammed the door open to Audrey’s living room.  “Ha, that almost rhymed,” Audrey laughed drily. She was seated casually on the couch sipping her tea. There was also food on the table as she was hosting their routine Sunday brunch at home today. Ever since the news of her engagement broke out to the media, the paparazzi went crazy and Audrey couldn’t eat outside in peace. “Audrey Nicole Huntington!” Liv chimed in behind Mikey. She was holding onto a newspaper with Audrey and Caspian’s faces on the front page. “Is this true? Explain yourself!”  “Yes, guys. It’s true,” Audrey let out a sigh. “Please, come in. I’ve got bagels if anyone cares,” “How
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