Semua Bab SANTA BABY... I'M FINALLY HOME: Bab 21 - Bab 30
35 Bab
“Girls, this is Starlight,” Meghan said, making the introductions.“Oh, I’ve heard so much about you,” Harper said, hugging her.           Anna exchanged a quick smile with Harper, her large eyes sweeping Starlight from head to foot.“It’s so nice to meet you.”          She nudged Jeremy. His hug was awkward and brief.“Welcome back, Starlight.”“Thank you, Jeremy.”“Hey, Starlight,” Edward said, hugging her. “Glad you’re home.”“It’s nice to be back,” Starlight said. “Congratulations to both of you… Well, all of you...”          Starlight ignored the hollow ache in her stomach at the clear adoration both Edward and Jeremy had for their women.
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Elijah yawned, beyond tired as he steered his truck down the dark streets toward home. Nothing like working forty-eight hours straight… A long forty-eight hours shift… Between Bobby Sutton’s disappearance and a pop-up meth lab tip, he’d driven over most of the county and turned up nothing but an abandoned barn and cold trails. He’d busted two teens selling pot at a corner store but lost another in the park. At least he hadn’t spent much time at his desk. Nothing like sitting underneath humming fluorescent lights to make a man doze. Being up, out, and adrenaline pumping kept him sharp and focused. He hadn’t been slated for the shift, but when his coworker’s wife had gone into early labor, he’d volunteered to cover the man’s shift. Unlike the vast majority of the Smithville force, he was… single. Had Starlight noticed he was gone? Missed him at all? Elijah blew out a deep breath. Dammit, he’d thought about her a hell
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       Meghan shook her head emphatically.“Girl, stop it! Hearing this about your brother might make you wanna puke, but to me and all the other women in Smithville, they are gorgeous,” Summer argued.“I can’t marry one of them…” Starlight replied to Summer reaching for the next dress on the rack, “I grew up with them. They were the closest thing to a brother to me. Gary used to put worms in my pudding. And James was always trying to look under my skirt or down my shirt. But he did punch a guy for me once,” she added laughing.“I remember…” Meghan said, grabbing Starlight’s hand. “We were… What? Twelve?”          Starlight nodded.“Twelve was such an awkward time. I got my braces and my boobs. There was this boy in my class, and he was teasing me…”“And James
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          Elijah shifted the large Crock-Pot he’d picked up for the happy couple and opened the door of ‘Tucker House’.“You look wiped, dude,” Edward said, giving him a one-armed hug.“Skeleton crew means extra hours,” he said, hugging Harper. “You look pretty, sweetie.”          Harper smiled at him and patted his shoulder.“Thank you, EJ. So kind of you to say it.”“Where’s the happy couple?” Elijah asked, assessing the crowd.          Chances were he could put in an appearance and sneak out. He needed sleep. Like an entire century of sleep… He’d been called in to work and left Starlight sleeping, warm and soft in his bed.          Leaving the woma
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         Starlight smiled at the bartender as he filled her glass.“Thank you very much.”          She sat at the bar, scanning the empty dining room. Right now it was the perfect room to find herself in. Everyone was in the library, celebrating the future newlyweds, so, the quiet was a nice change.“Not a fan of crowds, are you?”          Starlight heard Elijah’s voice and smiled into her glass. She’d known he’d follow her. Wasn’t that why she’d let him know she was leaving?“It was getting a little too stuffy for me in there.”          She glanced at him, sitting on the bar stool next to her.“Hi! I’m Elijah Thomas.”          He held his
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         Elijah held her against him. He’d scarred her. Left her broken… ‘damaged’ her, as she was saying…“I’m sorry, Star. I’m so damn sorry.”          Starlight stared up at him but said nothing.“I did what I thought I had to do,” Elijah said.          This time, she frowned then confusion appeared in her green eyes.“What… What are you talking about?”“I should’ve said this to you a long time ago… I should’ve looked for you and let you know why I did what I did… to you…”“Elijah… I don’t understand… You’re not making sense…” Starlight told him slowly.“Star, I… I hurt you when I should have fought for you,”
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“Okay, dude,” Edward said, “tell us what the hell did you do… We’re here for you… So, start talking…”          Elijah took a deep breath.“Remember our breakup?” he asked.“The one where you were basically catatonic for a year?” Edward asked. “Yeah, good times… Fun times!”          Elijah flipped him off.“That was a hell of a long time ago.”          Jeremy crossed his arms over his chest.“I know we were kids, but I really loved Starlight. I mean… she was my everything. Losing her was a nightmare. I believed we were forever. It felt like it would be. But if you love someone like that, you have to put them first, right?”        
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          The next day, Meghan came over and helped her weeding through her old things. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. There were three large boxes that she and Meghan tackled together.          But there wasn’t much. Mostly pictures and keepsakes gathered from before her father had left them. Nothing from her high-school years, or her life with Daniel… They hauled the boxes onto the front porch.“I can call James…” Meghan offered. “My brother has a truck.”“No, Megs… After what I did at the party... I can’t keep leading your brother on.”“Girl, you just kissed him under the mistletoe,” Meghan said, nudging her. “I didn’t see tongue, or groping…”          Starlight laughed.“Be
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Elijah woke to Christmas songs, laughter, and singing. It took a minute to understand where he was… He groaned… This was Starlight’s bed, alone, covered in blankets. A shout of laughter made him grin. Starlight and Meghan, from the sounds of it. He kicked back the blankets, ran a hand through his disheveled hair, and glanced at the clock. Elijah covered his face with his hands and groaned again… It was almost 6:00 p.m. He had an hour before he needed to be at the station. Elijah turned on the bedside lamp and stretched. It had been a long time since he’d slept a solid five hours without waking. It made sense that he’d done it in Starlight’s bed. It was the one place he could truly relax and just… breathe. He glanced around the room, taking in the many changes made by her and Meghan. The pom-pom and trophies were gone… The walls were bare. Even the curtains had been pulled down. Swallowing hard, Elijah remember
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Starlight turned the moment Meghan was entering the room. Her face was pale. “Aunt Hazel called…” she whispered. “Elijah?” Starlight asked, already knowing the answer. Meghan took her hands. “He’s okay, sweetie.” “What happened?” she asked, her voice trembling. “Don’t freak out, okay? He was stabbed…” “What?! No!” Starlight yelled. “He’s in stable condition.” Meghan hurried to the door. “Where is he?” Starlight asked. “Saint Croix Hospital…” she said then paused. “But... EJ said for you not to come.” Starlight frowned. “Oh…” “I need to take Aunt Hazel. She can’t drive on the ice, too jumpy,” Meghan replied, hugging her. “I’ll let you know as soon as I know more.” “Okay,” she whispered, feeling numb. After closing the door, Starlight stood still, like a statue. The man she loved was hurt… But he was stable enough to tell her not to come. Starlight hugged herself, hating how cold she felt. “If he doesn’t want me there,
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