Semua Bab The Rejected Luna: Bab 21 - Bab 30
180 Bab
CHAPTER 21Kyra’s PovWe ran towards the area where we had heard the loud noise after the summoning of the spirt of the wolf. I was so inquisitive to find out what had happened . I was sure that noise was loud and it must definitely mean something.Ace had told me to be calm while we find out whyhat had happened.“What ever the matter was we would find out”,he said.When finally got to where we heard the noise but there wasn’t anyone there. An open field filled with lots of grasses , big enough to feed a large number of cows.“What is this place ?”,I asked.Lisa managed to speak by telling me it was a hidden field in the woods where lots of rogues ran to when they were being pursued .I immediately felt there might be someone who must have ran into that place , possibly chased by someone.“Why then is there no one here, I an very sure we all heard the noise back there”,I said.I could tell that they were all as confused as I was. Ace said we should split while we went ahead to find wh
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Twenty one
Kyra's Pov I was so sad that I had not been able to see my wolf that I had pleaded with Ace and Lise to help me out. It was on a full moon and I was so confident and reliant that something would happen this time around. I wanted to have the feeling of a full werewolf, the situation if remaining a Lone wolf was so annoying and saddening coupled with the fact that I indeed felt all alone.Being alone had only but made me feel quite useless and mysterable years after the death of my parents. I needed something to make me more stronger and accepted in the pack. Ace and Lisa had agreed to help me summon my wolf that night. Rejection had never been my thing, right from when I was a child. If there was anything detested ,that was being rejected. I had always wanted to be comfortable with myself and at the same time be able to achieve things on my own. I hated the fact that I was seen as not being too Useful because I was a lone Wolf. That feeling alone made me go wild at times ,but the m
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Chapter 22Hades PovI was so scared and terrified by what had happened the previous night during the mating ceremony of my son and Cindy. That was truly something that felt quiet shocking and disturbing at the same time. I really did not know what had really gone wrong but I was sure that something not good was hoovering around the sky. I had to call the attention of Blake that morning into my courtroom immediately for a discussion with him.Blake walked into my courtroom that morning having been called in by my guard. I offered him a seat and told him that we had something very important to discuss. Looking at his eyes I could tell that he was already disturbed and he knew that I was about saying something, but he was quite ignorant about what I had to say" Was it about what happened the day before!", he asked looking so inquisitive. " Exactly, that is why I summoned you here", I told him. "I do not really know what happened and why it all of a sudden began to rain last night.
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Kyra's PovI returned to see how the wounded man from the field was coping. He seemed to have lost so much blood while he laid on the bed looking so stressed. At first he was asleep ,but while I stood for sometime , his eyes opened." How are you doing ?", I asked." I'm so weak right now, but I'm grateful that I am alive ", he replied.He thanked me for sparing his life and bringing him over to the medicine camp. " It's fine , I wanted to be sure of what had happened , seeing you there lying so unconscious, we thought we should help you out immediately", I said.That noise had made me so concern, I knew something wasn't right as soon as I heard it. I could recall that the day my parents were murdered, that it was almost the same noise I heard." Please can I ask you for a favour?", he said.I Wondered what that could have been , I barely knew this man. We only saved him because we wanted to know what had happened and now he was asking for favours. I thought of not granting him any
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Lisa's PovI felt a very uncertain energy around the medicine camp, I had shut the doors myself, ordering everyone to stay indoors as I felt something bad hovering around. We all stayed still, it was already far into the mid night and Ace and Kyra had gone to deliver the letter at the Blood Moon Pack.It all started with a strong unexplainable wind which kept on blowing the roof of the camp. I had warned the medicine men not to step out, telling them that staying in there with me was the safest. I knew I felt the presence of something awkward and I was not ready to let anyone get affected.Whatever it was would have to attack me first before getting in.Soon we began to hear the unbearable cry of a baby outside, I knew it was a trap for someone to go out. The evil might want to break our unity and attack someone.I again urged everyone to remain calm while the evil passed. I gently reached for the window to have a glance on the outside, when one of the medicine men immediately opened
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Rahl's PovSquid had returned back to the black cave where I waited for him to give me reports on the men from crystal moon Pack that were on their way to get help from a certain pack far away. He entered into my court looking uncertain." What happened, did you get me their energies?", I asked."Yes ",he said handing over the scooper to me. I immediately sensed that it wasn't all. Then I asked him where the rest was." I'm so sorry, but one of the men escaped"." What do you mean by that, didn't you go after him after escaping?", I asked." I did but a certain force made it impossible for me to attack".I was very wrath, If that particular man was left to live, he would go ahead to expose what he had seen to the world. I told squid to go back and make sure that he finished the job. Then he gave me a more striking news." The message has already been delivered to the certain pack already", he said." How do you mean?"." Two rogues took the report from the man who escaped , I was un
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Rahl's PovSquid had returned back to the black cave where I waited for him to give me reports on the men from crystal moon Pack that were on their way to get help from a certain pack far away. He entered into my court looking uncertain." What happened, did you get me their energies?", I asked."Yes ",he said handing over the scooper to me. I immediately sensed that it wasn't all. Then I asked him where the rest was." I'm so sorry, but one of the men escaped"." What do you mean by that, didn't you go after him after escaping?", I asked." I did but a certain force made it impossible for me to attack".I was very wrath, If that particular man was left to live, he would go ahead to expose what he had seen to the world. I told squid to go back and make sure that he finished the job. Then he gave me a more striking news." The message has already been delivered to the certain pack already", he said." How do you mean?"." Two rogues took the report from the man who escaped , I was un
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Squid's PovThere was only one place I knew I had seen lots of medicine men, the medicine Camp which was far into the woods. I wasn't going to let Rahl range his anger on me if I failed to get the Alpha we draged back to the black cave treated properly. My duty,as sworn to Rahl when he tools me from Gream's pack was to carry out his every duty without regrets of refusal. My story pack then at my pack was a very saddened one, of which I owed my whole life gratitude to Rahl for saving me. Gream's pack was known for their nature's beauty when it came to good vegetations and resources. We were mostly business men and women who loved to till the ground.I was once happy before something terrible happened. The day my mother was killed for socecerry. Gream's never believed in performing any act of magic, for it was all believed to be an act of witchcraft. I was also locked up in a dark room for days, the offence of being the only son to a witch. It broke my heart when she was finally behead
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Hades PovI and my men where very close to Crystal moon Pack , it was already night. When I ordered them to stop. We needed to get in through different entrances ,incase we were being monitored by the attackers ." We must spread out now", I said dividing my men into four groups. I wanted to have a full view of everything ,so when I sent them ,I took to a high gigantic tree ,where I climbed till it's top. The view was quite exquisite, but one thing was that the pack was so quite, it was already set ablaze with smokey fumes covered everywhere which made it difficult to see properly. I had to deem my eyes to see when my men got in from various directions. Soon the unsheathing of swords and loud groaning filled the atmosphere. I got the usual coldness within me and I could tell all wasn't well at all.The fight took place for quite a long time and I wondered how many the attackers were. I had stayed on the tree for quite a long time and I needed to get down and fight as well, so I came d
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Kyra's PovAfter Lisa had felt an evil power hovering around, she insisted that we all took cover inside the camp. We had stayed there for quite some minutes when we heard someone scream. Looking through the window, Ace and I noticed that one of the medicine men had fallen from a tree. We had wanted to see what the mage on a black long dress would do to him, but all we saw was him dragging the medicine man out into the mountain close by. We quickly rushed out to follow the mage who had taken the medicine man alive. Lisa had told us it would be dangerous,but weren't ready to miss out on what exactly they needed the man for. At least we must have to save the man from whatever plans they had towards taking him. " Do you think they had gone that way?", I asked Ace , When we could no longer get trace of the mage again. If Lisa was here it would have been easy for her to tell where the mage was as she was good in perceiving powers." I think we should go this way", he said pointing at th
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