Semua Bab SEAL Team Connor and Logan: Bab 51 - Bab 60
69 Bab
Chapter 51: LOGAN
"You missed me?" I played with the hair around her face. At times like this, when the need had been fed, and I could think clearly again, the love I had for her would rise up inside me and choke the shit outta me. "I always miss you, Logan." And then she says something like that, or something equally sweet, and I want to give her the fucking world. I hate getting sappy and shit, but it makes her eyes light up when I make an ass of myself, and after last night I figure now was as good a time as any to act like a damn sap. "I love you, Gabriella." See, her eyes lit up like the fourth of July, and her arms came up and around my shoulders, pulling me in for a kiss. "I love you too." This time was slower than the last. We kept our mouths sealed together as we both moved to our own rhythm. Her soft skin glided across the smooth Egyptian cotton of the sheets as I fucked into her with long deep strokes. Her nails dug into my back as I held her ass in both hands, lifting her on
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Chapter 52: LOGAN
The shooter was on a side angle to the water, which means we were heading to cover but would still be in a position to take the fucker out if the others didn't get them. "Alive," I uttered the word into the watch I had on my wrist that doubled as a communication device. There was another spate of gunfire, which seemed not to be aimed anywhere in particular unless you were laying down fire to subdue. I looked at the others like, 'what the fuck!' "Who the fuck do they have out there, Barney Fife?" There came the sound of running feet and tussling, followed by an expletive and a few thumps. Zak came striding back with a gift, which he thoughtfully dropped at my feet. What the fuck is this?" It was a damn kid. "Who the fuck? What are you doing out here, kid?" The boy couldn't be more than seventeen, shaking like a leaf with terror in his eyes. I would feel sorry for his little ass if he hadn't just taken shots at me. "Were you the one shooting?" he nodde
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Chapter 53: LOGAN
Back at the compound, we all headed for the Commander's place without question. It was the first time since the night we'd buried him that we were going in like this. Even when our homes were being built, we preferred to sleep outside in tents than to invade his territory, but somehow this felt right. I knew from their somber moods that we were all on the same wavelength. I just needed the kid to tell me what he knew and what, if anything, he could remember from back then. I didn't lift the shields on my house yet, and neither did Con; until we were in there with eyes on their asses, I don't think either of us was gonna feel comfortable doing that. It wasn't a small thing that we were shot at tonight. I knew our blood was still up, which meant Gaby's pussy was in for a workout again, damn. I'm gonna owe her, and she's probably gonna try to hit me up with this wedding shit again, fuck. We headed for the study, and Con went right for the liquor, which was right w
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Chapter 54: LOGAN
We couldn't let the kid go home yet, so after we'd questioned him some more and were all coming down from our adrenaline high, we headed for our respective homes. Cord, surprisingly enough, volunteered to put the kid up for the night. Ty hadn't said fuck one after his outburst, which meant I had a powder keg on my hands, and the only thing keeping the general population safe thus far was the fact that we didn't know who the fuck. "Logan." Her soft whisper smoothed out some of the rough edges as I kicked off my shoes and shed my clothes. I climbed into bed and pulled her into my arms. "I need you, baby." There were no words exchanged between us. I went straight for the pussy. I pushed the sheets away from her sleep-warm body and dove right in with my tongue. She wasn't allowed to wear anything in my bed except one of my old t-shirts, but definitely no panties. I liked knowing my fingers and anything else was just a slip away from her entrance, no barriers.
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Chapter 55: CONNOR
Gaby came rushing into the room with her hair still wet, and her shirt buttoned all wrong and shit. Lo tried to snag her, but she evaded his ass and headed for the bed. Dani picked up her head and looked at her, and the two women shared some kind of look that us men didn't know what the fuck. They reached out to each other, and Gaby climbed on the bed on the other side of her and took her hand. "Careful, don't shake the bed." I didn't even look at Lo to see what the fuck was going on with him. Brother or not, I'm pretty sure he wasn't too pleased to see his woman on a bed with another dude, no matter what the circumstances. "Okay, everybody out, you too, Connor" I gave Logan a look after his woman had lost her damn mind. "Bro, handle your shit." I love Gabriella and all, but she's fucked if she thinks I'm leaving my woman like this. He started calling her over. "Babe, come on, get outta there." She just looked at all of them lined off in my bedroom as if ready for battl
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Chapter 56: LOGAN
I stood off to the side and watched her with my arms folded as she puttered around Connor and Dani's kitchen. I gave each one of the ungrateful fucks sitting at the table the death glare to let them know there will be consequences if they made her feel bad about her cooking. I wasn't sure what she could do in the kitchen since she'd been playing it shy up until now, but whichever way it went, these fucks had better not hurt her feelings, or I'll shoot their asses. "Ty, you fuck sit down." He was hovering like a starving orphan. At least he wasn't looking like murder central any longer, shoulda known his greedy ass would be like this. He just grinned at me like a simpleton, but I wasn't sure I trusted that shit either. The kid was acting like he was stuck to Cord's side, and my brother, for once, wasn't trying to get away, weird. He caught me looking and shrugged. "Kid's got brains; you should see what he can do with a piece." I just lifted my brow at him, but he interpreted th
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Chapter 57: LOGAN
The women were at my house today, and the place was on lock. We'd given the workers the day off; they can have a long weekend. Thank fuck; the job was all but done and only needed the cosmetic finishes before we handed it over. One less thing to worry about. Just as I expected, the phone rang with the same unknown bullshit as before. "Yeah." I motioned to the others, and the place went quiet except for the squeaking of the chair the kid was swiveling around on as he watched cartoons. "Sorry, we missed you last night, until next time. You can consider that a pre-warning; next time, we won't be so generous." "Is that what that was? You, army boys, have a lot to learn. There were holes so wide in your little scheme, my brothers and I walked right through them. It wasn't even as good as a made-for-TV movie plot. And who uses kids to do their dirty work? What are you, a bitch?" Come on, asshole, lose some of that control. "Listen, you seadog, that will be th
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Chapter 58: LOGAN
The day had been long, and the night promised to be longer. Cord was the main attraction; he and the female that was caught between shooting daggers at him with her eyes and mooning over him, that shit was making my teeth hurt. The kid had proven himself to be more of a bottomless pit than Ty by eating me out of house and home all afternoon, while the women fawned all over him like he was three. Connor was understandably preoccupied with his woman and their unborn child, and we'd already had a meeting, all of us, about the need to protect them at all cost. Security was beefed up, and Connor was working on getting her to stay home until we got shit squared away. I knew Gabriella was gonna give me shit, but I was gonna insist she stay her little ass put too. We were taking a break, and every man was off doing his own thing. Cord had taken his new shadows with him, and I was alone with my woman. Things were gonna be a little hectic around here for the next few da
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Chapter 59: LOGAN
Either way, it looked like we had bought some time, which with the news of Con's impending fatherhood, was most welcome. Chances are we'd end up scrapping the mission because of this turn of events. It was a hard call to make, but we worked together or not at all, and I wasn't about to take my brother into combat under these circumstances. We'd done our bid ten times over and were free and clear. It would've been a favor in the old man's memory, but getting to the bottom of this shit now took precedence as far as I was concerned. It was more important to me to make sure our own backyard was safe than some hellhole in some remote part of the world that would just go back to the same old same old ten minutes after we cleared out. While I'd been taking care of that, each of the men was taking care of other things, gathering more information. We now knew that the closest base was ten and a half miles away, which wasn't far at all, and that the man in charge was well known
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Chapter 60: LOGAN
We ended up meeting up in the yard. No one wanted to go to the old man's place because we had all unofficially decided to take a break since there was nothing else to be done for now. Connor was the last to join us; I'm guessing in the next few months, it's going to be like that. The decision not to go anywhere was getting easier and easier. "Listen up, Gabriella's in there making some kinda spread." The pigs started rubbing their bellies and grunting already. That would be Ty the ringleader, Devon, and Quinn. Zak just smiled, and Cord was looking over at where the two kids were setting up to play ball. When is the last time any of us had used the court? It had been a while. "I don't want you freaks overworking her with this shit, or this would be the first and the last time." Connor had had to have this same discussion weeks ago; for all the good it did him, I figured I could at least try. "What's she making, Cap?" how the fuck should I know? "Tyler,
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