บททั้งหมดของ Chasing his heart: บทที่ 41 - บทที่ 50
41. It's time to focus on my baby
A few months later… The wind was frosty and shriveling. Rainfall started in the early evening and continued without interruption. It was a dark and stormy night. A fierce gust of wind swept off the street. A limousine halts before the cemetery. Bianca alight with her bodyguard, Lucas raising a black umbrella above her head as soon as she got off the limousine, he followed as the model passed. Bianca was in a black dress, still mourning her mother's death. The cruel icy wind cut like a knife across her cheeks. She quivers, rubbing her palm on each other. Her nebulous gaze met Helen pacing back and forth before Sophia's graveyard.“What do you want?” Bianca squints her brows at Helen. Helen stopped, she shifted her glare to Bianca with a smile creeping on her face. Helen slides her palm on her stomach. “I've been lingering around this graveyard for your arrival, Bianca.” “I'm here to have a word with you. I would love to say this once and for all” Helen let out, she wrenched h
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42. Henry?
The limousine comes to a halt in the parking lot. Bianca gaits out of the limousine with Lucas, walking after her. Lucas lifts his head as he glimpsed some shadow before them, he makes firm movements by yanking Bianca by her arm and positioning his other hand in his pocket. Bianca halts, and his tight grip on her arm produced an awkward impression on her face. “How dare you lay your filthy hand on mine, Mr. Lucas? Do you prefer to get fired? Don't you?” Bianca furrowed her brows, she makes an effort to pull her hand off his tight grasp. “Stay still!” Lucas requested, scanning his environment. His heartbeat rate increased as he glimpsed some men in black clothing surrounding them. Bianca's jaw dropped as she gazes at some men in black clothing lurking around a corner.“Who are they?” Bianca let out, her brows knitted in a frown. “I have no idea… get in the vehicle!” Lucas ordered, he tilts the pistol in his pocket. “What if they are friendly guys…. You get sensitive to the s
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43. My wife?
“We are heading home. Your ultimate security is my priority.”Bianca's cheeks turned red and her brows got narrowed, she growled at him through clenched teeth.“Pull over! I want to alight.”“I don't know those men's prime intention but it's obvious they want you dead. Do you wish to die just like a mayfly?” “That man behind a mask…he would protect me as he did earlier. Wouldn't he?”Bianca lowered her opened eyes, her lashes went up as she blinked.His visage moved to the road after he caught the sensation of Bianca's grimace. “I'm sorry, Ma'am but you are not making sense at all” Lucas apologized.“Apology not accepted! You are just my bodyguard, don't bridge that periphery” Bianca grumbled.Lucas mashed his feet on the brakes, and the car halts.“I am your bodyguard! Do you even understand what that means? I'm typically your only family”“Mr. Lucas. You are fired!” Bianca thundered.“Who cares if you fire me or not, I have something to let this out before we part ways.” “You wish
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Author note:
Ready for chapter 44?Drop a comment or review and vote for this book.This book is nothing without you guys. I need your support and encouragement. Remember I can't make this book a success alone.The more gems and comments the book gets, the more I get motivated to update more chapters in a day, I can even update five chapters a day. I've been feeling down and depressed lately maybe because of the few comments and gems. Please feel free to comment😃 Love you all! I promise to give double updates for the time being 😁.Have a wonderful day with today's double updates.
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44. Baby girl at the door.
Lucas hums a tune, the doctor made sure he treated Lucas's wounds, and he walked the doctor out of the mansion. He crinkled his eyes and nose, swinging loosely to Bianca's bedroom doorstep. He hasn't been this excited ever since he got hired as her bodyguard.He coughs as he slightly opened her door to have a sneak peek at her sleepy head.He freezes, staring with wide eyes and raised eyebrows. He stepped back as he glimpsed Bianca pulling off her dress. His jaw slacked “Whoa” his widened eyes cruised her figure. He shuts the door, the sound that was a bit familiar; an unveiled hinge that betrayed those who came in. Bianca knew someone else was in the room.“Are you spying on me?” Bianca voiced from the room. Lucas gasped, attempting to forget the figure his eyes were ogling at.“Geez! I never knew she was awake” Lucas numbers. He chins up, placing a knock at her door.“Now you remember where you kept your manners.” Bianca's voice echoed from the room.“Should I come in or not?”Luca
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45. Welcome to M. Island
Lucas prepared dinner for them both.He barged into her room, he got alarmed seeing her reflection in the mirror. “What's going on?” Lucas asks, shutting the door behind them. Bianca precipitously wipes her tears, she turned to Lucas with a feigned smile.“Have you ever been lonely?” Bianca sniffles, looking skyward “Yes… I lost my family at age ten in a road accident.” Lucas said dropping the meal he prepared on her bed.“Wasn't it endearing before their demise?” Bianca sniffles, taking a glimpse of her reflection in the mirror.“Depression would only exacerbate your health, Ma'am.” Lucas expressed with his button lips jutting down.“Whenever I look in the mirror, I glimpse my minor soul bawl,” Bianca confessed as a tear drops from her eyes. Lucas moved closer to her, he let he opened palm rest on her shoulder.“You have to move on just like I did. Relinquish your grip from the sad rememberings, recall the winsome memories you once shared with your late parents.”Bianca nods makin
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46. Are we overprotective?
“Yeah, once!” Bianca said, appraising her glance at her environment. The amber sunshine devours her beauty, she squint's her eyes avoiding the sun's rays. Lucas passes a sunshade to her “You need this” He also puts on a sunshade.“What a sunny day!” Lucas exclaimed. Their feet keeps sinking into the white sand and they kept on digging it out while walking to their destination.Low cool music plays in the background as a few people migrate into the island, few people wander having fun. Lucas leans closer to her, following her every step and his hawkish eyes didn't retire. He had the urge to hold hands with her, his heart's slow motions as his hand moves closer to hers. His hand shivers, and he promptly slides his hands into his pockets, his wild and frightened eyes concealed by his sunshades. “This isn't the first time I'm so close to her, what's with this weird feeling?” “Do you know what I love about this island?” Bianca turns to him, her hair sways aside as she turns her head, an
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47. Every piece of me is gold
“Alright…alright…. I love you too, dad” Celine swung her restless gaze. She walks out of the house.“Huh..huh” Lucas hums with a smile, he has a luminous glow of happiness. Celine giggles rolling her eyes “They love killing my vibes” She whispers walking out of her door.“Was it successful?” A voice screamed. Celine cocked a brow in surprise as she jumps suddenly, she placed her hand on her chest region, widens her eye, and let everything in her arm down. She sighs with a smile as her visage moved to Emily, a childhood friend.“Oh my fucking gosh, you startled me. You sounded exactly like Captain mum.” Bianca stoops and picks up her surfboard.“Oops! Im so sorry, I didn't mean to. So who's ready for the surf party?”“Will you keep it down? Huh…too lousy!” Celine aggressively runs her hand through her dyed red hair.Emily shot her a disgusted glare, “That's harsh, gal.”“Whatever!!”They both had mellowed dialogues, heading to the beach.Lucas beams, watching Bianca saunter with her f
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48. Cath the wave.
Bianca hops on her surfboard. She watches the wave, popping up. She starts to paddle on it.Bianca grins as she sights Jones taking up a fighting position. She puts her hands close to beside her chest as close and pushes up her whole body.“ What the heck!” her back foot comes to the middle of her board first. The other foot follows her back foot, then she bends her knees and sees the front. Bianca kept her hand loose, her eyes looking in the direction of the incoming wave. She keeps an eye on Jones.“too slow” Jones's mouths, surfing close to her.“What do you mean? You are behind me” Bianca giggles. She couldn't maintain her balance on the surfboard. She became dizzy and fell into the wave.“What the heck!”Bianca's surfboard turns over, and she screams, paddling her arms in the water but she was unable to swim. The crowd ran away to avoid getting into trouble. Everyone gasps in shock. Jones's smile broadened from ear to ear, he jumped into the water holding her in his arms as h
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49. Boss, it's time to strike
Bianca's tears soothe his infuriation, he hastens to her with his emotions eating him up. “Will you stop hurting yourself? Would you one day let go of the horrendous past and move on?” Lucas raised one eyebrow and leans on the wall. His forehead wrinkled as he stares, waiting for a response or probably a breathing competition.Bianca was hanging her head, muttering some words to herself. Lucas grabs her arm as soon as she drags her heavy feet.She sniffles turning around to gaze at the hook pulling her backward. Her eyes were filled with tears, she couldn't turn around to look him in the eye. Her lips quake.“I tried….I tried to let go but….m…. my past keeps haunting me. I can't be heartsease after discovering that pervert is euphoric after inflicting my whole existence.”“How can I be elated when I'm not sure of Celine's biological father? I'm faint-hearted about conducting a desoxyribonucleic acid test (DNA). Have a great look at this, I could be David!!” Bianca stares at a spot, h
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