Semua Bab Aegis Group Dangerous Ladies: Bab 31 - Bab 40
154 Bab
Chapter 31: Konstantin
Konstantin closed his eyes and mentally gathered his strength.All at once, chaos erupted.Two shots fired in quick succession, throwing the room into disarray. Someone cried out in surprise. The man above Konstantin lurched, but didn't lose his hold.A hard thud vibrated the boards under Konstantin's cheek and then he heard the distinct sound of a woman's snarl followed by a sick crack of a hard object meeting human flesh.The weight above Konstantin slumped to the side.He scrambled up."Come on." Haley grabbed him by the shirt, still bent double.Two were out of commission at the very least. That left three or more out there.She dragged him through the formal dining room with its stately furniture that hadn't been used more than twice and into the utility room that still smelled slightly musty."Are you hurt?" Haley closed the door."No."She shoved a gun into his hands. "How many?""Three at least, two down. Entered from the garage.""Security?""No ide
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Chapter 32: Haley
Sunday. On the road. VA.HALEY DID HER BEST to not let on to the fact she was sweating bullets. They'd taken the Kevlar vest she'd thrown on over her clothes, her guns and the knife she'd concealed in her sports bra. Thankfully, she'd fallen asleep still dressed, otherwise who knew what she'd be wearing for this unwanted adventure. Her eyes were gritty from the tears she'd shed, a fact that irritated her more than being caught. It shouldn't, but there it was. Her heart was distracting her from the very real facts of their situation.Konstantin's life rested on his father-the man he hated most-coming to his rescue.What kind of crazy was Natasha that she thought this would work?Haley tugged at the bonds securing her wrists and ankles to the front passenger seat. For a couple thugs, they'd restrained her pretty damn well. She could just barely lean against the seatback with her hands fully extended in front of her. It was not comfortable, but better than being in the trunk or
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Chapter 33: Haley
Haley grit her teeth in annoyance. There was no real reason for her to be annoyed, but she was clinging to any emotion she could right now. Locked alone with Konstantin was the last place she wanted to be right now."Fucking hell." He turned and paced the small room.The racks mounted on the walls were empty, so they couldn't use wine bottles as weapons. The racks themselves were solid wood and smelled fresh enough she didn't think they'd break anytime soon."Did they say anything to you? Did you learn anything?" she asked."No. They put headphones on me and a bag over my head. You?""Your mother was...talkative." Haley sighed and stretched her weary arms. "Did you ever wonder how Ivana made it here with as much stuff as she did?""I snuck out of the house while my dad was away. He'd gotten shot about six months before and hadn't left the house. Even made doctors come to him. But there was some meeting he couldn't get out of. The trip was supposed to last two weeks. Once hi
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Chapter 34: Tasha, Ivana
Sunday. Rose House. Arlington, VA.TASHA STARED AT HER reflection. The skin around her eyes was a little darker from lack of sleep, but otherwise she didn't appear to have suffered any ill effects from being out most of the night. She'd never been much for late night activities, and even less so the older she got.She'd used every cream and procedure she could afford to preserve her youthful appearance as best she could. While she was as vain as any other woman, her looks were also a weapon.Her first use had been against Leonid Titov, and she'd been far more successful than she could have dreamed. She'd set out to snag a powerful admirer and wound in the role of his wife. Though if it weren't for that, she wouldn't be where she was now.Men underestimated beautiful women. She'd used that fact over the years until she was finally where she belonged, at the top of the food chain.Footsteps hurried down the hall.Nikolai, no doubt.She rolled her eyes and tied the sash o
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Chapter 35: Konstantin
Sunday. Unknown.KONSTANTIN STRETCHED HIS LEGS out in front of himself. He stared at the toe of the shoes he'd been wearing earlier, noting the grease on one side and a bit of what he assumed was blood on the laces.He'd royally fucked this up in every way imaginable.Haley lay stretched out on the far side of the wine cellar, asleep. How she managed to do that on the cold floor was beyond him, but she'd assured him she could and would. Now he was left alone with his thoughts.His head was a pretty grim place right now.Who would have thought he'd end up at his father's mercy after all these years? His mother's continued existence was less of a surprise. Given the nature of her disappearance was already covered up by his father, there had been little opportunity for Konstantin to do his own due diligence there.At this point he didn't see himself surviving. His father wouldn't come, and his mother didn't care if Konstantin lived or died. He just hoped Ivana and Zasha wer
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Chapter 36: Konstantin
If Konstantin had ever imagined hell, it was this. The people he cared about most in trouble, and him powerless.The three of them made their way up the stairs. Haley crouched on the top landing with her ear to the door and one hand up.If he had to take a bullet or stay behind to let the women and Zasha get free, he'd do it. In a heartbeat.Haley opened the door so slowly that the creak was barely audible. She leaned out, then waved at them to follow.Konstantin and Ivana joined Haley in the hall while she closed the door with just as much care as she'd used opening it.They collectively held their breath as the door shut.So far, so good. Now the risks began.Konstantin didn't think he could take Ivana with him through the house. She needed somewhere she could hole up, wait for them."Meet back here," Haley whispered.Konstantin peered into the kitchen. He didn't see anyone, but the door to the pantry was open. The large and barely used pantry.He took Ivana's han
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Chapter 37: Haley
Sunday. Unknown.HALEY WISHED LIKE HELL she knew where Konstantin and Ivana had gone. The house was big, but not that big. Still, if they were able to evade her, they must have hid pretty damn well. After procuring a cell phone she'd returned to where she left them, only they weren't there.There was nothing to do but move forward.She crept up the narrow stairs. They'd been exactly where Ivana said they were. As had the man in the hall.How long until someone realized he was missing?She'd managed to knock the guy out before he put up a fight and stash him in the empty coat closet. But a guy of that size would come to fast enough and the wire wasn't pliable enough to restrain him in such a fashion that he'd be out of their hair for a while.A stair creaked underfoot.She cringed and paused to listen.What was that?She tilted her head to the side and rose a few more stairs."Shut up, kid," someone yelled.Zasha.That was the sound of Zasha crying.She'd wo
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Chapter 38: Haley
Haley opened the closet door a crack and peered in. Zasha sat in the corner, legs pulled up to her chest, eyes wide."Zasha?"Zasha just stared at her."Can I come in?""Are you okay?" Zasha whispered."I'm fine. See?" Haley slipped into the closet and held her hands out.Zasha pushed up and threw herself at Haley, hugging her even tighter than before."You did very good." Haley gave in and kissed the top of Zasha's head. "I know you have questions, but I need you to come with me now, okay?"Zasha nodded."And I want you to close your eyes. Can you do that?""Yes." Zasha shut her eyes.Part of Haley hated this. Their collective goal had always been to protect Zasha from this sort of thing, and now here she was, fully in it."Come on. Hold my hand and close your eyes."Zasha took Haley's hand then tipped her chin up, eyes shut."Very good. Follow me."Haley held her breath and opened the closet door.The older man just watched. He didn't make a sound or s
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Chapter 39: Konstantin
Sunday. Rose House. Arlington, VA.KONSTANTIN GLANCED AT HALEY'S grim face. She hadn't said much since they'd ditched their borrowed car at a grocery store parking lot. He wanted to know what was bothering her, but it was all he could do to keep Ivana and Zasha moving forward.A single car horn blast nearly startled him out of his skin.Haley whirled, her gaze searching the busy street."This is our ride," she announced."What?" Konstantin turned as a shiny black SUV eased up to the curb.The passenger window rolled down and a man wearing a black uniform coat with white gloves and a hat perched on the back of his head leaned toward them. "Ms. Griffin?"Yes." Haley grabbed the back door. "Everyone in."Konstantin helped Ivana into the SUV. She was on her last leg. She'd begun wheezing when she breathed. There was no more pushing her.Zasha, on the other hand, was wrapped around him like a monkey. He didn't even try to untangle her. He went to the other side and clim
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Chapter 40: Konstantin
Konstantin swallowed. For some reason that statement got to him."What do we do?" he asked."I think, tonight, we get some rest. Shower. Change our clothes. Focus on Zasha. In the morning we might have more options or better ideas."Konstantin nodded. Tonight Zasha had heard, and maybe seen, Haley shoot a man. She'd definitely seen him punch another person. There would be questions and talks he wasn't looking forward to. This was the world he'd wanted to protect her from.He'd failed as a parent."Hey?" Haley reached over and took his hand. "Stop beating yourself up. Now. I mean it. This is not on you."For a moment he just looked at her and concentrated on the feel of her hand in his. "How do you do that? Know what I'm thinking?""Every now and then you make it easy on me." She smiled. "How about you take a shower, clear your head then check in on Zasha?""What are you going to do?""Check in on Zasha." She squeezed his hand, then let go.He missed the contact imme
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