Lahat ng Kabanata ng Northstar Heir's Scarred Mate: Kabanata 11 - Kabanata 20
35 Kabanata
11Since Claire had the day off, she decided to pamper herself for the date ahead. It had been a long time since she’d been on a date.The last one she could recall had been about a year after her car accident, when the son of one of her dad’s friends had asked her to dinner. She’d been excited, until he let slip halfway through that his father had agreed on his behalf, and he had gone through with the date to be a good sport. He hadn’t meant to be a jerk about it because they’d already connected and were friendly at that point. He didn’t seem to realize that confiding the truth to her had been off-putting until she asked to go home shortly thereafter. He’d seemed annoyed with her overreaction, and they hadn’t spoken again.It caused a ball of anxiety to form in her stomach as she remembered her last attempt. After that, there hadn’t been any more invitations, but she’d determined she would turn them down anyway unless she was absolutely certain there was no pity involved.Yet here sh
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12In a flash, she raced downstairs and tore open the door. She didn’t allow him to come in, though he seemed ready to cross the doorway. She just pushed past him and closed the door behind her. “Let’s go.” She sounded breathless, having raced down the stairs so quickly. She was lucky she hadn’t broken her neck since she was wearing midrange high-heel shoes she also hadn’t worn in years.He seemed frankly baffled. “Are you—?”“We should go now.” She grabbed his arm and started tugging, pulling him toward his truck. She realized she was acting crazy, and he was obviously concerned, but she was more concerned about getting him in the vehicle and away from her parents. As they reached his car, she heard the front door opening and said, “Let’s go now.” There was no hiding her insistence and hint of fear.Bodie unlocked the truck, and she climbed in, not waiting for his assistance. Mentally, she was urging him to hurry up as he came around to the driver’s side. She glanced back at the fron
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13After a moment, his expression cleared, and he shook his head. “Nah, I don’t think I could handle two desserts.” He nodded down to his. “Would you like some?”“I don’t like bavarois cream.” She said it abruptly since it was a lie. She absolutely would’ve adored a bite of his dessert, but the idea of eating it on his spoon—and she was certain that’s how he would’ve fed it to her—was just too intimate. It led her to thinking things she shouldn’t think about on an outing with friends. To him, it was probably nothing more than a casual sharing he would’ve done with any female acquaintance—perhaps even some male ones, though she had a hard time believing he would’ve let one of his friends or cousins feed him—but to her, it took on too much complexity and too many nuances that she shouldn’t interject into the encounter.He looked briefly disappointed. “That’s too bad. It is delicious.”“So is mine, so I’m good.”After they’d finished dessert, and she was trying to maintain the pretense t
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14Bodie’s wolf was surging in his mind, urging him to press harder on the gas pedal so they could be back at his place that much faster. Since Bodie was in agreement with the wolf, it was hard to control the urge, but he kept the speed to a reasonable level, only exceeding it by a couple of miles per hour. He was aware how Claire tensed up when she had to ride in a vehicle, and he was certain speeding wouldn’t do anything to help lessen her fears.It was difficult not to pull over and touch her then. His wolf was in full rut, and he wanted to be as well. He managed to call back the urge, noting how quiet she was. Her hands were clenched tightly around her purse, and her knuckles were almost white. She was obviously anxious, and perhaps even afraid, but he wasn’t certain if it was because she was having to ride in the vehicle, or because she was going to spend the night with him.The second idea left him unsettled, and he considered asking for an explanation, but they were in Northsta
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15Yet he sped up the walkway, unlocking his front door, with her still on his shoulder. Finally, when they crossed the threshold, he managed to summon enough strength to put her down on her feet. He took a step back, staring at her as he prepared himself for her to unleash anger or show fear that he’d stoked to life again.Instead, she burst out laughing. He was stunned, but there was a hint of a weight lifting from his chest, and he managed to grin too. “I’m sorry about that. Sometimes, the wolf is the one in control.”She seemed more intrigued than alarmed by that. “That was certainly a little caveman of you.”He gave her a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry. I finally gained your consent to come inside, and I guess I wasn’t able to hold myself in check and give you the opportunity to change your mind.” As her eyes widened, he hastily added, “You can always change your mind at any point. I’m never that unchecked. I promise you that.”After a moment, she nodded, and any tension that might’v
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16Claire’s stomach was still churning from the hateful things she’d read on the flier as she composed a text message to Bodie while walking up the driveway. As soon as she was on her doorstep, she put her key in the lock to open it while pressing send on her phone so he would know she was safely inside. She passed through the doorway a moment later and closed it behind her, intent on going to her room.Instead, she let out a startled gasp of fright at both her parents standing in the hallway. They had their arms crossed and seemed confrontational, eerily reminding her of the one and only time she’d been late for curfew.She’d just had a basic flip phone back then, and she hadn’t been able to call or text to let them know her battery had died, and her date had a flat tire. They’d seemed more forgiving then than they did now, which was utterly ridiculous considering she was an adult.“Excuse me,” she said with a hint of annoyance as she tried to push past them. After a moment, they yie
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17Nate Haskett was a scrawny-looking kid who didn’t appear to be a day over seventeen, though his driver’s license said he was twenty, and Juno had verified it before the interrogation began. Bodie watched the process through the two-way mirror leading to the interrogation room, saddened and appalled that someone so young could be so filled with hate already.The kid appeared nervous, but not as nervous as he should. Bodie was sure the sheriff wouldn’t go easy on him after Juno had caught him spraying some ugly anti-shifter messages all over Northstar Bakery.When Dillon entered the room, the kid stiffened a little, but he still had a cocky grin as Dillon walked around the room to sit at the table in front of Nate Haskett. He held the kid’s file in his hand. “I don’t get it,” said Dillon abruptly.Nate blinked. “Huh?”“I don’t get how you’re here, kid. You have no record, you’re enrolled at the local university, and you have decent parents who haven’t ever been in trouble with the la
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18Nate probably would have peed himself if he hadn’t already released everything. He started crying and moaning, letting out a pathetic and high-pitched cry that was barely anything recognizable. It sounded full of primal fear, and Bodie couldn’t pretend the wolf inside him wasn’t slightly challenged by the sound of it. It wanted to hunt down the weak creature making that sound, but he tamped down the urge.Apparently, Dillon had a little better control than he did, because he shifted back effortlessly. His uniform was torn, but he didn’t seem to pay any mind to being naked, which was perfectly normal among the pack. It seemed to horrify Nate, but he didn’t insist the sheriff dress.As Dillon started to lay out for Nate how being his CI would work, Bodie’s phone rang, and he answered it when he saw Claire’s number. “Hello.”“I’m sorry to bother you, but would you be free to give me a ride?”She sounded a little shaky, which made him frown. “Are you all right?”“I’m fine, but I can us
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19Claire shivered until the water equalized to something more pleasant, and then she turned to Bodie. He was still staring at her, looking like he was a man starved and suddenly faced with a steak dinner. There was hunger in his gaze that was enough to set her prey instincts into overdrive but only served to heighten her arousal in a strange way.There was just a faint hint of fear mingled with her nerves as he reached forward and pulled her into his arms. She wrapped hers around him, stroking his skin as his mouth took possession of hers. If possible, this was even more fierce and possessive than the one he’d given her earlier, and she responded in kind. Claire was doing her best to immerse herself in the passion, but when his hand brushed against her shoulder, she tensed in spite of herself and pulled back.He frowned as he looked down at her. “What’s wrong?” He sounded almost growly, and it was obvious he was having a hard time maintaining control.She rather liked that, but she k
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20After sleeping more deeply than he could recall in a long time, Bodie woke with boundless energy. His first instinct was to wake the human in his bed and make love to her again, but she was sleeping so soundly that he didn’t want to disturb her. It needled him with guilt to just think about it, so he decided to channel his energy elsewhere.He crept out of bed to keep from waking her and took a quick shower before going into the kitchen. She was still sleeping soundly, and now he hoped she would continue it so he could arrange his surprise.He took out a skillet and placed it on the gas stove before opening his fridge, eyeing the contents with consideration. Would she prefer pancakes or French toast? A glance at the remainder of his bread revealed he was making French toast, because it had to be used soon. He pulled out all the ingredients along with bacon and soon had everything started. The air was redolent with the smell of frying bacon in no time, and he was allowing his bread
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