Semua Bab The Alpha's Chosen Mate : Bab 1 - Bab 10
41 Bab
PrologueHer grandmother would always say that violins were the instruments of angels, and when she closed her age weary eyes, she could almost see the spiritual beings making the enchanting music.Maybe that was why Seneca hated it so much.While gulping down her second glass of champagne, the music sounded like dying cats in her ears, and her eyes burned into the string quartet that played obliviously in the corner. After placing her empty glass on a tray, Seneca crossed the ballroom floor, guests moving out of her way and bowing their heads with averted eyes. She came to stand beside her husband, her gown swishing around her ankles and settling an inch above the floor. Her black stilettos peeped out, a show of elegant grace while in reality they were mercilessly killing her thighs. Only a few more minutes, and she promised herself she'd be up in her room, kicking her shoes across the the floor and flinging herself down on her favourite chaise lounge.A smile remained on her lips
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Chapter 1
I have been here before, but only ever in my dreams. My feet are being urged on though I have no idea where I am going, as if drawn to a particular place.I have not felt this way many times before, but when I do, there's nothing to be done but follow. Normally I just like to wander here on my own accord, the dark forest at night that holds so many wonders and mysteries. Each tree holds a secret story, each leaf whispers my name as I brush past. The twigs snap underfoot in harmony to the chirps of the night creatures.But now it is different. Now, not only do the trees embrace me, but even the subtle breeze is calling to my heart, urging me on and further in still.The wind speaks to me like a good friend. He is whispering through the leaves, stirring the trees with its gossip of far away lands and heroic adventures. I watch it dance around the shafts of moonlight, dappling the forest floor with an ever changing pattern of swirls and designs. There is a compulsion I can't
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Chapter 2
"Do you want to tell me about last night?" Ariella shook her head, then winced from the pain that still wrapped around her body. She'd taken a pretty nasty fall into the river, and if her dad hadn't been there to rescue her, she'd surely be dead.The vestiges of the cold memory still wrapped around her in icy fingers, clutching and dragging her down to their dark depths, but if she stared out the window at the golden sunlight and vivid green tree, she could keep the fear at bay."I know your father was angry with you earlier, Ari, but he has good reason to be. You can't keep sneaking out like that."Having expected this lecture, Ariella sighed and squeezed her eyes shut. They would never understand why she'd been so foolish. But then, did she really? With her face buried in her pillow, Ariella still heard every word her mom was saying from where she sat on the edge of her bed. She felt her hands gently stroking her hair, and it calmed her."If Charles hadn't heard the back door open
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Chapter 3
"I know you're awake, Beautiful." "No you don't." The voice came out muffled from under a pillow. "Because I'm not." "I think you are."The Alpha felt a kiss on her shoulder, before warm lips moved to her neck. Groaning, Chesca tried batting his face away. "Five more minutes." But her mate was persistent, and wouldn't be deterred. "Do you know what time it is?" Kaiden asked while tugging the pillow from her grip."Yep. It's time for Baby to begin his morning kicking routine," she replied while finally opening her bleary eyes, looking at her mate with envy. How come he always managed to look so good in the morning, while she stumbled from bed more often than not looking like a zombie? And everyone said she'd glow during pregnancy."Really? Let me feel it," Kaiden exclaimed, much too excitedly, and placed his hands gently on Chesca's stomach. His warm touch never ceased to send tingles across her skin, and as Chesca watched the awed expression on his face, she thanked God once
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Chapter 4
"Lexi!""Chesca! How are you, Sis?" The women embraced and began talking a thousand words a minute while Ariella trailed in behind."Hey, Aunt Ches. Where's Isaiah?" The teenager instantly looked for the baby, and Chesca loved how good she was with children. Emerald ran up to give her a hug, and even little Isaiah reached up his arms for her.They settled down in the living room, and Lexi began asking questions about the pregnancy and carefully feeling her abdomen. Ever since losing her own baby, Lexi had made it her mission to ensure no other shewolf went through the same thing she had. Even though they had a couple pack doctors, Lexi developed the special touch and empathy of a midwife that calmed the expectant mothers. Chesca especially enjoyed having her friend alongside her for each step of her pregnancies. Lexi had never grown bitter or despondent in grief over her loss, but had somehow healed with the help of her mate and adopted daughter Ariella.It wasn't long before it was l
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Chapter 5
"Luci! What are you doing?" I scramble off my bed and hurry to the window, grabbing onto my friend's leg as she clambers through. "You nearly gave me a heart attack!"She falls to the carpet with a soft thud. "I'm a psycho killer here to kidnap you, what do you think?" She raises a black eyebrow."Not funny," I glare at her."Sure it's not," she gets up and flops into my bed."What did I miss?" A softer voice comes from the window. I roll my eyes. Of course Gabby is here too. Wherever Luci goes, Gabby follows, especially if it's to come visit me.At midnight.But I don't mind. Honestly, I could do with the company.Gabriella and Lucia are like my triplets from another life. We met in middle school, and I'll never forget the boring school dance for which we had to dress up in costumes. I spent weeks making my princess dress, but Gabby looked infinitely more elegant and graceful in an angelic gown complete with wings, her golden hair and fair skin suiting the outfit perfectly. Luci went
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Chapter 6
Ariella was grounded for a month.She didn't feel upset or resentful towards her parents for the decision, because she knew she deserved it. Understanding it was for the best, Ariella put the extra time at home to use. She poured more energy into practicing her violin, planting an entire new section of herbs in the vegetable garden, helping her dad build a new fence for the chicken pen, and of course drawing and writing in her diaries.Sitting on the swing that hung from the large and spreading oak tree in their backyard was one of her favourite ways to spend the afternoon, the last rays of sunlight splashing on the leaves above her before creeping up the trunk and disappearing as the sun fell below the horizon.As she lazily pushed back and forth, daydreaming about everything and nothing in particular, her imagination would envision a handsome wolf coming to claim her as mate. His eyes a blue colour and inky hair to match the starry night sky, he'd sweep her off her feet and carry he
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Chapter 7
I can't explain why, but I run.I turn and run like a pathetically frightened girl who can't stand up under the gaze of such an intimidating wolf. For he as he watched me, I felt the power radiate from him and it nearly made my lungs burst for breath. His scent of toasted chestnuts was captivating, but I am cowardly and weak. I never expected this time to be any different, but perhaps I had hoped it would be. Perhaps his scent spoke to me in different ways than the icy fear that wrapped around me last time. I am unsure whether I should've felt safe with him, or scared in the way I fear dark shadows.It is too late now to find out, as I reach my home and find my mom making lunch in the kitchen. She looks at me as I stumble inside, and immediately orders me to sit down and drink a glass of water. Maybe she can see me the way I feel, with blood drained from my face and my lips barely sucking in enough air to sustain me."Honey, are you okay?" she asks while brushing my hair out of my eye
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Chapter 8
"I made your favourite muffins, Ari. Choc chip," Lexi said with a smile as she pushed the plate toward Ariella, a silent look of concern and pleading in her bright eyes."Thank you." Making no move to take one, Ariella just kept staring out the window, her chin in her palm as she spent the third morning in a row not eating breakfast. How could she feel like food when her stomach was in a knot and her heart was filled with emptiness?With a heavy sigh Ariella got up and left the kitchen, unaware of Lexi's frown lovingly trained on her as she pushed out the front door.Sitting in the swing under the oak tree, Ariella tried to think positively but it was impossible to forget the feeling of her mate.Of his hands on her shoulders, pushing her away.He had pushed her away into the cold stream with an even colder expression in those icy blue eyes of his, where before he had stood so closely. She had felt his warm breath on her face, had seen the light dusting of freckles across his nose and
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Chapter 9
Looking out the window, Ariella was surprised to find him climbing the tree."No, wait. I'm coming down," she whispered as she scrambled over the ledge and onto the branches. They dropped to the ground at the same time."My parents..." Ariella began and Mal nodded in understanding, his dark fringe falling over his brow and concealing his eyes.Without saying a word, he held out his hand for Ariella to take, and she hesitated a moment.Did she really want this? Did she really want to take this risk of going with her mate whom she knew nothing about? Remembering that she was giving him a chance to apologise, and wanting to know more about him, she slipped her fingers in his.The sparks that jumped between their skin made her smile and a warmth filled her heart. As she followed him down the forest trail, not knowing where he was taking her, she couldn't seem to shake the conflict inside. It felt so wrong to be sneaking about with him. He was dark and dangerous, he'd shown her that much a
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