Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Billionaire’s Assistant : Kabanata 61 - Kabanata 70
76 Kabanata
She decided to go to the hospital first and leave the interrogation till morning since she had promised Tristan’s mother that she'd be back. When she entered the ward, her heart melted at the scene in front of her. Taylor was asleep on the chair and Marie, who had not noticed her presence, was gently pulling a blanket over her. She kissed her hair like she was a child and it made Angela teary-eyed. Her mother never treated her like that. She treated Annabelle a bit better but it was nothing compared to the way Marie treated her children.She looked at Tristan’s closed eyes. He looked so serene and handsome. Tristan was the only person who treated her with so much love and told her how much he loved her too. She didn't want to admit it but recently, she's been getting more and more flashbacks of her time with him before the amnesia. And she remembered everything that happened between them last night.Thinking about it made her blush and at that moment, she wished he was awake so she c
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“You may have noticed that the relationship between Travis and I, is complicated. The thing is, when I conceived Tristan, I was on the verge of walking away from my marriage. He wanted a son but I only managed to give him two girls and he became frustrated. Our marriage was falling apart.” She gave a deep sigh.“I married Travis when I was very young. I was twenty-one. It was an arranged marriage, so I didn’t have any say.”“You married at twenty-one?” Angela asked in disbelief and Marie nodded.Then, she chuckled and continued “I know, it’s strange to get married at that age, but like I said, I didn’t have a say in it. Neither did Travis and because neither of us got to know each other properly before we got married, we had a hard time getting along. He didn’t love me and I didn’t love him too. We constantly argued. I even considered divorcing him six months after we were married, but part of the contract of our marriage was that divorce was not an option, at least till after ten ye
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She rushed to the hospital, only to be welcomed by lots of reporters at the gate with their cameras. The moment she stepped out of the car, a crowd of reporters swarmed her, shoving their microphones and cameras in her face, and asking her a bunch of questions at the same time.The crowd pressed at her until Alan had to hurriedly get to her and led her safely out from the crowd and inside the hospital.She quickly made her way to the ward, only to find Ivy and Tristan’s whole family, including his father who looked like he wanted to murder somebody.He turned to her, eyes blazing as he marched towards her. “You! How dare you?”Angela was confused. She put her hand on her chest dramatically.“M—me? What did I do?”Travis was now standing in front of her, his tall figure towering menacingly over her as she kept her eyes downcast, and tried not to shiver in fear.“You want my son dead, don't you?” he growled.“W—what? No, I don't… I…”“Silence!” he yelled. “I have tried my possible best
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“You would really get rid of your sister's boyfriend?”He asked with a bit of disbelief and suspicion.“Why?”“Personal reasons.” she answered expressionless. “By the way, my services don't come for free,”He chuckled and replied “I didn't think so. So, how much do you want?”“Two million!” she answered simply and he almost choked on his saliva.“What? Two million dollars? For what? Forget it! I'll do it…”“Yourself? How do you plan on doing that? Tristan’s ward is probably heavily guarded and every moment you waste hesitating, he gets better. May I remind you that I have a huge advantage? I literally have Angela's face, so I'm the right person for this. No one would suspect a thing and even if it's eventually discovered, Angela will take the fall for it, because no one would believe she has a twin. I'll be long gone by then. So you see? It's a win-win situation here. We’re killing two birds with one stone.”Leo raked his head, under her intense scrutiny, lost in thought, wondering i
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“You have a child?” Marie asked her, face pale and moving closer to Angela.Angela was at loss for words. What the hell was Ivy saying? What was she trying to do? “No, I don't…”“Stop lying Angela!” She turned to face Travis. “I had my suspicion about her from the beginning, so I did a little digging and found out she had a six-year-old daughter and a boyfriend in New Zealand…”“That's a lie!” Angela spat and Ivy chuckled darkly.“Really? Then how do you explain this?”She brought out her phone and showed everyone a photo of Annabelle with Zoe, but since they didn't know she had a twin, they believed it was Angela that was in the picture.Ivy saw the confused look on her face and smirked.“What's the matter, Angela? Have you suddenly lost your voice? Isn't her name Zoe? Why are you pretending not to know what I'm talking about?”She asked mockingly.Angela didn't know how to defend herself. If she told them she had a twin, they'll think she was making it up to cover up. She looked at
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She rang the doorbell, impatiently, over and over again, fuming as she did.Finally, her wait was over, as the door opened gently.He looked surprised and scared to see her as he instinctively touched his bandaged eye and his eyebrows raised and fell back into a frown.“I definitely wasn’t expecting you. To be honest, I didn’t think you would ever forgive me, let alone…”“Let me just clarify, I didn’t forgive you. I came here to warn you.”She pushed past him and stormed in. He shut the door gently and followed her curiously.Leo observed as Ivy sighed and raked her fingers through her hair. She seemed to be in a frenzy as she paced. He felt his heart softening towards her, he could never stay mad at her, at least not for long. Even if she never love him again, he’ll always love her.“Are you okay? Would you like to have a seat…?”She met his eyes abruptly, fear and fury in hers. “I always knew you were daft, I just didn’t know how daft you were until now.”Leo’s heart that was soften
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She found a vein and was about to inject him when she stopped, a mischievous thought forming in her mind.Who says she can't have what her sister has as well? So, just to spite Angela more, she gently took off the respirator from his mouth, leaned down, and planted a nice, long kiss on his lips. When she straightened, she had a big victorious smile on her face. “I know for sure that you are a good kisser.”She sighed contentedly as she took his hand and made to inject him.Just as she was about to put the needle in his vein, a hand gripped hers firmly from the back. Her heart stopped in fear for what seemed like forever but it was only a few seconds. She swallowed hard, dreading turning around to see who the intruder was. Then, with a strong force, the intruder twisted her arm painfully, making her cry out and the syringe fell from her hand.She turned in anger to behold a furious Angela, shooting daggers at her with her eyes.“H—how…?” she could not complete her statement as her wo
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Her head was hurting so she once again thought she was hallucinating. Even though she just heard his voice, she couldn't bring herself to believe he was looking at her and talking to her. He was in a coma, so how was he doing any of that?“Are you okay?” he asked, startling her.“Y—you. You're awake?”“Surprised?” he asked with a smile.“I am. The doctor said it would probably take at least a month before you woke up.” Her face twisted in horror as she said, “Oh no, don't tell me I was unconscious for a month!” Tristan chuckled as he responded, “No, you weren't unconscious for a month, you were unconscious for a week.”“A week?” Angela asked as her face paled in horror. “Why? What happened?”“According to the doctor, when you fell, you hit your head pretty bad and since you already had a brain injury, it triggered something. But do you feel okay now? Did you forget anything?”She raked her brain, trying to figure out if she forgot anything, but she couldn't think of anything she mig
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She remained silent, just staring blankly, throat dry, heart pounding until Tristan felt the need to speak.“Angela, please say something.”She finally focused her gaze on him, as the blank stare left her face. “Where is she?” she asked.“Detained,” Tristan answered.“Angie, she wants to see you,” Jane said, looking worried. Angela shifted her gaze to Jane as seven of the coldest words she had ever said, fell out of her mouth.“I have nothing to say to her!”“She's still your sister…” Tristan was saying, but she cut him short.“Was my sister! Now, I have no sister. I remember everything she did to me, including hiring those two men to beat me up. I was pregnant! And she knew it. You know what they said to me? They told me that she said they should get rid of it by any means necessary. She's the reason all this is happening. She could have killed you too, Tristan. And you say she's my sister? No, if she were my sister, she would never have done all that to me.”She yelled, angry tears
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She sat in front of a tiny glass window in a cubicle, tapping her fingers nervously on the table and lost in thought.It's been three days since she was discharged from the hospital and she had been putting off the idea of seeing her sister in prison till she couldn't anymore.She had to gather up all her courage to come here, concluding that Annabelle could not hurt her again as she was already behind bars.Now, sitting here, all that courage seemed to have faltered and she wondered if it was too late to leave. Just then, she looked up and her whole body tensed as she saw a haggard-looking Annabelle in cuffs, being escorted by a police officer. The officer removed the cuffs from her wrists and she slumped to the chair. Angela inhaled and tried to calm her nerves and her shaking hands as she picked up the phone in front of her. Annabelle did the same and for a few seconds, neither of them said a word to each other. They just stared, with the phone in their ears and different though
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