Semua Bab The Unbreakable Luna: Bab 21 - Bab 30
61 Bab
Chapter 21
She was now in her second trimester and it was pure bliss. "Okay okay, think about this. If it's a girl, she'll be Cupcake and if it's a boy, he'll be Doughnut." Astra sighed as she removed a fresh batch of cookies from the oven and placed them on the counter so they could cool before turning to the nineteen-year-old. "We are not naming my baby after your favorite snacks." The girl pouted. "Why not?" "I don't want to set my child up for a lifetime of bullying, Mimi. Besides, Benji has picked out names already." Mimi gasped. "How dare you say that?" Astra rolled her eyes playfully as she walked past the flabbergasted female to the now-warm eclairs. She picked one up and wrapped it up tying the ribbon in a bow before passing it to Mimi who added it to the confectionery rack. "What if I convince Benji?" "Well, I wish you no luck." "Astra!" Mimi whined loudly and then bent down. "Do you hear your mother? She's so mean to me but you aren't right? Cos you're my sweet muffin." The
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Chapter 22
"Seline, you can't be serious." "Astra is not around, you can't keep waiting for her." "What gave you the audacity to walk into my room, Seline?" Izan's rut was near but Astra was not. The Alpha had been planning on chaining himself up until his rut was over. Currently, he was in his study trying to finish up on some paperwork before he asked Adam and Dre to help him with his chains. Honestly, the alpha didn't expect Seline Knox, the same lady who challenged his mate to walk into his study half-naked and producing seductive pheromones. The female was dressed in nothing but lingerie and a dress shirt. She took off the shirt so the male could feast his eyes on her and Izan's musky scent filled the air as he groaned. He was trying his best to resist her but the female in front of him was undoubtedly sexy and he in rut was not thinking clearly. He wanted to chase her out but at the same time, he wanted to claim her, needed to claim her. As an alpha in rut, his number one priority rig
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Chapter 23
He was tired. After spending four goddamned days out of the pack, he couldn't wait to be in his woman's arms. His thoughts were full of her and there was a feeling at the back of his mind that told him to come back home. Immediately they arrived at the pack house, he ran straight to his room wanting to be engulfed in her scent but what he hadn't expected was to be flooded in the scent of his mate and his delta mixed. The last thing he expected was to see Lucas and Helena in his bed making love. He hadn't expected to see Helena bouncing on Lucas' cock just like she did on him. Izan growled and he lost his senses.Just like that, the next few months passed.After that fateful day, Astra had not seen Eve nor heard from her. It was like she disappeared from Ys as Astra couldn't smell any lingering scent. She continued to play with her fingers as she thought about him, the father of her child. As much as she hated him, she missed him and she realized not even Benji, the nicest man on
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Chapter 24
Vince smiled, showing a perfect set of teeth. "Halley?" Benji looked at Astra and frowned. The female wasn't confused, just surprised. "Hmmm?" She looked away from the second in command to her friend. "You know him?" "Not personally," she murmured. "She almost did," Vince replied with a smirk. "Let's talk about you..." He looked at Benji's behind then his chest before continuing, "nice ass, big titties, good enough." He shrugged. "What in the world are you talking about?" Benji was perplexed. "Well, amare, I think y–" "Do you call everyone that?" Astra spoke acidly. "Only my beloved who I thought was you." Vince winked at her before turning back to the male. "Ever heard of vam-wait, humans have books about us and I'm sure you've read something about us. You should see what they write about your kind, they think you're a bunch of nice wild dogs." Vince cackled. "Stop talking," Astra growled. "Did you just-?" Benji breathed in her direction before his eyes caught the girl on
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Chapter 25
"She's real?""What's that supposed to mean?" Dior cut eyes at the disbelieving look on Eve's face. "I'm sorry, it's just–""You're all werewolves?" Benji looked at them. They nodded and Dior sniffed Benji. "He smells like you..." "Did you sleep with him during your heat and you ended up pregnant? Is he your second chance mate?" "Firstly Dior, you need to realize that your words can be offensive at times. Secondly, have you considered this could be your Alpha's child and lastly, he's the mate of the vampire seneschal." "But he's a human." "So is your Miracle." Eve retorted.Mimi or Miracle had once again reversed into her quiet self just like the first day she and Astra met and this was all due to the male that kept throwing her glances every few seconds. Dior tsked before walking over to the youngest female in the room. "Hey, you're not overwhelmed, are you?" "Yes, I am. I have never seen werewolves before except in books. I didn't know they were real and-and now, I'm mated to
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Chapter 26
"This is not a great idea." "Why not?" "Firstly, look at your belly. Secondly, how do you think Izan will feel when your second chance mate appears in his pack?" "He's not my mate." Astra rolled her eyes. "The man reeks of you and your unborn recognizes him as the father. What werewolf wouldn't think he's your mate?" Dior scoffed as he helped Mimi pack. He had gone to the market the following day to get Mimi some clothes and other essentials. Well, you see Mimi was going to meet her other mate, was going to live with them actually. Yes, she was leaving Ys to go live in the werewolf world with Dior convincing her he would let their Alpha turn her into one of them and they would all be happy. Mimi was an orphan, born and bred in her father's brother's house in Vineta and managing to escape to Ys a few days after she clocked nineteen. She was lucky to have found Sir Egan who gave her a place to stay. While she was grateful for that, his son was a creep and Mimi had to lock herself
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Chapter 27
The Alpha did not know how to feel. This woman, this redhead had walked back carelessly into his pack as if she hadn't run away, as if he hadn't been looking for her for the past ten months. She had come back into his life after disappearing with no word or rather, she had disappeared leaving some words that weren't discovered until months later. Words that infuriated and saddened Izan at the same time.Now, she was back, her cardamon scent was sour signifying her sadness and it made the Alpha frown. Why was she sad? Where was she these past months? How did Eve and Dior find her and even bring back the third mate they all thought Dior made up. Wait...If Miracle is human, does that mean they found Astra amongst humans? Of course, that made sense. Izan had underestimated just how much Astra didn't want to be found. Yet here she was, covered in blankets, staring into nothingness and ignoring him as if she couldn't sense him in her presence. Even Aine's senses seemed dull as she had n
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Chapter 28
To her, her life had become hell. Why did she believe him? They hadn't even known each other for a week and he told her some words which she didn't hesitate to believe. Even if he was sincere about her, she shouldn't have assumed that he also would, and now here she was, crying and regretting her decision as he tried to console her. "Miracle, I didn't know he would be like that–" "That's not my name!" She yelled. "At least he doesn't think I am. You told me he would love me, you told me he was waiting for me but you lied. He hates me." "That's not true–" Dior began but was stopped again. "He said it himself. He never thought I was real, thought it was all your imagination. I should have just stayed in Ys. At least, I wouldn't be aware of my feelings if I was under compulsion or I should have gone with Benj–" Dior growled, his hot breath fanning her tear-stained face. "Don't ever repeat that again, you belong with Andre and me. He's just a bit confused but you-we'll help him out.
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Chapter 29
This was the sixth time. This was the sixth time Izan was catching them together. This was also the sixth time Izan's memory was cleared. The young Alpha was on the training grounds sparring with his beta, Adam as his delta, Lucas came running. "Izan, Izan, I need to talk to you," Lucas' voice was frantic and full of fear. The Alpha and beta looked to their friend who stopped in his steps panting. "Izan, she's using us. I swear, she's trying to use us." "She?" Izan frowned. "Helena!" "What?" "Izan, Helena is a witch and-and she's trying to separate us. She wants us to–" "What nonsense are you saying?!" The Alpha yelled."Please Izan listen. I never raped her, she raped me. She forces me to sleep with her and wipes my memory. I can only pick out some things fro–" Izan grabbed his friend by the throat, dangerous sharp claws pressing into the delta's skin. "She told me you would say that but I refused to believe her. I was willing to let this go if you would just shut up but th
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Chapter 30
"Izan, you're going mad!" "Just listen to yourself, you banished your friend! And the worst part replacing his position with her. She's a luna, not a delta!" Top epsilon Andre yelled in the Alpha's face. For days, Astra ignored him. She knew what Izan was trying to do when he started buying things for the unborn pups, checking up on her when she was asleep, and leaving before she woke up. The Alpha didn't think Astra cared that much about him or as much as he wanted her to care, he thought she would forget about the whole incident after a while. He was wrong!Women don't forget, especially one that was starting to fall in love with the father of her pups. Dre opened the living room door and met Astra sitting at the dining table. "Luna," he bowed."Top epsilon," she mock bowed in return. He looked at her and smirked."Where is he?" She asked out of curiosity and the top epsilon understood what she meant. Although they were all aware of the malice going on between the couple, the
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