Lahat ng Kabanata ng His Contract Wife : Kabanata 51 - Kabanata 60
180 Kabanata
51 || A great handjob
How to give a great handjob. Leila’s eyes greedily took in the details on her phone’s screen. She wasn’t convinced she did a good job with Kelvin’s dick. The article mentioned lube and she hadn’t used anything.For a greater part of last night, she had no idea what she had been doing. She only followed the tempo of his breath, moving slower and faster according to his moans.Kelvin didn’t lie. He was huge. He was so big her hand couldn’t easily go around him. A thick lump settled in her throat and she gulped hard thinking about it.Yesterday was her first time hearing him be that vulnerable. She didn’t mean to laugh. It just came out because his request made her nervous. Sex on her period would have been messy. His reaction to her confession was worse. She had never felt so alone.This morning was the most awkward between them. If she did such a good job, why was he so nervous around her? He didn’t even kiss h
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52 || Go for it
The morning went by fast. Leila was constantly checking her wristwatch. Minutes after leaving Kelvin, she had rushed into the bathroom to rehearse the speech she would give him. She wanted to kiss him and she would tell him that when they met for lunch which was in a few minutes.That thought evaporated once her phone vibrated.Kev: I won’t be joining you for lunch.Her heart tumbled to her stomach, Leila wrapped her arms around herself and smiled sadly. She suspected his decision had to do with this morning’s event. Kelvin had to be patient with her. She was trying her best to come around. It wasn’t easy. He had to understand she wasn’t as bold as he was. It was hard.Lily slammed a file to her table, making her jump. Her colleague laughed at her reaction and said something she didn’t hear. Leila nodded and even managed to smile because it seemed like what Lily wanted her to do. Lily dragged the chair in front of her desk and sat on
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53 || Stop the car
The door to Leila’s office opened exactly when it was time for lunch break. Everyone stopped what they were doing at the abrupt appearance of their boss’s assistant. Leila hid a smile. She was the only one who knew why the woman was here.Amara’s eyes roamed her office until it settled on her. A ghost of a smile fleeted across her face and she stalked towards Leila’s desk. Leila pretended to be working on the slides on her screen. Silly Kelvin. He would have to learn the hard way that bossing her around was no good.Amara knocked on her desk twice and Leila finally looked up like she was seeing her for the first time.“Miss Leilani, your attention is needed.”Her colleagues were aware who Amara was, so no one questioned her order. Leila packed her things and followed behind Amara. They didn’t stop walking until they were at the elevator.Once they were alone, she asked, “Where is he?”“Downstai
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54 || My husband
The text worried Leila but it couldn’t be worse than knowing her husband was mad at her. Leila wasn’t sure what her crime was. Kelvin’s cold attitude was unnecessary, so was Sarah’s text.Kelvin’s phone rang. She pretended not to listen to his conversation but her ears perked. He was talking about moving a meeting forward.Was it the meeting he cancelled because of her? She didn’t ask him that. When he dropped the call, her attention returned to the window and the passers-by enjoying their day. Leila would have been one of them if Kelvin didn’t call her.They stopped a few metres from the office like they had been doing in the past. She glanced his way again but he was leaning on the window, eyes closed with his hand over his forehead.“Kev,” she whispered. Her hand reached out to touch him but she dropped it before her fingers met his arm. She didn’t want to end this on a bad note. But it seemed to be w
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55 || A blowjob
The office was still buzzing with activities when Leila left. It was already closing hours and she wasn’t in the right frame of mind to engage her colleagues. Instead of going home, she flagged down a taxi and gave him directions to her best friend’s house.She rang the doorbell of Freya’s house. No response on the first trial and on the second ring, the door opened. Freya was in an oversized t-shirt and leggings, she pinched Leila’s cheeks and dragged her friend in.“To what do I owe this visit?” Freya asked, her voice an octave lower in an imitation of a cartoon character.Leila hissed. She wasn’t sure anymore. She had not been thinking when she called the cab. They continued to the kitchen and she pulled out a stool to sit by the island. Freya took the opposite stool and resumed stirring the batter.“What are you making?”“Cake.” Her fingers circled the rim of the bowl to catch the batter d
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56 || Will you kiss me?
“Leila. It’s me.”Charles?The voice broke through her subconscious. Her screams died down and her eyes snapped open. It was Charles. In flesh and blood and a battered hand.Anger and a flood of other emotions coursed through her veins. She shoved him. “You were following me, weren’t you?” she screamed in his face and pushed him again. “Charles, I told you to stop following me.”“Where I come from, the word is: Thank you.” He stretched the phone to her and she snatched it. The last thing she felt in his presence was gratitude. Her emotions were in shambles. “I just saved you, Leila.”“You didn’t save me.” Her heart was racing fast, she sucked in air through her teeth to get her breathing under control. She didn’t trust Charles. She didn’t trust that the robbery was all a coincidence. “Stay away from me. How many times do I have to say it?”“As many times as you can because I’m not going away.”Leila’s bag vibrated and she jumped, she needed to leave this place.
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57 || Blowjob gone wrong
Leila’s heart pounded in her ears. Time seemed to have stopped with Kelvin’s silence. Her husband was in front of her in a second. She parted her lips to say something, anything but the words never came out. Kelvin’s head dipped, his lips took hers in a seductive kiss. Leila didn’t wait for him to lead, she took over the kiss.Her hand slipped behind his head, their tongues battled for dominance until Kelvin gave in. Pouring the words she might never say into the kiss, she kissed him until they were sharing the same air. Her lips were swollen when she broke the kiss, she smiled at the small cut on her husband’s lips. She would think of that cut as her mark. His dark gaze showed he didn’t mind, if she had done more than a cut, she was certain he would have gone with the flow.On a whim, she slipped her hands inside his sweatpants. Kelvin dragged in a harsh breath. His eyes held questions she wasn’t sure she could answer.&ldquo
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58 || I ruined it
The silence in the room was deafening. Leila froze. Kelvin froze. Their gazes lowered to the mess she made on him and the bedsheet but he couldn’t bring himself to be mad. He contributed to this.Kelvin was the first one to snap out of his reverie, he knew what she was about to say before she did.Tears trickled out of her eyes. His heart broke. This wasn’t the plan. He had hoped the blowjob could lead to something more intimate between them. “It’s okay, Leila. It’s completely fine.”“It’s not okay.” She jumped to her feet to get wipes and a clean cloth. Kelvin did his best to sit still while she cleaned him up. He got up to change the sheets while she stood in one corner of their room, slapping her forehead. “I’m so stupid.”On his return to the room after a change of clothes, Leila was on the floor hugging her knees to her chest. She had changed out of her nightie to a longer nightgown that
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59 || Fever
Leila woke before her husband. A wide grin was on her lips as she stretched. Last night was the best night of her life. Her husband moaned in his sleep, she pecked him soundly on his lips and got out of bed.When she finished preparing for work, Kelvin was still in bed. She tried to shake him awake, his eyes fluttered open for the briefest moments and he went back to sleep. Flattening the back of her hand against his forehead, she hissed at his temperature. He was running a fever.Rushing into the bathroom, she got a bowl of cold water and a napkin. She sat by his side, panting heavily as she pulled his head to her lap. Her husband weighed a ton. Kelvin’s eyes opened, he looked at her like he was seeing her for the first time. She pecked him and he palmed her face to kiss her briefly. Even his hands were warm, she had to get him to the clinic.“Hey,” she said. “I think you might be running a fever.”“I think so too.” His
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60 || Block him
Kelvin woke up smiling. His wife’s gentle snores made him laugh and he took out his phone to record her. The flash of his phone’s camera came on, Leila pouted in her sleep and continued snoring. A moan left her lips when he pecked her jaw, he nibbled on her lower lip and her eyes opened.Sleep clouded her eyes, she blinked sleepily at him and he kissed her again. “Good morning, pretty.”Blush dotted her cheeks. “Good morning.” Her hand was on his neck and forehead in an instant. He stifled the urge to roll his eyes. Throughout yesterday, she didn’t allow him to lift a finger. “How do you feel?”“Good.” He shook his head. “I feel great.” The doctor said his fever might have been induced by stress, so he needed to take a short break and diligently take the medication recommended for him. Regardless of the doctor’s advice, he planned to see Freya today. He had some questions for her. Ques
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18 Protection Status