Alpha's Double-Scent Mate의 모든 챕터: 챕터 61 - 챕터 70
159 챕터
The Meeting of Fear and Celebration
That night, many werewolves gathered in the plaza at William's order. At first, some people did not believe Nelson when the guy told them that William ordered for this meeting to happen- specifically the overly cautious authority werewolves. Thankfully, Jengo came by and confirmed the message, as well as helped spread word. While the Beta did not know why the meeting has changed into a public setting for all werewolves, he knew William well enough; he knew something must've happened that called for a large gathering. Amongst the werewolves that gathered, Ellie was also there. She was quite puzzled when she was told to attend by Jengo, but quickly came to realize what the meeting may be about. 'He did announce that we were mates to the mass,' she recalled. 'It'd be no surprise if he wanted to do the same about my pregnancy. And like back then... he won't care about me after that, nor about the position he'll leave me in...' As she remembered the announcement that time, Ellie felt her
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The Mental Conflict
With the meeting over, the pack dispersed and returned to their respective matters. Thanks to news on Ellie's pregnancy, the werewolves have calmed down somewhat, no longer tense about news and possibilities of there being a possible traitor amongst them, especially from the authority werewolves. Although, it may be more because of the 'example' William made out of Lector- who was sent to the dungeon after the event. Regardless, things were as peaceful as can be now. Ellie was back in her humble abode, lying in bed, gently rubbing her tummy. While she was not expect her child to feel... well, anything from the action now, she hoped it would at least sense the comfort she was giving it. Its birth may still be far off, but she still wanted to do something motherly for it before them. Before... they are forced to be separated... 'Is this what a mother's instincts is like?' she wondered. 'Even though I shouldn't and don't want this kid... Even though I can't be with it... How stupid do
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Alpha and His Wolf’s Chat
A little over a week passed since William announced Ellie's pregnancy to the pack. In the time that passed, to the Alpha's relief, there had been no news about any accusations going on; whether they be about any sort of traitors in the pack or otherwise. Sadly, the same could not be said about making an attack on the Liberal Pack, in which his councilmen constantly insisted that he do, or at least send one other wolf there to check in on the matters. As they had been getting nothing from the spies already stationed there, they suggest William does at least that much so they would get a good idea of what was going on in that pack. Likewise, it was also because of that that William had been going against the idea. Not with how high the risk this spy mission was, even though the scouts could not see anything going on in the pack from outside their high wooden fences to get any sort of details. Despite this, though, one werewolf insisted they would go check on the situation for the pack.
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Baby Steps
In Ellie's house, Ellie had been doing nothing but cleaning around the house. Since she couldn't do anything strenous- as ordered by Samantha- she had been feeling restless doing nothing all day. Thankfully, she was allowed to do some cleaning, at least, especially as she was still in her early stage. It was not that she liked to clean- in fact, she rarely did any of that back in the Hermit Pack- but it was still a workout in its own way, and thus relieving her of her restlessness. "Alright, I think that should do for cleaning for now," she sighed, wiping away a bit of sweat from her forehead. She looked around her small home, taking in the sight of her clean work. "I wonder if it's because I've clean this place up a lot of times already. It looks much brighter than before." Spending the past week to clean her small abode? Ellie did not clean the place once or twice, or even three times; she cleaned about a dozen times now. It was also not as though she had been cleaning daily either
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The Alpha’s Visits
The next few days, it had been... odd, to say the least, for Ellie. There was nothing off with her body- aside from more symptoms gradually getting added on to her- nothing odd was going on with Ashina and Morgan, even Jengo was the same as always. However... something was going on with William. During these few days, William had been visiting her on a daily basis in the afternoon. THey were brief, but the Alpha kept coming along to see her. To see their baby. Perhaps it was not all that weird for a soon-to-be father to want to see his unborn pup, but it was certainly weird if that very father was also a dangerous, notorious, cold-blodded werewolf, who left as soon as he took a few steps towards the pregnant mother. All because said mother seemed frightened of him. Well... 'frightened' would not be the best word to use on Ellie. Every time William approached her, she continuously, unconsciously thought about her child's birth. Particularly about how it will get taken away from her,
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The Hunting Date
William dashed in the woods with Ellie on his heels. To his pure confusion, instead of being in her wolf form as any werewolf would in a hunt, the girl was running with her human form. When in wolf form, a werewolf's speed drastically increase, as would their sense of hearing and smell, thus raising their chance of finding a good prey to hunt down. So why didn't Ellie turn?'And so my suspicions of her grew,' William thought, narrowing his eyes at the girl behind him. 'Guess you made a good call on this hunt after all, Liam. Who'd have thought it truly does have its perks?'The whole idea to hunt with Ellie was really Liam's idea. After failing to get close to Ellie- to their baby- for the past several days, William was at his wits' end. He grew tempted to even try to calm the girl down by force if he had to, force her to be submissive if it meant getting to his pup.Ironically enough, Liam was against the idea, wanting to instead go about approaching Ellie in a more peaceful manner,
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Getting to Know Her
Ellie practically froze when William asked that of her. She much rather not remember any more of her time in the Hermit Pack, especially not any of the good times. Remembering those will make her remember how she was betrayed. Nay... Remember when she realized she was being tricked and used all this time. She highly doubt William would even try to understand her life, even though he did save her from execution."If you're not ready to talk about your past, you don't need to force yourself to say anything," the Alpha said, much to her puzzlement. "Don't think I've forgotten about how I had to save you from death. Guess you went through even worse shit than I thought if you're this hesitant in talking about your past with them. Your face did, when you talked about your family."Ellie thought William wouldn't get any more confusing or surprising, but seeing how thoughtful he was of her? Even if it may be some scheme to get close to his pup, she didn't think the guy would ever go to this
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Keeping a Sane Mind and Solid Relationship
As soon as they were done with their meal, William and Ellie returned to the pack, with the Alpha seeing the girl back to her house."Thanks again for letting me out on that hunt," Ellie thanked."Don't mention it. I just don't want you to get stuffy and give birth to an unhealthy baby," William told her.'Because the sooner I give birth to a strong, healthy baby, the better it will be for you and Jen...' Ellie solemnly thought in understanding, feeling a little hurt from the reminder."Yeah... Well, good night." Without another word, she entered her house to retire for the night.Upon seeing her enter with that false smile on her face, William did not know why, but he felt the need to reach out and stop her. It did not take long for the Alpha to realize that this must be what his wolf was actually feeling. A feeling that proved to be dangerous for him, for if a werewolf's wolf was to ever feel strongly about something to the point that the werewolf's body was to take unintentional ac
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The Bump
More time passed since that day. As the days passed, William had been making more visits to Ellie, as well as bringing her out of her house every once in a while at night. Each time the pair interacted- each time the guy did something to move her heart, make her feel as though she could trust him- Ellie kept having to remind herself that everything that Alpha does... They are not because he truly wanted to be close to her as a person; he wanted to get close to her to be close to their pup. To his pup... Each time she had to remind herself that, Ellie kept feeling a small twinge in her chest, as she unconsciously rubbed her womb where her baby rests.Another thing Ellie noticed about William was his scent. Though faint, her werewolf nose detected another familiar scent on the Alpha. It did not take long for her to realize who that other scent belongs to, when she looked out the window one afternoon and saw William and Jengo together. While the pair did not do anything intimate at the t
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The Doc's Advice for the Unborn
William arrived at Samantha's place, where he found the healer working away with some medicine in her office. "Samantha."Upon hearing his call, Samantha turned and was more than happy to see him, rather than surprised. "Oh, Alpha! I am so glad you're here! Please, have a seat."Taken aback by those words, William walked over to her and sat in a seat opposite of her. "Why so happy to see me here?""Well, I know you've been seeing Ellie lately, and you know I have been seeing her on a weekly or semi-weekly basis to see how she and the fetus are doing," she began already setting some slight alarms in WIlliam's head."Get to the point."At those words, the smile Samantha had on her face left, replaced by a conflicted expression. "With the baby starting to show in the middle of her second trimester- and I don't mean any disrespect to you or Beta Jen- but to ensure a smoother growth for it, you will have to spend more time with Ellie."William raised a brow at what his healer was suggestin
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