Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 21 - Chapitre 30
Twenty one
*current day… . . "So you have zero idea how your hand got on my pants?" Liam asks, taking more steps closer, until our bodies are almost touching and pressing my hand on his body, until I have no choice but to slip it out. "Yeah, I didn't." I say, my eyes still bouncing back to his V-line. "My face is up here" Liam scoffs, lifting my chin up with his fingers, and making my eyes redirect to his face. His eyes. His eyes are not just his right now, it's holding so much, dangerously much. "Raven…" He calls. "if you could have anything right now. What would it be?..."Ah, Raven. Even I forgot I ever wanted to be called by that name and just like that, like the way he calls it, the fact that I forgot but yet he remembered. "If u could have anything right now?" I repeat, getting myself lost. "Yeah anything…" "Right now…" I am lost in thoughts. "You don't have to think, be spontaneous" He smiles…. Where is he getting at? Why would he ask if I could want anything? "Nothing"
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Twenty two
Liam's lips were warm, welcoming and gentle, the way his lips had nibbled my bottom lips, the way our breaths had synchronized. He had gently moved his hand up my waist to balance my lying body pressing against his. Slowly we exchanged tongues, and I found my hand crawling up his face. We never wanted to stop, we were losing our breaths, but stopping was the last thing on our minds. We would nibble on each other's bottom lips while catching our breaths, with our tongues hungry for each other and promising to never stop. And we didn't. I open my eyes to the sound of my name and a light touch on my ankle. I squint my eyes immediately as the room's bright light hits my eyes. I sit up. "What?" I ask low and calmly, seeing Vilda staring at me. "I know it's still early but we have to leave" She says. I look around the room, and notice Liam's not in anymore. "Where's Liam?" I ask. "He left, and you have to too" Vilda says. Before I know it, I am leaving the really small mo
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Twenty Three
My eyes are literally blown away as I stare at the inside of the suite room Liam had booked for us. The interior design is literally beautiful enough to make your eyes water, so many things in front of my eye that I want to scream and point to for seeing it for the first time in my life, but don't want to humiliate myself in front of Vilda. Nobody likes a small town country girl, if that makes sense The walls are high, and with a really low hanging blue chandelier that weirdly I felt the urge to touch. My eyes notice a really weird chair looking like a golden box at the side of the wall, almost inside the walls too, with three small holes in it.. I don't know what it is so I decide to ask. "What's that?" I ask, trying not to sound too unsophisticated. Vilda turns to where I'm pointing. "I'm pretty sure that's a humidifier, the type you don't need to worry about," Vilda smiles. "A humidifier?" I yell. "Why is it so big?!"I hear Vilda laugh, "It helps as a chair and also a hum
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Twenty Four
Vilda gets the door before I could, revealing a girl, I think around my age or a little bit older. She looks tired and in front of her is a trolley with bags in it. Dress bag. I arch my brows. Her hair is auburn, almost red and her enormous green eyes and doe nose is welcomed with small slips and almost faded freckles. I notice the terrified look on her face seeing Vilda in front of the door..She gasps. "Are you perhaps Mrs. Knight?" Vilda shakes her head and then takes a step to the left to reveal me. And I catch her almost invisible sigh of relief. "Mrs knight." She beams, "You're even prettier in person." I try not to smile.I mean I do get compliments like this, but hardly from females. "Thank you" I say. "Can I come in?" She asks. "Sure-"State your business first" Vilda interrupts me. "Where are my manners?" She dramatically gasps. "I am Ruby, Ruby bells, and I'll be Mrs. Knight new dress stylists" her accent makes her words a little bit fast and hard to catch "
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Twenty Five
"Remember… we're both madly in love with each other" I let Liam's words engrave deep in my brain while we were in the car till we got out. The night is cold but refreshing, and as I step out of Liam's car with Liam's bodyguard getting the door for me, I can't help but take in the magnificent view in front of my eyes. Ignoring the expensive cars, lined up side by side in the wide area's space, I look ahead of the garden where we are standing and the enormous beret shaped building takes me by surprise, it's not my first time in the city, but definitely my first time seeing a unique shaped building. It is covered with marbles and has long windows that showed the lights coming from inside the building. The garden of course is not just wide with expensive cars looking for breathing space, but also huge water fountains with lights.I try not to act like the country girl I'm not. Right, faking that this is clearly what I should be seeing and what I should be used to, as Liam's knig
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Twenty Six
I stay where I am and watch Liam leave my side to the podium in the room.Fuck. This is getting my nervous system crazy. "Ma'am," I hear someone call behind me, and turn around… "Here," The talk man behind me says, handing me a small but unique glass cup. "Your husband will make a toast soon" He beams as I take the glass cup from him. My husband.. The word makes my stomach churn, but I just draw a smile and nod, leaving him to walk away. I watch as everyone gets their cup filled with wine, and I clutch my cup to myself as I turn to Liam who has been speaking for a while. "It's an honor having you here tonight, believe me, it's really an honor… I let Liam words drift again as I feel someone's presence beside me. These people are not letting me focus on my husb-liam. "Excuse me ma'am" The man who had led us to the private room, smiles beside me and I nod. He is wearing gloves now with a brand new wine bottle different from the rest, he pops the bottle open beside me, and el
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Twenty Seven
I exchange a quick glance with Liam before turning to the woman in front of us. She's in heels too but we're both clocking the same height, she has nice brown hair that constructs her face and high cheek bones perfectly well. I can clearly remember her name 'Anastasia collin', age. Thirty five, was once pregnant but lost her child, and is married to the late mayor, who's kind of not late, Harry Houston. According to the book, which warned that she's a very sly person and also a narcisst, I am glad my memory is doing a great job right now. "Anna" Liam calls, getting way close to me, like he's protecting from a really bad energy. "Liam, look at you, all grown up." she kisses her teeth."Well, what can I say?" Liam gently shrugs with a smile. The lady turns to me, "And your wife" she beams "Scarlett you are way prettier in real life than you are in photos" She waves her hand. "Thanks…" I nod with a smile. "Oh dear, you and Liam are sure one hell of a perfect match. But I never
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Twenty Eight
"But he fuckin touched you!" Liam is fuming in anger and not even trying to hide it behind one of his creepy smiles. "He saved me from that stupid waiter" I replied, adjusting the towel on my body. "But he still touched you." Liam raised his brows up way too forcefully. "Yes because he was trying to save me, get this together Liam, do you expect him to save me some psychokinetic powers or what?" I try not to raise my voice. We are in the private room I was brought into after the small incident with the waiter, and after waiting inside by myself for ages, Liam had burst in the room to tell me how he didn't witness the whole incident but had seen a glimpse of Draken holding my waist.Wow. "You have hands, he could have held your hands, why go all the way to touch your waist? I don't even want him or anyone touching any part of you" "Okay you're getting weird, you're supposed to be grateful to Draken, but you're here yelling at me. What the hell" I scoff, knowing if this goes on I
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Twenty Nine
Despite telling me to go inside the suite room to rest and ignore literally everything I had seen, I disagreed and proceeded to help Vilda clean the mess Liam had made. We both silently and carefully pick the broken glass from the concrete floor, I let myself wonder.. Why would Liam just break things? Was he mad or was it accidentally, if it was an accident then a lot of things wouldn't be broken, he also smashed the television.. "Ouch" I wince as my finger gets pricked by a sharp broken bottle. Vilda immediately get on her toes "Scarlett, I did warn you, please ignore this, sir Liam would definitely not like it if you get yourself wounded by a mess he made, if he finds out he's going to snap" "It's just a small cut" I wave it up, ready to start helping again when Vilda stops me.. "Leave it alone, I'll handle it" She says, sternly. "But… I stop talking and let it go. "But why would Liam do something like this? What happened?" I ask. Vilda sighs, "It's nothing to worry your
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-The evening of Liam Knight showing off his wife to the guest present at the gala he hosted and to the public got off to a great start. The people loved how pretty and elegant she was, and even some of the guests testified how magnificent she looked in real life in pictures. She is unquestionably someone who should be kept as a wife; she is an excellent choice. But why did things turn out the way they did? The fact that Liam Knight wasn't seen with his wife throughout the entirety of the night and that she was seen with another man, a very good friend of Liam's named Draken Kennedy, who had rescued Liam's wife after a crazy accident, led many of the guests to testify that this couple appeared emotionally distant from one another. Surprisingly, Liam did not show up to defend his wife or investigate what had gone wrong even after the incident had taken place. The question is now... let's go back to the headline.-I let my fingers scroll on Ruby's phone as I scroll up to the headline tha
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