Semua Bab Fated to the Lycan Prince : Bab 31 - Bab 40
112 Bab
Chapter Thirty-One
Flashing Lights The way that Mav, Tucker, Axel and Blake were around Lance last night confirmed my suspicions that he was a Head Trainer, if not part of the close warrior team sworn in to directly protect the King and Royal family. Most of my intel is gained from when people think I am asleep! It was 6.30am and I had slept quite well considering my upcoming jail time in thirty minutes. Lance must have slept on the couch as the bed was cold on the side I hadn’t slept on. I hear a faint knock on the apartment door and hear Lance’s foot steps on the floor of his apartment. I very carefully walk over to his bedroom door and slightly open it ajar to find out who is visiting him so early in the morning. “Yes?” He grunts as he opens the door. “Sir, we are here for Aida Sagar! Orders from the Alpha!” I hear a male voice. The Alpha had the nerve of questioning my honour, of questioning whether I would attend my own punishment! Irritated by the insult on my character, I storm out of the b
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Chapter Thirty-Two
The tidy up. I manage to move myself back under the table. I’d rather the world melted me away at this moment. I’m assuming the ransom girl was me, why did the rogue want me and who would they think would pay the ransom. My brother certainly wouldn’t, and if I paid the ransom myself, I’d have no money to buy my own place to escape to. They must have heard a pack princess was here, which meant someone from inside was leaking information to the rebels. The cell door unlocks with a thud and is slowly pushed open. Five pair of shoes, Blake unbelievably wearing heels even in battle, walk into the cell. “Aida?” Axel calls my name in a hushed tone. “Check the bathroom!” Lance orders. “I’m here!” I bleakly respond from under the table. All heads whip around and all eyes focus on me under the table. They all tilt their heads to the side, in that sympathetic look which grates on me every time. Lance takes a step towards me and crouches down to match my height level on the floor. “Are you h
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Chapter Thirty-Three
A mind never forgets. My mind becomes conscious before I have the chance to open my eyes. I awake to the sound of beeping and at first I wonder if I am still in the cell with the intruder pack alarm blurring. As I open my eyes the white sterile ceiling does nothing to tell me where I am. The cell, the canteen, the training base hospital are all very similar in their design. As I focus more on the noise I realise the bleeping sound is coming from a monitor next to me. I look down to see myself laying on a hospital bed, in a private hospital room. The tubes that are travelling from the monitor to me, are linked up to my hand and arm. I pull all tubes out which results in a red flashing light and alarm coming from the machine. Heavy footsteps race down the corridor outside and barge into my room. Lance, Axel and Doctor Wessex all stare at me with sheer panic in their eyes. “They are there for a reason!” Doctor Wessex tuts me as he walks over as he mutes the monitor. “What happened?” I
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Chapter Thirty-Four
Missing a Lycan! Lance and Axel didn’t leave my sight once. It was now later that day and tomorrow was Wednesday, and Lance had to leave for the King’s trip to the Hansen Pack. “Maybe I shouldn’t go?” Lance stops mid packing, hesitating once again. “Lance, I’ll be fine. Doctor Wessex said I was good to leave the hospital.” I reassure him. I am sat on Lance’s bed watching him pack, my wolf already pining for him and he hasn’t even left yet. I pouted when he packed a tux for the traditional Alpha ball on the Saturday, the last night of hosting. I hadn’t been to an Alpha ball but I had heard plenty about them. Everyone was to attend, even the omegas. Supposedly it was to thank everyone for hosting the King but I wasn’t as fooled. I think it was so the King could continue to find his mate. The thought of Lance dancing with pretty dressed up she-wolves was really agitating me. I hear his apartment front door open and Axel walks into Lance’s bedroom dumping a black holdall on the floor.
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Sleeping in the trunk! I finally manage to cut the seatbelt and push the seat forward. I try to angle my way out of the boot but the gap is too small. I even try to dislocate my shoulder, with a lot of pain, but I still can’t fit through. I try to pick the trunk door’s lock but after twenty minutes of trying my arms hurt, especially with the dislocated shoulder. Clearly I was going to have to spend the night in the car boot, at least I was somewhat comfy, at least I was dry and safe. I haven’t heard any voices or evidence of a camp being near by. All I can hear is the regular hooting of an owl nearby and nocturnal animals busying themselves in the woodlands that must be nearby. The majestic glow from the full moon high in the night’s sky provides a low light to me in the back of the car. I can make out the moon’s ethereal glow through the gap into the front of the car. The Sagar pack, my home pack, will be enjoying a night time wolf run right about now. It’s something my father encour
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Chapter Thirty-Six
You never forget…This is all very overwhelming for me. These Lycan friends of mine were trained for a world I hadn’t yet been exposed to…witches! What was I actually doing here? What did I expect to achieve? A medal saying well done for passing Lycan training and that Henri would welcome me back to the pack with open arms. That Caleb would reject Skylar and be with me. I was working towards a future that didn’t exist for me anymore. I didn’t need to prove my skill for anyone but myself. Combat training won’t be an advantage for me when working in the human world. So why was I still here? I had got swept up with my new group of friends. But once they complete training they won’t have space in their lives for me. Lance might not be mated yet, but he wouldn’t accept a she-wolf as a life partner. His family, wouldn’t accept me, why would they? What have I got to offer? He’ll be destined for a she-Lycan and I can’t just live a life waiting for it to be shattered. “Are you still awake? You
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
Passion.As soon as I close the bedroom door I hear them all whispering. Very subtle of them! I walk over to Lance’s bedside table and grab his laptop. I curl up on Lance’s bed and start researching places on the internet. I think initially London would be a good idea. I could easily hide away due to the sheer volume of human’s living in the city. There were more than enough legal firms, I’m sure one would take pity on me and hire me. London also has such a vast array of food options, think of all the cake I could eat! Which reminds me, I haven’t visited Dillon’s and Leanne’s coffee shop in a while and should make the effort this week. I hear the sound of the front door closing and know they’ve all left for the night. Lance opens the bedroom door carrying two cups of tea. “Well now I feel bad! They really didn’t need to go!”“It’s fine Aida, they needed to get ready for training tomorrow morning anyway!” He says as he places a cup of tea in my hand. “Thank you!” I sweetly smile at h
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
Sighting a witch! It was mid week already and training had stepped up a gear since we started. Every muscle ached come bedtime and I found it difficult to stay awake past 9pm. Monday night and last night I was already asleep by the time Lance returned from his evening reports. He and Mav were artful at their secret operation. Had I not of overheard their early Monday morning conversation, I wouldn’t have suspected anything. Mav was already taking his promise to Lance seriously and I didn’t get a single private moment with Hong or Tate to discuss what their views were on witches and Lycans working together. Maybe Tate had some experience with witches through his family on the Lycan side. From what I knew he might be half-Lycan half-werewolf, but was raised part of a werewolf pack. It seems his Alpha sent him here to increase the pack’s influence and also to ensure Tate trained with the best. He wasn’t part of the alpha family, but any smart alpha would want the half Lycan as a pack w
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
Not a training exercise anymore! They circle around me, I’m like a wild animal being caged in. My eyes fall on the red headed witch who hasn’t intruded onto the royal Lycan land, why? What was she waiting for? I’m assuming the man in front of me is the leader of this small rebel group. The suspected group leader takes a predatory step towards me. His movement forces my wolf to take control of my body, baring my skin side’s teeth at him and preparing us to fight. Surely backup has been called, if I can just keep them busy a little longer, Tate and I shouldn’t be so outnumbered. I’m putting all my faith on Spike’s crew having mind-linked the alpha before being hit with the fireball. “You’re coming with us, conscious or not!” The ring leader roars at me. “Are those my only choices?” I retort back. His mouth forms into a sadistic smile that gives me goosebumps. No, I really didn’t want to be leaving with them. I see an opening in their circle around me and try to make for the woods
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Chapter Forty
The old concussion excuse.Lance steadies me on the bath tub edge as he takes his clothes off and opens the walk in shower’s glass door. His chiselled abs, tight muscular butt and manhood are completely on display to me. I start to cover myself up with my hands, very aware of my nakedness. He closes the gap between us and pulls my hands away from my breasts. “Aida, you were just naked in front of a pack full of warriors!” He reminds me. “I had no choice, believe me, I’ll be mortified forever from that moment!” I look down to the tiled floor in embarrassment. Lance tilts my head up with his thumb on my chin. “You are gorgeous and perfect for all to see. But let’s not do it again, agreed? I don’t like to share!” He winks at me, which causes a smile to escape from my lips. He scoops me up and walks us into the shower, closing the door behind us. The water stings my body and I scrunch my face up from the initial pain. He continues to hold me while the blood is washed from my body, re
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