Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Mafia's Mysterious Woman : Kabanata 1 - Kabanata 10
109 Kabanata
1. The Auction
"....100 million going once" The auctioneer announced with his hands raised on the podium where he stood behind the diamond jewellery in a glass box.The seats in the hall were filled with audiences and bidders who had telephones to their ears, communicating silently.One of the bidders said quickly, "120 million"He clenched tight to the telephone he was holding praying silently that no one bids further.The auction was ongoing for minutes already and no bidder was ready to give up yet. It was a no-reserve auction with a bidding commission of 1 million from the very beginning of the programme.The auctioneer cocked his brows and looked around raising his hammer, "Kenneth bids for 120 million, anyone to counter that? Someone 150 million" He paused and continued."120 million going once..."He was interrupted by a husk voice, "200 million"The auctioneer, audience and bidders turned to see the mystery man at the dark corner of the hall but were yet to see his face.Whoever this man was
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2. The Mysterious Lady(1)
There was a yellow crime scene barricade around a red Lamborghini whose glass was shattered and bullet holes all around. Cops flooded around in their number and the medical team moved the covered bodies into a waiting ambulance.At the roof of the building opposite the crime scene was Luca Antonio watching with tears in his eyes, his face showed nothing but pure rage and he tightened his fist and grit his teeth too.The wind blew his full hair behind and that was when Danny Antonio approached him from behind.Danny was the consigliere of the mafia family and was dedicated to the part he played in the family.The Antonio mafia family was a secret empire in Italy that manufactured the finest nose candy (c0caine) and distributed it to major dealers in that region.They went by the name 'The Finest White' because the 'Antonio family' title was only used for a legal business the family took as a side job to launder incomes with no suspicion.The normal people knew the Antonio family for th
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3. The Mysterious Lady(2)
Luca raced out of the elevator immediately after it stopped at the pool area and followed the path she had taken.He knew from the beginning that the mysterious lady was more than ordinary and she just confirmed his suspicion but what person jumps from such height and survives?Anyway, he was glad that she was alive and he would be able to question her but now he had to find the running bitch.She couldn't have gone far and--Luca heard a noise coming from behind the glass villa and raced to see two of his guards struggling to hold down the red-haired lady who groaned crazily throwing kicks into the air.He was relieved to see that his men did a good job, "Good. Hold her down"One of the guards said quickly to him, "Boss, we found her lurking around naked"They pinned her face flat to the ground and she continued to struggle with them. Like a possessed person, she broke from their grip and hit the first man on the throat, the other tried to grab her but she punched his hip which disl
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4. Crazy Linda
Luca hurried out of the room and shut the door behind him with a deep sigh. She wasn't trying to run away again and so that is progress but he was still worried about her. Everything about her. How long would he house her until her memories came kicking back? What if her memories never return and he then has no option but to make her leave?It would be a disaster to kick away the latest discovery that could lead to finding the one who murdered his mother or that was the perpetrator behind the door. He only had the new assumption that a single assassin carried out the job because he got to meet the mysterious Linda. The Lamborghini Mrs Antonio was attacked in had bullet holes all over and a normal person should believe there was more than one attacker who opened fire on the vehicle killing her and the escorts.The perpetrator then proceeds to destroy her face with bullets making her body unrecognizable.It was a gruesome murder and the sight of her body in the mortuary still haun
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5. CEO Luca
They eat silently around the dining room for minutes until Luca was the first to finish his meal.He had asked Hannah to join them over breakfast and she was happy about the Boss' invitation.Luca would never invite the maids to join him over the table but today she was lucky.And why is that?She did a good job on Linda and he believed she would do the same while he's away to work.Hannah was one of his best maids who happened to be among the first batch he employed on the opening of his glass villa.She was diligent and hardworking so far.The other maids were jealous and occasionally peeped from behind the wall to see her dining with the boss and his new girlfriend, so they believed her to be.Luca had a history of bringing various women to his villa but he never dine with them.Linda barely eat and played with her spoon occasionally.Hannah would encourage her to try more and she would continue.Luca on his path was more interested in her memories getting restored and then he coul
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6. Who Are You?
Sun Tzu says 'Keep your friends close and your enemy closer'Luca was wrong to have let Linda be on the loose since the very night. He should have held her captive the night she had fallen asleep but this was not something he expected.On the other hand, even if he succeeded in capturing her at first, what was the assurance that she won't have broken free like she just did?He was yet to wrap his head around her method of escaping from his torture chair.The straps literally burnt off without a causative, just like that, the sh¡t was getting real.He hated science but how was that scientifically possible?This took his mind back to her burning hair, pale face and surviving a fall from a height that would get one killed.She was clearly not normal and something--Something he was yet to or will never understand.How could the mighty Luca Antonio have fallen for the scheme of this woman?He was blinded by her and was yet to know why. She must have played her games well and he slides eas
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7. She Is Gone
"What do you think could have caused this?"This question was asked by one of the maids cleaning up the pieces of glass that were scattered all over the room.The shattering noise had drawn the attention of the maids to the rooms where they found their boss, Luca, facing the open area of the room that was formally covered with a glass wall.Then they realized it must have broken down and caused the noiseLuca ordered them to put the place in order and left with a cut on his forehead which oozed blood down his cheek to the jaw.Only on a few occasions does the boss destroy things in the house out of anger but shattering down an entire glass wall was insane.Of course, no maid could stand to his face and say it.They knew he was a dangerous man.Hannah stood there watching the maids do the cleaning with so much thought in her head.The boss had texted her to bring his gun which she saw him threaten Linda with.She wasn't opportune to know what happened next only to be drawn to the place
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8. A Meeting With The Mayor
Luca's rolls-Royce phantom came to halt in an open field and he alighted putting on his sunglasses.Jack was not allowed to drive him here because he came around for strictly business.Yeah, the bad business people shouldn't know about.He was contacted by the mayor an hour after the call to meet him here.This field was their secret meet-up location on the outskirt of the city where no one lived.Luca checked his wristwatch and then strolled around, running his fingers through his head.Linda was just someone he was finding difficult to erase from his mind. Thoughts about her keep coming up every second, minute, and hour and for how long, who knows?She couldn't just come into his life and disappear as a bad dream even if he still had plans to find her.Everything about her was a question that only one person could answer. Linda. Luca planned to deal with her situation after he was done with the Mayor but she just keep coming back to his head like an annoying headache. The noise of
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9. The Cuban Gang
It was an evening at Thornhill when a yellow cab stopped at a deserted road and Luca alighted handing over a currency note to the Cabman."Keep the change"He was dressed in a pinstriped suit with a tie and had a black hat on with dark shades that covered his eyes.Luca rest his back on a pole and crossed his legs bringing a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.He took one and in seconds his face is engulfed in the smoke he was puffing out of his mouth.For no exact reason, he cursed angrily, "Fvcking piece of shit!"Luca had so much going in his head and he wished he could just sleep them off but there was no rest for him, not yet.He had the mayor's job to deal with, then Linda: the mysterious woman, and now his father, the mafia boss who wants him to return home.His father was the biggest of the three problems and he knew full well that it wasn't an ordinary call.Lorenzo did not need to attach threats to his message for Luca to understand he meant every word. The boss always mean
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10. Finding Linda
Luca arrived at the entrance of a mall in his rolls-Royce phantom and alighted to see all eyes on him.It was rare to see a billionaire like him in public places.He waved with a big smile when he noticed a particular lady staring at him from the crowd on the other side of the road.Closing the door of the vehicle, he made to move away but realized she looked familiar.He turned and she was still staring and that was when Luca observed her flaming hair and icy blue eyes which he could see clearly from his position.There was only one person with such features."Linda"She took to her heel quickly and he wondered if she heard him call out her name.There was no way he was letting her go that easily. Was she spying on him now?He took off ignoring the incoming cab and rolled over the bonnet to the other side.Luca landed perfectly on his feet and chased after her.She was fast but he was faster and gaining on her already.Linda took a sudden turn into an alley and he followed quickly but
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