Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Lycan kings pet slave: Kabanata 21 - Kabanata 30
121 Kabanata
Tell me what you want
****The night sky grew quiet as the estate became quieter while Killian remained in his study, his mind was still wrapped around the thought of finally taking his revenge on the people who ruined his lifeKillian stared at the hidden safe under his desk, a small space that no one knew about or his password to it, he reached out pushing in the pins of the safe, in seconds it was open, Killian had then reached into the compartment and brought out documents and files, files filled with fortunes and inheritance from his father, that was all left to him, this was the original deed to the gold crest lands and yes, he was with it.He threw out a bone to Herron, with the hope that they will feel threatened enough to investigate, threatened enough to see that their mystery man Killian had told them about did not exist, rather he was the real heir, alive and was right in their face the whole time, This thought grew darker with each moment that passed until he heard a knock on the door t
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keep To your words
•BRYNN•Tick…tokThe sound of the clock broke through the light flowy breeze that filled my room from the open windows, As I sat by the widow stills and looked at the trees that covered the estate, My mind was still stuck in disbelief from the courage I had a few nights ago, I could believe Killian had agreed to my demand, I could still feel his rough hands that caressed my face after he agreed to my suggestion, I could still feel the hot demanding tone that he drew from me without a second thought, “Don’t get confused Brynn” I whisper to myself as I close my eyes, but the only thing I could picture was that smirk and his compliments that caught me off-guard I could tell by his eyes he went just lying about being attentive to what I explained to him, he listened and hours later he informed his contractors about my plan, He believed In Me, and that warmed my heart, I could still remember when I was in the pack, any suggestions I made to Damon was laughter right in my face and Damo
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Dangerous addiction
***A surge of the shock of sinful urge and want passed hotly through Brynn’s body at the warm taste of Killian’s lips on hers, any fighting thoughts immediately vanished as soon as he felt his tongue into her mouth, His kiss set her world and her wolf on fire as she preened for more, “Killian…ah! Oh! my “Brynn moaned as she arched her back to the feel of Killian’s lips, he had left her lips to immediately latch onto her soft perky hardened nipple buds, which were hard from his hot sensations.Her senses were overtaken by his, his merciless hunger for her body set Brynn on edge as her nails rushed to his bulked muscled back and dug into it from the sheer pleasure of Killian shameless touch Brynn was deep into the pleasure she hadn’t noticed how fast her nightgown was being peeled off her body until she felt the cool air on her bare chest that reacted to Killian’s kisses, “fuck, you’re irresistible…do you know how irresistible you are? How fucking sexy and naughty do you look when
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Deep secrets
Brynn mulled over what had transpired in Killian's room as she left, feeling the coldness he had cast her way. Was she not the same person that he had sex with moments before? Whatever had changed, it was clear that he wanted her gone the moment morning came, and there was nothing she could do about it. As she set out on the path to her room, she couldn't help but replay the moment in her head, trying her best to decipher what might have gone wrong. Brynn reached her room, not even sparing a glance at anyone as she held back her tears until she closed the door, and she was completely alone before she felt her tears fall. “ what are you crying? You shouldn’t feel hurt, it wasn’t real, it was never real.” Brynn Scolded herself the moment she saw her reflection in the mirror,She immediately raced for the showers, washing away last night’s soreness in her body and internally praying her memory from last night washed away too, She hated that he was so gentle With her, he was so gentle i
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Forget it
“ Tell me Brynn” Killian says, “what are you thinking?” He asks her, but Brynn’s mind was spiraling from how close they were, How could she tell him that she was the Luna of the same pack he is looking into? She still doesn’t know his true intention and no matter how much he distracted her, and no matter how much her wolf yearned to be close to him, she couldn’t give in, she just couldn’t.A gasp escaped her lips when his fingers had touched her waist, and she immediately stepped back and out of his hold, it would get worse when he was touching her, she knew she wouldn’t be able to think straight if Killian was touching her “I-I don’t know what you want Killian, I’ve told you everything I can, and I’m not in any way close to the golf crest main family” she lies, and prayed she didn’t spill anything for him to be suspicious, “other time, little wolf,” she says as he backs off. Brynn clenched her hand into custody to shop her hand from flying to her chest and calm her heart,She secr
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Quiet days
It was midday when Brynn woke up, she had tossed and turned all night until sleep could take over her, but it was no use, instead, she used the hours she was awake to decipher what she could get from the text before her eyelids grew heavy after hours and she slept, but now she was back to square one, awake, and the memories of what happened yesterday came flowing in, She moved to sit up leaning on the headboard and saw it was midday already, she decided her room as the library was too closed off for her. As she looked outside, her train of thought was interrupted by the knock on the door, it was Alissa who opened it with a beaming smile that Brynn could now return, “ good morning, Brynn” “ hello Alissa” Brynn greeted back as she noticed the tray that Alissa brought into her room,“ you didn’t have to do that”“ No, it’s no stress or problem, I was glad I saw that you slept for a while today, and you missed breakfast so just think of this as brunch ok?” “ Thank you” Brynn muttered a
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A plus one
•BRYNN• “ What are your thoughts on being my plus one? Killian asks Brynn as he leaned back into his seat, watching her every reaction to his words, He could see the fading realization of his words as Brynn’s delicate lashes sputtered in disbelief as she blinked rapidly with her mouth a bit open,“ You mean to be your date, to an actual party?” “Is that so hard to believe” “No, and yes, I thought you wanted to keep me here, like a dirty little secret and for your entertainment” “Wow, you see me as a brutish tyrant, don’t you?” Killian says, with a. A smirk that had Brynn stuttering out in disbelief. “ No! It's – I’m glad that you asked, of course, I would go” she would be a total fool not to, he was giving her a golden opportunity to leave the estate and see the outside world, and she knew she hadn’t missed much, but this opportunity was a Breath of fresh air served on a Sliver platter. And maybe this opportunity even laid out more, perhaps it was an opportunity for her freedoms
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The party
“Should I show it to you? Prove it to you that you’re truly my little wolf?” He asked,“ hm?” Killian whispers to Brynn’s shuddering frame, She took in a breath to calm her breathing heart, she couldn’t think straight and her wolf Leo repeating the word ‘ mine, mine, mine!” In her head, her wolf was preening in happiness from Killian’s attention. But Brynn was unable to make up a straight sentence in her head at that moment, Killian immediately pulled away from her as he headed for the door, “ come one little wolf, the party is at 6 pm, and you Must be tired from the journey,” he said to her as he opened the door. Brynn followed through to see their luggage dropped already, And the suite did not disappoint, it was a beautiful, magnificent large space, it was more of an apartment than just a normal room, the living room with a fireplace, a door to the bedroom, and a large bathroom With a massive bathtub, Brynn touched the pretty star-shaped lamps as she slipped out of the bathroom,
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A Mask of the past
It felt like the whole world had stopped, the whole room fell silent as everyone stared in awe at the beautiful woman who had just walked into the party, The whispers of intrigue and jealousy passed around as Brynn kept her head up, and stood her ground as the belle of the ball.While they all stared, Brynn was a bit taken back by all the eyes on her but tried not to let it show or let the anxiousness kick In “be brave Brynn, you owe them nothing” she whispered to herself as she looked around for her date, She heard footsteps approaching, and the whispers increased, Brynn looked up from her mask to meet the gaze of dark familiar emerald eyes looking at her, It was Killian with a look of surprise and dark want passed around his eyes, like he still couldn’t believe the goddess that stood in front of him“ you look exquisite darling” he muttered to her, making Brynn smile out of the compliment, “ do you think so?”“ Darling, I know so, and I know. Plenty of people In this room would d
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drive away the fear
“ Mrs. Grey?” Brynn heard the dark familiar voice that terrified her bones deep as she stiffened, she didn’t dare turn to him, didn’t dare answer him. “ Mrs. Grey, I’d like to talk to you about your partner, Mr. Killian Grey, I was hoping we could talk more and set a meeting. …but I’m all the more curious, have we met somewhere before?” He asked, but Brynn didn’t answer him, her body was too weak to move as she shivered“ are you ok? You would rather not answer me?” He asked as his hands moved forward to reach out to her.But Brynn’s eyes were closed as she fought back the prickly tears and the queasy feeling she felt at the back of her throat, everything had become too silent, too dark, and she leaned her hand on the wall to keep her upright since her legs felt like melting jelly.Please, anyone, please help me, I’m scared, Killian!Brynn whimpered as she squeezed her eyes tight, she couldn’t breathe, and she felt Damon edge closer to where she stood, Damon had raised his hand to to
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