Semua Bab Her Bitter Rescue: Bab 51 - Bab 60
79 Bab
Out of It
{ Andrew } The encounter with Alessandro ruins the rest of my night completely. As soon as he leaves with his date sweetly holding hands, I have a bunch of people around me wondering what the hell just happened, but I can't answer because I'm just as lost as they are. "Hey! Stop!" growls Frank from his spot almost ten meters away from us. Everyone immediately stops, "Andrew, come here." Oh, no. Oh, no. Am I in trouble? I walk away from everyone, but Olivia follows me until I get to where her father is, on his sides are Dalia and Lucinda. "Olivia, no one called you," Frank says to his daughter with a raised eyebrow, "Go somewhere else." "This is a free fair, I can go wherever I want. And besides, I'm just coming in search of my mate," she lies, because Daniel is playing with the pups elsewhere, but Frank doesn't move his eyes from his daughter until she is forced to walk away, giving me an apologetic look before leaving me alone. "What's going on with Alessandro?" he asks a
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Coming Clean
{ Alessandro } I can see Frank's face change from disapproval to intrigue. He settles back in his chair and gives me his full attention. I wasn't planning on talking about this with anyone, but now it's the only way to explain my behavior. "I have never done anything inappropriate against Andy and I never will," I begin, feeling for the first time on the other side of the coin, being the one being judged, "I am fully aware that the age difference between us makes him a child to me and I don't find him attractive… but my wolf does. Ever since I first saw him in the courtroom, my wolf woke up and decided that Andy is his fated mate. That's why he felt so... possessive yesterday, when he saw Andy kissing another alpha." "What?" Frank asks, his face turning pale with horror. "I don't understand it either, sir. I've tried to explain to my wolf that Andy is a beta and therefore it's impossible for him to be his mate, but he's sure of this," I continue, shaking my head. Frank mouth is
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New Living
I end up arriving at William's house at ten o'clock at night. He lives a bit far away, half an hour from the office, but it doesn't matter. As long as he doesn't want to charge me a lot of money to live with him, it's worth the gas. "Hi," I greet when he opens the door for me, looking up at him with embarrassment. "Come in, I made you some dinner too," he says and I walk into the house, looking around. It's very empty, it only has a couch and a TV, but what else does anyone need? This is perfect, "I could tell you were having a hard time. You fought with your brother, I imagine?" "Not really. I'm actually avoiding a fight," I explain and sit in a small chair in his kitchen table as he moves to serve what he's cooking. It's some kind of chicken with a sauce I don't know, "I'm not bothering you?" "No, not at all. I made butter chicken, do you like it?" he asks and I nod because even though I've never tasted it, it smells delicious and it's not meat so it’s no problem. William smil
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Enchanted To Meet You
I'm so hard and frustrated that I can't even deal with myself. I have to lie still and close my eyes trying to think about anything but Andy or anything to do with him. I would love to go jerk off but I can't because I know I'm going to think about him. And I'll feel horrible if I do that. I stare at the ceiling for a long time and try to calm myself down without risking putting my hand down to give myself even a little relief. I can't do that, I don't deserve it. I have to stay like that until I slowly fall asleep and the next morning I head to the hospital first thing to talk to Carl Willis. "Good morning, Mr. Judge," Carl greets me as soon as he opens his door for me. I sit down in the chair in front of his desk, "What's going on?" I release all the air in me and blurt out the whole situation to him, about how my wolf is going through a moment of dementia. The doctor frowns and listens to my story with confusion. "How sure are we that the guy is really a beta?" He asks o
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Try It All
I stand there for a long time, unable to digest what just happened, until I manage to move and plop down on the couch with one hand on my chest, trying to stop my heart from racing. Putting aside how much I hate Alessandro right now for what he said in Frank's office... this is the first time I've had him this close. If only this had happened a week ago, I would have been the happiest guy in the world. His body is so much bigger than mine and even though I couldn't fully enjoy it because of the fear his wolf caused me... it was hot. Having him be all alpha with me now that the shock is wearing off... fuck, it was exciting. It was everything I've been dreaming of since the moment I met him. If only my wolf could wake up from his fucking long nap... I squeeze my eyes shut and try again to connect with him. All my life I've had to endure living as a beta while he in my head repeats and repeats that I'm not. But now when I really need him to repeat that to me and make it manifest
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Here We Go
"Thank you, Daniel, really," I say with a smile, but he doesn't look very happy to be accepting this. He takes the card I hold out as if I'm forcing him, "Give me your daughter, I can watch her while you go." Daniel hesitates for a few seconds, but he knows he can trust me so he sighs and accepts, placing his extremely tiny daughter in my arms very carefully. "Can I come with you, father?" Laurie asks from behind and Daniel answers yes so the pup gets out of my car, messing everything up even more with his exit. And I'm left alone with a baby. I sigh with relief at the thought that I will be able to be normal again and look down at the baby. Her eyes are open and she is calm, just looking at me. Hmm. This is the first time I've ever held a baby, I realize. My omega sister left the clan long ago and I only met my nephews when they were toddlers already. I never had a chance to meet a baby only a few months old. They are... cute. I reach out my hand to play with hers as Danie
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Close To Breaking
{ Andrew } Under the intense stares of Daniel and Frank trying to study our every move, I open the laptop and start the report Alessandro asked me to do while they review the alpha applications. 260 alphas applied. I never thought there would be as many people as Rodrick, but apparently there are. And I have to write each of the names in a table and write down their comments and whether they were accepted or not. Every so often I can feel Alessandro look up at me, but he immediately looks away and keeps on being the stoic and extremely professional man I know, even when his scent smells so… needy. Needy of me. Hungry for me. But I have to remind myself that it’s because of his wolf, not himself. 140 alphas later, my brother's name comes up in the postulations and I can't help but sit up straighter with anxiety. "Rodrick Easton is a very good candidate, in my opinion," Lana begins to speak after reading his paper, making me smile even though I try to stop my facial muscles fro
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Broke Loose
I stare at his text for over thirty seconds. What the fuck is this about? I want to answer him a few things, like: "Why the fuck?" "Absolutely not." "If you're this jealous you can take the week off and then come back." "You're not allowed to quit." But I can't send any of those texts. They're completely inappropriate and he'll call security to come get me, but I don't feel too bad about this because something tells me this is just a little tantrum. He doesn't really want to quit. He didn't want that when I asked him to get me omegas, he didn't want that when I lost my mind and attacked him telling him to let his wolf out, so he totally doesn't want that now. But then, what does he want? Does he want me to break up with Monica? I'll do it. I won't see her again. Does he want me to leave him alone and stop being creepy? I'll do it. If I tell my wolf that he needs to fucking chill out or we won't have him sitting next to us every day, I know he will. I just need to apologi
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I don't need Rodrick to find that house. It takes me only two calls, one to Rosalinda Taffy and one to my secretary to find William Rahman's house. So just five minutes later I'm driving to that address, aware that what I'm feeling is because my rut is starting, but unable to do anything to calm down because of how angry I feel at Andy. He just destroyed how much I saw him as an innocent, harmless, precious little boy. He lied to me multiple times and I don't plan on letting it happen again. But most importantly, I don't plan on letting him continue to live in another alpha's house. Suddenly I don't feel like denying my wolf what he wants anymore. I stop when I see Andy's car at a house and get out of my car without turning it off. I walk to the door with long strides and a fog in my head that is making me want to grab Andy and give him the spanking he deserves for the things he’s been doing behind my back. Still, I have to remind myself that Andy really isn't anything of m
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Craving Tangerine
Alessandro nods as if pleased with my answer and his scent stops feeling so charged, so I can relax a bit... before I get nervous again because I realize I'll be alone with an alpha in rut. Holy cow. And it's not just any alpha, it's my crush, the most handsome man I've ever seen. What if all my fantasies come true today? God, am I ready for that? I have no idea, but the thought makes me shiver all over. "You have nothing to be afraid of, Andrew. I'll take an inhibitor as soon as we get home to stop this," he promises and I refrain from rolling my eyes. I know I'm upset about his attack and all, but part of me is disappointed by that. I guess I thought he was going to tell me that since I'm supposedly 'his' he was going to spend his rut with me, not that he was going to stop it. "Fine, but don't even think that you're going to apologize when you're conscious and that I'll just accept your apology. This is unacceptable and I'm going to complain to Frank as soon as I can," I m
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