Semua Bab ILLICIT AFFAIRS: Bab 11 - Bab 20
112 Bab
Eleven: Pool Party
LISA"Damn girl, this is the body you've been hiding from everyone? Girl, this is what we call hot girl summer, just look at you, I'd kill to be in a body like yours.""God Tana, you're hot, have you seen you?""I know I'm hot," she struck a pose that made her curves prominent, "but looks at yourself, this is Kim K and Bad girl Riri rolled in one body.""God!" my lips stretched into a smile that soon gave way into a chuckle, "you overhype wat too much.""I'm not overhyping you girl, you look like a total badass, I'm just... You'll see, we just need to get to the party and you'll see the number of heads you'll turn, all those men gotta be tripping.""Well," I sassed and stared at my reflection, I was all curves, perfect tits, flat tummy, perfect body, and the swimsuit I was wearing was doing a very good job revealing just how perfect my body is."Ready?""Sure."A couple of minutes later, we were walking into the pool party where loud music was blaring from the speaker, and there were
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Twelve: High Stakes
AXEL“Wow, is that not the chic that whooped...” the glare I shot Fred, my friend in school made him swallow his words immediately, “I mean the girl that challenged you during the race? Hot damn! She's hot as fuck.”Yeah, Lisa Volkov was really hot as fuck.I drowned the rest of my drink as my eyes followed the enemy’s movement. She was walking into the building with another girl but my whole attention was on her.Damn! She was really hot. And that piece of clothing she had on was doing nothing to conceal how hot she was. The swimsuit exposed every part of her body and the transparent white unbuttoned shirt she had on was not doing anything to hide her nudity. No doubt she was driving every single guy crazy with the gentle sashay of her body and bootie because every single guy had decided to abandon what they were doing and to openly lust after her.And she strutted to take her seat, acting oblivious to the madness she was unleashing with her body and I kept watching her, unable to
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Thirteen: Teasing
LISA"No, but really Lisa, that was so damn unfair."I rolled my eyes to the back of my skull as we walked into the school premises."What was?""How you acted at the party!" she yelled in exasperation, "am I even supposed to spell it out for you again?"I feigned ignorance, "how did I act?""God! Stop insulting my intelligence please or I'm going to have to wack your head."I chuckled, "but seriously Tana, I don't know what you're talking about.""Yes, you do, girl, you rejected all advances then you stripped like that! What the fuck?" she exclaimed get surprised again, "you stripped like a total professional, and right now, I'm starting to have mixed feelings and doubt. I'm not sure..." she paused and turned to look at me, "I'm not sure you don't have a secret identity now because that's stripping was too neat and clean. It was too professional.""It's just something that I do for fun. There's not that much about it.""That's too clean for something that you do just for fun and besi
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Fourteen: Coincidences
LISAWas fate playing some sort of tricks on me because what's this?Like, why do things like this keep happening?We've been attending this school for three years and fine, Axel doesn't know about my existence and I was the only one that knows but despite that, I could count the number of times I've run into him on one hand. Granted, he was the most popular face in school but I could avoid seeing him as long as I avoid going to places where he always frequented, the popular joints in school.But now, Axel suddenly gets to know of my existence and we keep running into each other every minute. We coincidentally attend the same class, ran into each other at parties, ran into each other at libraries and cafeterias, and now, he was here again in the last place I expected to see him.I bit down on my lower lip, annoyance thrumming in my guts. I didn't want to deal with Axel any more than impossible. I didn't want to keep seeing him because being in his presence was not only suffocating but
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Fifteen: Truths And Dares
LISAWe ended up in a pub.Axel and I.Not literally though. One of the guys in the volunteering team suggested we end the day with drinks and music and every other volunteer lapped up at the idea, including Axel because that guy never shies away from any opportunity to party and drink.I was the only one who said I needed to go because I had something important to get to. Of course, I’d be the only one who’d shy away from a party like that because I was the obvious nerd in the group with my jackets and pants and sneakers while the other girls were dressed in shorts and pencil trousers with tank tops. They didn't make a big deal out of it, obviously, a girl that looked and dressed like me was not going to contribute any fun to the outing so they were not going to miss me and I was already about to walk away when Axel whispered something annoying and demeaning into my ears and Maddy, one of the nicer looking girls insisted I go with them so eventually, I had no option but to follow t
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Sixteen: Neck Kisses
LISA “I dare you to go strip on that pole for a minute,” she dared sweetly, the fakest and most plastic smile on her face. The others exchanged glances at the dare because yeah, looking at me, I didn't look like a girl that'd even want to go near a strip pole, not to talk of stripping on it but no one said anything. Well, except Maddy who bent to whisper in my ear. “You don’t have to do it if you don't want to, I can just drink the shots for you.” “No,” I smiled at her, “thank you but I’ve got this.” I reached for the top button of my jacket and popped it open and involuntarily, my eyes were drawn to Axel. He was staring at me, more like staring at what I was doing with his eyes fixated on the movement of my hands with an intensity that made my blood surge faster, that made everything in the room fade into thin air till it was just the both of us in the room and that... It made it seem like I was undressing for him, that I was baring my body for him to do whatever he wanted with
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Seventeen: Lethal
AXELFor as far back as I could remember, I've never done anything, not even the slightest and smallest thing that went against what I was supposed to do.I've always done what was expected of me. Trained to become the best physical fighter I've ever met, yes, I put my body through all those shit to get there.Become detached and take lives without flinching, yes, I did that too. Heck, I had my first kill at 8 when most kids were still trying to cram the multiplication table.I worked with a team and tracked down a snitch when I was just 12. I became a mastermind, someone to be feared, someone ruthless and dangerously lethal in the mafia world before I even became legal. I've been doing what was expected of me and even more to prove myself because I needed to prove myself worthy of being an Ivanov. I was a whore's son after all and dad brought me in when he already has his heir so I needed to be better than Avan at all costs. Not that that takes so much of hard work anyway, but Rom
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Eighteen: Class Project
LISAWere my cheeks still burning with embarrassment from what happened at the pub?Hell yes! I should have never let him get close to me, never let him put his hands on me but I did all that and this devastating result was what I got.It made my insides burn with disdain. What was I even thinking? It was just my neck and it was just a kiss. No matter how sensitive that spot was, no matter how responsive I've always been, I could have bitten back my moans, I could have pretended, I could have faked being stoic, and I'd done worse. I've stared far worse challenges in the eyes and passed excellently.But it took just one touch from the enemy, just the mere brush of his tongue against my skin and I was moaning, whithering mess.God! How much I hated every second of it!You mean how much you loved every second of it.Fine! I enjoyed it! He obviously knows what he was doing with his tongue and teeth and lips and that made me lose control. Knowing Axel now, he must be gloating about how I c
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Nineteen: Kisses And...
LISANo fucking way!No fucking way! I couldn't possibly get paired with Axel for a six weeks assignment. I hated him, thoroughly, I also completely disliked his guts and I was also madly attracted to him. So spending the next six weeks with him, working with him privately, was bound to be a disaster so immediately after the class was over, I ran to meet the rep and the lecturer and ask if I could get a change of partner but it was a no-no.A dead end.So I trailed back to the class with defeat written all over me. The class was already in groups of twos and I could tell that they were all already familiarizing themselves with each other for their projects and here I was, stuck with a partner I'd rather eat grass than work with.I didn't see him where I left him and a quick glance around the classroom revealed that he was leaning against the doorway, observing me with those dark hooded eyes of his. I marched up to him."So what now? Has the almighty Lisa Volkov kicked me out of h
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Twenty: ...Unplanned Kisses
LISAFor a while, I was glued to the ground in shock. My hands lay limply by my sides as Axel started kissing the hell out of me.His kiss was ravenous, like that of a starving, dying man that has been out of breath for so long and I was all the air he needed to breathe, to come to life again. His tongue plundered my mouth, forced my lips apart, and forced its way into my mouth, electrifying my entire body and making it come alive in places I never knew I could.I sighed into his mouth at the pleasure his skillful tongue was evoking in my body and that single moan jolted my senses into action.God! I was allowing Axel Ivanov to kiss me.I regained control of my limbs and I immediately raised my hands to push him off me but my attempts were feeble against his strength, it was like a 2-year-old fighting against Dwayne Johnson but that didn't stop me from fighting, it didn't stop me from writhing and struggling against his body but I should have known that a writhing female body against
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