Semua Bab The Siren Song Series: Bab 11 - Bab 20
111 Bab
Chapter 11
The next morning, Dax held my hand as we walked into Dr. Wright's office, giving her a one-armed side hug as we entered. He led me to the couch, and for the first time since our introduction, I wanted her chair-the position of authority, control. Foolishly, I'd let Dax lead. He released my hand to surround my shoulders with his arm on the back of the couch-leaving me alone and empty. A single glance was all it took for him to realize what I craved, and he let his fingertips dance lazily on the back of my neck, reassuring me he was still close. Dr. Wright jumped right in. "Cam, you said you wanted to talk about the rape today and asked that Dax join you. Can you tell me what spurred this sudden interest in pursuing this path?"My instinct was to turn to Dax and have him answer the question, but I refused to be that weak. I just needed to get through the incident-talk about it, get it over with, and move on with a normal life, or at least try to piece together some semblance of what
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Chapter 12
The knock on the door sent me into a dizzying array of fear. I knew Dr. Right was coming, but when she announced her arrival, it sent me straight into Dax's chest. His robust arms enfolded me, hugging me tightly, reassuring me. With a soft kiss to the temple, he attempted to separate, but I wouldn't let go. I needed to be close to him like rain needed clouds. Without one the other didn't exist, and without space between us, no one could hurt me. "Kitten, I need to answer the door." I stayed firmly planted, unwilling to let go. Dax tried to pry me from him, but when he made zero progress, he murmured something I couldn't hear just before he hefted me into his arms. I quickly moved my grasp from his middle to his neck, tucking myself into his frame. Nuzzling into his shoulder, I whispered, "I'm sorry, Dax." The doorbell rang again, but he stopped to try to look at me. Unable to find my eyes, he spoke into my hair with his lips touching my scalp. The warmth of his words tickle
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Chapter 13
I listened for his footsteps on the hardwood floors. There were a few, but then they stopped at the base of the stairs where he must have taken off his shoes-the thuds were now muted. Curled into a ball on the couch, I watched him enter the room, sans T-shirt and barefoot. He was nearly too much to take in. Clothed Dax had a looming and somewhat broody presence, but the beauty of his skin and the ink on his perfectly toned chest and arms was enough to take my breath. He was walking art. Kneeling beside me, he kissed my lips tenderly-claiming yet simultaneously asexual. And when he released my mouth, his right hand remained on my jaw. His thumb stroked my cheek while his eyes searched for something I couldn't help him find. "You're exquisite." I had no response-he had seen me at the lowest points in my life, one of the ugliest I had ever experienced just a short time ago. Yet here he was admiring me, and the way he said those two words indicated he wasn't just referring to a pr
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Chapter 14
The following morning, I resigned from the bank. I had no idea what I planned to do with myself, but fortunately, I didn't have to figure that out right now. I woke up this morning determined to start making small changes, progress toward becoming a new me. After I formally resigned, I shot Rachel an email soliciting her services but requested she keep a lid on my inquiry from both Dax and the other Fish. Rachel was a damn good real estate agent, probably because she was good with people and could sell cakes to a baker. She also had a knack for selling high-end homes. And while mine didn't fall into that category, I asked her to get back with me about taking on the listing. Almost instantly, I received her reply-not only did she promise secrecy, she wondered what had taken me so long to contact her. Without an answer to her question, she promised to have the house on the market by the end of the week. After I had her penciled in to stop by with the paperwork, I sat at my computer, w
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Chapter 15
I refused to allow Dax to go back with me to my appointment. He was clearly shocked but sat back down without saying a word. But Dr. Wright was proud of my progress when we went through my journal entry and even told me I'd started to push through things after the muddled breakdown in the bathroom. I confessed my insecurities regarding Dax, and she discussed my relationship with me as my doctor. But when our time was up, she wanted to discuss something about Dax as his friend. "Cam, that man loves you more deeply than I've ever seen him love, and I've watched him with his siblings, my children, girlfriends, parents, grandparents, name it, I've seen it. There is no one, not ever, who has held his heart the way you do. While you believe he needs to be careful with you-and I agree, he needs to tread lightly-sweetheart, make no mistake, you need to be careful with him as well. He hasn't loved since Jeremy died. This is the first time I've seen him whole in a lot of years."
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Chapter 16
My Fish knew the moment they saw my face that something was awry. They assumed it was panic from being out alone for the first time, but ironically, that hadn't occurred to me. I hated fighting with Dax-I abhorred it. I wasn't much of a warrior; I didn't need to be. I always found a way to get what I wanted, but with Dax, he wouldn't give in, he wouldn't let me manipulate him into giving me what I desired. That in and of itself frustrated the shit out of me, but to throw callous words at him just to get him to concede was not me. During the entire ride downtown, all I wanted to do was turn around and run back to him, to apologize, but I resolved to see this through so I could show him I was capable of moving on.I told them briefly about what had happened, twice in one day. They looked at me stunned. "What?" "Are you fucking kidding me with this shit, Cam?" Rachel was borderline pissed, and the rosy hue to her cheeks only accentuated her irritation."What do you mean? Rachel,
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Chapter 17
The next few weeks were a lot of the same: spending copious amounts of time with Dr. Wright and hanging out with Dax, his crew, and my friends. He always seemed to have something going on-usually a project around the house he tried to include me in. I'd never done anything strenuous and had no idea how much I'd enjoy physical labor. There was something rewarding about seeing the fruits of my efforts visually versus in numbers and statistics. The sunshine invigorated me, and working in the yard planting flowers and pruning bushes brought me back to life. For the first time, I stopped to smell the roses, and calm washed over me.I still didn't venture far without Dax by my side-not that I couldn't; I didn't want to. The girls came to our house-that was a misnomer since the house belonged to Dax-a lot for dinner, and he'd formed a bond with each of them, but he and Sutton were tight. I loved all the Fish equally, but Sutton and I just connected in a different way. He had that same link
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Chapter 18
Most of my clothing was at Dax's house, but I still had enough here to make do for a few days-although, no cell phone or cash might really put a damper on how well I lived. I wasn't hungry tonight, which was good since I had no food, and I could deal with the rest in the morning. Sitting on a stool in my kitchen, I sorted through the mail, the majority of which was trash, but there were several envelopes from my attorney. My stomach churned before I tore open the first seal. I hadn't thought about the charges in quite some time-I had no clue how long it would take to go to trial, and my lawyer had little to do to prepare for the case in my opinion. My attacker's lawyer, on the other hand, couldn't have picked a worse client. I hadn't anticipated dealing with any of it on my own. Dax and I rarely separated-he was always my wingman-but tonight, I was flying solo. I didn't read the letters in order, not that it mattered. One letter stated the judge had set bail at one million dollar
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Chapter 19
The next morning, things got real in a way I wished they hadn't. My bubble burst with reality. Dax's phone rang at nine o'clock. My lawyer was on the prowl, and when he couldn't reach me, he called Dax. He had the trial date, and it was time to prepare for court. Josh Fost's attorney wanted to settle and asked for a plea, but I had to be on board. Dax was livid I even considered it. But he wasn't the one who would have to get on a witness stand and confess the horrors of what had happened that night. "Cameron, if you let him plea, he gets out in a set amount of time. Why won't you fight against him?" "He's not going to get life for rape, Dax. If I agree to this, at least I avoid going to trial. I avoid having to replay the events of that night in front of strangers. I avoid it being publicized. He still gets punished, and I get freedom.""I just don't see how you can't want him to pay in the worst way a court can punish him! Fucking A, Cam-he violated you. He stole from you."
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Chapter 20
I mentally tried to prepare myself. Dax and I had spent the day apart. He had been at the house, and I'd been hanging out with Rachel and Sutton, who took the day off. We'd done the girly thing indulging in manicures, pedicures, romantic comedies, and fattening foods. They knew what was going down tonight, and in all honesty, they'd given me the confidence to go through with it. They agreed with Dax that I needed to resume control of my body. I was hesitant to tell them anything-I didn't want Dax to believe they thought any less of him, but he wanted me to have moral support and agreed to it. Oddly enough, neither thought of him as less than a man-they both thought it was swoon worthy. Figured, they weren't the ones who had to play this part.When I left them, I stepped into the theatrical role of a character I didn't know. Parts of me remembered this strength; I'd always had it in every aspect of my life. I was the Boardroom Queen, a force to be reckoned with in the business world,
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