Semua Bab THE BLOOD CURSE MARK : Bab 51 - Bab 60
94 Bab
Chapter 51: Bullies
Charlotte’s povI woke up the next morning and got ready to socialize.A few minutes later Alexa opened the door with a frown on her face.“I am starting to think that you marrying that psychopath who wanted to kill you was a good idea after all” she said, and I smiled at this.“We haven’t been here for 24 hours, who pissed you off so early in the morning?” I asked and she sat down on the couch.More like threw herself on it before sighing.“Everything and everyone, honestly I don’t see myself surviving with these werewolves. Do you know what that bitch said to me this morning?” she asked, and I shook my head.“You mean Sasha? There is something really off about her” I said, and she nodded.“Its her aura, it matches that of that other guy. I tell you that they are not good people” she said.Alexa is special like that; she is not a witch but a demon from what we gathered.There isn’t much information about them, but we do know that she is one for certain.Most of her abilities are stil
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Chapter 52: powerful witches
Charlotte’s povAnd that is just assuming that its Justice.It could be anyone, it could even be Logan even though I highly doubt it.It could be someone who wants Justice to take the throne and be the Alpha King or someone who wants Logan to be the Alpha King.Although I trust Logan and believe that he wouldn’t do such a thing you don’t know about his followers.You see at times people who care about us or want us to succeed can do the vilest things.Someone could do this to the Alpha King thinking that maybe they are doing the world a favour.I tell you that people look or even do the vilest thing and try to justify them with the most stupid reasons ever.And Clara, how is it that she is wolf less?How does a wolf get locked?I get it that some werewolves start changing into their wolf form when they turn 16 years, some 17 and most of them change when they reach 18 years.So how is it that even at this age, I assume that she is my age then why doesn’t she have a wolf?I looked at Al
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Chapter 53: Betrayal
Logan’s povThey have no reason to lie to me.I am the one that asked them to come here with me and Charlotte has enough problems of her own.So, this means that what the felt was true, something really is wrong with my father’s aura.And the way Alexa just dismissed it when I told her just shows that she really has nothing to gain from all of this.Now that will be the second mystery that I really need to figure out.The first one was who killed my mother?For years we were told that it was the Vampire King Sebastian and I always doubted that.What would he have against our mother?She was just a Queen Luna and I also realized something as well.He has been so busy looking for Charlotte, so in those years he wouldn’t have cared about our mother.I even believe that those two never crossed paths which leads me to think that someone else did it.Someone did it and even told people and started these rumours that it was the Vampire King.I think that everyone believed it because I will b
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Chapter 54: Strong
 Logan’s pov“Yes we will be able to find them, first I need to do something. I will try to replicate the portion they are using; I need you two to buy me time and also some ingredients” Charlotte said, and we both nodded.   “I think we can both do that, Alexa you deal with the ingredients, and I will ask Dean to help you” I said but Alexa frowned.   “Don’t worry, he is my best friend, and he can be trusted” I said, and she didn’t seem convinced.   These two have lived most of their lives on the run so I understand why they have trouble letting people in.   They have always had to be wary of the people around them, not really forming strong bonds because of their predicament.  “Fine, bu
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Chapter 55:  Trust
Charlotte’s povHe must really care about his father, and I can see it.It makes me think of my own father, that man uprooted his entire life for me.“You should tell him” I said, and Logan looked at me confused.“Tell him what? About his Aura? Then I will have to tell him how I found out. We agreed that we wouldn’t tell anyone” he said, and I shook my head.“He is your father, if you trust him then so do I… Tell him the truth about everything” I said and looked at Alexa.“Yes, it would be good to have someone who knows the truth” Alexa said and looked at me.We have spent so much time of our lives running and hiding, not just that but we also had to lie to the people around us.That’s the most painful part, knowing that the people around you don’t know the real you.“I can’t do that, it’s your secret to keep and I will not risk putting you in danger” he said, and I smiled.“We never stayed in one place for long, all that time when we were running away. Do you know why?” I asked him a
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Chapter 56: Pain
Charlotte’s pov“I am done sir, now that we have masked your aura then you are good to go… remember that we need to do this for the next few days” I said, and he nodded.He sat back on his chair, and I heard him sigh.Can you blame him?He is probably going through what Logan went through when he found out the truth.Someone out there is trying to harm him and that too in the worst possible way.They want to humiliate him; you see in our world no one remembers the good things you did.I was a model citizen of my pack, helped and volunteered for every event they planned.I was called a prodigy and the future of our coven because I should great promise from day 1.My mother was always so proud of me, even my extended family worshipped the ground I walked on.But now I can only imagine the things they say behind my back.I bet they laugh when they talk about me, “she thought she was better than us” “Prodigy my foot, she is nothing but a demon”.Hell, that’s me sugar-coating it, I bet the
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Chapter 57: power
Sebastian’s povA mole, who could it be?Could it be Mark?He has been with me for years and is the reason I managed to find Scarlet.Could he have possibly betrayed me or Is there more to this.Hell, I am getting even more confused by the day.Who the hell is a mole in this place?My little sister didn’t really like Scarlet that much, but she wouldn’t betray me right?“Hello brother, what brings you back? Should you be out there chasing your reincarnate girlfriend?” Eliza asked me.“I thought you would be gone by now; you saw them and usually you don’t stay long after seeing them” I said, and she shrugged as she sat down.“Yes, I know but for some reason I cant seem to leave now. What If you need me, if you find your girlfriend chances are war will break out because of her” she said and then rolled her eyes at this.“You never really liked her so why would you stay?” I asked her and she shrugged.“You are my brother; you are the only family I have left now” she said and then looked a
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Chapter 58: Joke
Logan’s pov“I am almost done cleansing your aura, just a little bit more. From now on you need to be careful what you eat” I heard Charlotte say to my father.“I will try my best” my father said which made her glare at him.“Don’t you dare try but do it, do you know how hard it is cleaning someone’s aura? Don’t try just do it, do you understand?” she asked him.“Yes ma’am, I heard you loud and clear” my father said making both Alexa and I smile.“Good, you will be all good.You are not back to yourself, but I suggest that for now only eat what I make for you.Its better to be safe than sorry, I will bring you food myself.Until we lure this person out we can’t compromise your safety” she added, and my father just nodded.Who knew that the Alpha King would be so obedient.“Come on Charlotte, go easy on my father will you?” I asked her and her eyes landed on me.What did I do?Why is she looking at me like that?“I am not just talking to him but to all of you. Be really careful, if the
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Chapter 59: blood
Logan’s pov“Are you challenging my father Mr Knight?” Justice asked him and he nodded.“Yes I am challenging him” was his response and his eyes landed on me.Why?Did he challenge my father for me?but why?I didn’t ask for any of this and I have never shown any interest in being an Alpha King.“I didn’t ask for any of this, don’t do this if you are doing it for my sake” I said, and Justice scoffed.“Yeah right, you always act like you aren’t interested in the throne but all this time you planned this with him didn’t you.You are trying to stab father in the back” Justice said, and I shook my head.My eyes landed on Charlotte; she was just watching everything unfold.Mr Knight plotted against my father?He is the one who was poisoning him, or did he just take advantage of what happened to my father.Did he notice that my father’s aura isn’t as it used to be which means that he is weakened?Or did he plan this from the very beginning?But we did set a trap to find whoever did this to
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Chapter 60: Almighty Alpha King
Logan’s povEvening came around and Charlotte came to my father’s office.“I will now unmask your scent; your strength is back at about 90%. Had he challenged you tomorrow then you would have fought him at a 100%. I am sorry about this” she said, and my father shook his head.“You did your best dear, without you we wouldn’t have known a thing.Now I have the power to fight back” my father said and then looked at me.He now really looked better as I looked at him,he didn’t look like someone who was burdened by something.How Is it possible that the people around him didn’t notice how different he was.Hell, two strangers who had never met him knew from only one meeting that something isn’t right.Next time I will make sure that I am the look out for such things, so something like this never happens again not under my watch.“Are you ready?” I asked father who nodded, and Justice shook his head.“Father just step down and give me the throne. Why go out there to get yourself killed?” he
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