Semua Bab The Alpha's Pen Pal: Bab 21 - Bab 30
84 Bab
Chapter 21
WESLEY POV We walked through the park, with Haven deep in thought as she continued to drink her latte. She had both of her hands wrapped around the cup to keep them warm, and I mentally kicked myself for not realizing that it was getting dark and therefore getting cooler outside. We stopped on the small wooden footbridge and she set her cup on the railing, folding her arms around herself as she leaned against it. “We can go back to your apartment if you’re cold,” I told her, setting my cup next to hers and reaching out to stroke her arm a little. “I’m fine,” she replied, and I nodded, but kept my hand on her. As she stood there, staring out at the stream that ran through the park, I waited for her to be ready to speak to me. I didn’t want to push her. I knew I was slowly gaining her trust, and I didn’t want to take any steps backwards. But my Lycan was on edge, sensing her distress and anxiety and mine as well. “Thank you,” she said out of the blue, breaking my Lycan from his ang
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Chapter 22
HAVEN POV Friday night could not arrive fast enough, and yet somehow it also arrived too quickly. After rehearsal, I rushed home to shower, knowing I would need as much time as possible for my curls to dry properly. I used my diffuser, though, which I usually avoided since it was so heavy and a pain in the ass to use. I kept my towel wrapped tightly around me as I stood in front of my closet, staring at my carefully organized clothes, sorted by style and color. They stared back at me, taunting me, playing on my insecurities. I pushed them down, though. He had asked me on a date. He wouldn’t have done that if he wasn’t interested. And our banter had been fun. And the connection between us had been clear. I pulled out a blue floral maxi dress with spaghetti straps and a slit up the leg, and a pair of white platform wedges, and then walked to my dresser. I hesitated for a moment, then grabbed a matching white lace bralette and panty set, blushing even though no one was there to see me
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Chapter 23
WESLEY POV Our food arrived, and I reluctantly released Haven’s hand so we could both eat. I almost wished I had sat next to her instead of across from her. I wanted to be as close to her as possible, as much as possible. But if I’d sat next to her, then I wouldn’t be able to look at her as much as I had been. Goddess, she was beautiful. The shy little girl from the photos she had sent me over those short months was long gone, and in her place was this gorgeous woman. A gorgeous woman who was slowly but surely working her way further into my heart with everything that she did and said. Even her little act of defiance of not dressing up all the way was adorable. And a bit of a turn on. I was so used to having everyone listen to me and follow my orders as I prepared to become alpha that it was refreshing to have someone who didn’t know or care to listen to me and be obedient. The conversation between us flowed with ease. She told me more than I ever thought I would know about ballet,
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Chapter 24
WESLEY POV I choked on my spit and glared at Reid, who was standing in a t-shirt and his boxers. In my kitchen. Holding a bag of Cheetos. “How does everyone keep breaking into my house?” I asked. Reid scoffed. “Please, I’ve had a key since your first week here.” “But you always knock when you come over.” “Yeah, but that’s cause I know you’re here,” he said with an eye roll. He lifted the Cheeto bag at me and said, “Glad to see you upped your snack game.” “Yeah, you can thank Maddie for that,” I grumbled. “Oh, I already did,” he laughed. I rubbed my forehead to hide my annoyance at finding him here after my date. My very successful date. “How’d you know that was the Sugar Plum Fairy music?” I asked, to avoid lashing out at him. “Really? We only watched The Nutcracker like… a bazillion times that Christmas. Not to mention all the times you listened to the music when you were writing Haven letters.” Reid chuckled and shook his head. “As if I could ever forget any of those tunes
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Chapter 25
HAVEN POV I had forgotten how crazy the week leading up to opening night could be. Last week was already rough, with early morning classes and rehearsals and last-minute things being added or moved or cut. But this week was even worse. Plus, with it being a brand new company in the area and our very first premiere, the stakes were just higher all around. Nevertheless, Wesley had found ways to spend time with me. Saturday was a bust, as I slept in after our date and we had rehearsal all day after that, but Sunday we had “brunch” together, and Tuesday, he picked me up after rehearsal and drove me the walkable distance to my apartment building on his way back home from work. But even though we were spending time together when we could, and even though we’d shared that mind-blowinglyamazing kiss on our date, neither of us had tried to kiss the other again. But I wanted to. Fuck, did I want to. Kissing Wesley was so different from kissing Lennox. Or any other guy I’d been with. With oth
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Chapter 26
HAVEN POV “Where are we going?” I asked Wesley as I climbed into his truck, dressed in my purple leotard and black skirt from earlier that morning. “It’s Wednesday,” he said as he pulled away from the theater. I cocked my head at him and waited for him to elaborate. “Where did you see me last Wednesday?” he asked. “Oh!” I exclaimed, my eyes widening. “Oh, that’s genius!” I added as I realized who he was thinking I should give my premiere tickets to. “You’re welcome,” he winked, grabbing my hand and bringing it to his lips to kiss. “And I am definitely a genius.” “You’re definitely cocky,” I teased. His lips twitched into a smirk and I groaned and rolled my eyes. “Oh, my god that isn’t even what I meant and you know it,” I told him, reaching over and shoving him with my other hand. “You said it,” he shrugged. “Well, it’s true,” I told him. “Is it?” “Yes. Even Maya said so,” I said without thinking. His brows lifted. “Did she now?” he mused. “Yes. Right before she told me you
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Chapter 27
HAVEN POV We ended up staying at Jack and Shirley’s for dinner, and by the time we made it back to my apartment, it was late evening. “Did Shirley tell you what was in this box?” Wesley asked as he shut the apartment door with his foot. “She said it was some stuff from my old room,” I told him. “They kept it all just in case.” “Did you want to look at it now?” “In a minute? I was going to change first,” I said, jerking my thumb over my shoulder at my bedroom. “Don’t change too much,” he winked. “I like you the way you are.” I scrunched my nose up at him and narrowed my eyes. “You’re right, that was super cheesy,” he admitted. I laughed and shook my head. “I’ll be right back.” “Where do you want this?” Wesley called after me as I closed the bedroom door. “On the coffee table!” I replied. I quickly changed out of my dance clothes and into leggings and my old too big Salt Lake City Ballet sweatshirt. I grabbed a pair of fuzzy socks, then paused, remembering how Maya always compl
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Chapter 28
WESLEY POV I looked out at the rest of the members of the audience as I sat in the theater the night of Haven’s and the company’s premiere of The Sleeping Beauty. The excitement in the air was palpable. I could scent it on everyone in attendance. I didn’t realize ballet would be so popular in the city near our pack, but almost every seat at the performance was sold out. Reid sat between Nolan and me, but I wasn’t sure where Seb was. I’d thought I had scented him entering the theater, but then his scent faded and disappeared. A hand waving caught my eye, and I looked down towards the front of the theater to see Shirley waving at me, a huge smile on her face, and Jack sitting next to her, an almost identical smile on his face. I waved back at them, happy to see them supporting Haven. They had become like family to us since they moved here, and I knew just how much they missed Haven, just how much they regretted the way everything went down when Jack had his stroke. For them to find h
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Chapter 29
HAVEN POV“Ah ah,” Wesley teased, lifting the bag up and out of my reach. “First, you have to tell Seb he’s a terrible friend for forgetting to buy you flowers.”I glared at him, then looked at Sebastian, then looked back at Wesley. I held the four bouquets out and Nolan took them from me with a small laugh and a shake of his head and a smirk at Wesley.I stalked closer to Wes, watching as his face went from teasing to nervous.“You know, that’s not really your color, Pal,” I murmured, sliding my hands along his chest on top of his light gray suit jacket.“Really?” He quirked a brow and looked down at his suit. “I’ve always gotten compliments when—”“Not the suit color,” I told him, smirking and shaking my head as I leaned closer to him. “Green,” I said pointedly, glancing over my shoulder at Seb for a moment.His brow furrowed, and he looked over at Sebastian and then back down at me. Then the little lightbulb went off over his head and he chuckled, his arm wrapping around my waist, a
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Chapter 30
HAVEN POVI walked out of the door and into the garden, and right away Maya looped her arm through mine, the bright yellow silk of her gown standing out against the lilac of mine. She had her dark coils smoothed back into a low bun, a rhinestone comb slid snug up against it, and she’d added just enough makeup to her face to give herself a subtle shimmery glow.“I never thought I’d see the day when the wolfketeers would come to the ballet. Voluntarily. And enjoy it,” she said as we walked through the garden under the stars, winding our way through the tables laden with candles, eucalyptus and floral arrangements, and the planters filled with jasmine.“Wait, the what?” I asked, turning to stare at her, a small laugh spilling from my lips. “Did you just call them the ‘wolfketeers’?”She blinked for a second, then pursed her lips and shrugged and said, “Yeah.”“Like the musketeers?”“Yeah. But when we were growing up, they were like a little pack of wolves, always running around the forest
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