Semua Bab Framed By The Lightning King: Bab 11 - Bab 20
24 Bab
Chapter 11
The sound of heels clicked and the familiar fragrance hit the nostrils of everyone present. "Babe , I've missed you so much" Phyna said as she threw her arms around him. Damian always thought that the amount of perfume she applied could last twelve people for a week. It was choking and his eyes burned. " What's the problem babe?" she demand, her lipstick thick and Damian could have sworn that they did seem bigger. Linny was there just in time to receive her coat as she flung it in her direction without caution and she caught it too just in time. "Welcome , Miss " Linny said.Phyna snarled at Linny. She wasn't playing nice at all with her because she knew what she was useful for. "Come on Phy" Damian said trying to calm her down. Phyna was sure she knew what had been happening all along between Damian and her but while Damian acted like nothing was wrong whatsoever, it made Phyna all the way mad. How could someone be like this. Fine she wasn't his mate and had rejected hers because
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Chapter 12
Annalise walked back from school. Damian wasn't driving her to school these days and one could just tell the reason why. The reason could only be best interpreted because his girlfriend was around. Or his pretend girlfriend as Linny put it. "Aren't they mates?" Annalise had asked Linny the previous night. "They aren't but for one reason, I'm glad that she is back" She replied.Annalise arched an eyebrow "Why is that, like why should that make you glad, she is a monster"Linny laughed "She is not that bad. She just hates some certain things, you do that and she will detest you for life" They laughed.Annalise smiled at the memory. The truth was they both Knew that they didnt for separate reasons like Phyna. And like a little witch , there she was in the book, swimming with her boyfriend.Damian was surprised to see her." you're back already?" he half asked and half demanded."School isn't forever" Annalise responded. only that this response was one she had made in her head to Mona
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Chapter 13
Damian wasn't concerned about what Annalise was doing with her time . Not that he wasn't but he acted like he didn't. She spent most of her school mornings walking down to school."Don't expect to be treated a princess around her" he had said to her the last time she waited for him to drive her down to the schoolWalking to school for the first time made her realize that it was quite a distance."Isn't that quite the thing becaus you see the only princess around here is me."Phyna said smiling like an evil witch. "Yes darling. you're the only princess" He said and they began kissing right in front of her.Annalise was disgusted. Why couldn't they just get a room!That morning was the most frustrating of all. she didn't make use of the bus because Damian, her supposed Guardian had not made arrangements for any movements of such.She was at least grateful for being allowed to continue schooling. The breeze that morning was so cold that she shivered. She wished greatly that she could ju
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Chapter 14
The game went just well and she sat where she was cheering on their team. " Wasn't that just about fantastic?" she heard a voice behind her say. She could never have guessed it wrongly. It was Phyna"Hey little bro" she said hugging Zen. Damian was right behind her wearing a smili g face."That was one tough one" He addedPhyna looked at Annalise but in the evening light , she seemed not to recognize her"Who is this? she asked Phyna seemed nice and even sounded nice. Was this just and act or could it be that she was just intentionally not nice to her and Linny?.The question ran through her mind until she felt Zen's hand on her shoulder.Phyna didn't hide her disappointment as she sighed right out in front of everyone "Is anyone hungry. I badly need a drink. " she said and made an attempt to walk away before halting and turning as though she had just remembered something important that she needed to say. "Babe, are you coming?" She demanded. Damian nodded as though he wasn't maki
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Chapter 15
Damian and Phyna dropped Zen off at his place and were driving back when the lighting flashed. " Ow, Damian".Phyna screamed behind the steering wheel. It had been a quiet ride before the lighting flash.Phyna knew at once that it wasn't a time to argue or talk with h and just continued driving.All he could think of was of her face and the disappointment in her eyes when his hand reached for the door. it was quick but long enough time for his memory to capture her face. "Why are you so quiet?" Phyna asked after the lighting incident. " Please I don't want to talk" Damian said and rolled over in the bed. They were home and all he could think about was her.There was a knock on the door. It was LinnyDamian was very worries and Phyna could tell by the way he rushed off the bed to answer the door. The look of disappointment could was very visible on his face. "What do you want?" he demanded.Linny knew this was a usual thing and she was used to it by now." It's Annalise. she isn't b
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chapter 16
The road back was wet and It wasn't too long before Damian could see her. She was all drenched and shivering. This caused Damian to pull over right in front of her. " Get in the car" he ordered. Annalise looked at him, her eyes appeared to be wet. Had she been crying. "I am almost there" She replied.Damian knew this meant that he had to come down himself to get her.She struggled for a while. " Why don't you just leave me alone?" she screamed. There was nobody there now and the roads were rather lonely."I won't say this again, get in the car Annalise" By now ,he as nearly as drenched as she was and that was exactly what Annalise wanted.Finally she got in after much debate.It was too cold already so he simply turned on the heat which felt great as it warmed her up and left a great feeling. It also wasn't long before she fell asleep.Damian POV:I quickly glanced over at where she was sitting and noticed that she had fallen asleep. She looked so small and felt so fragile.Never h
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Chapter 17
The rain had increased but by then Annalise was fast asleep. . Linny had her covered up in warm blankets for the night. Poor child. she thought.Annalise slept throughout the night but it was Damian who couldn't sleep. He kept on turning and tossing. This was disturbing for Phyna who loved her full slice of sleep." Damian" she screamedHe kept thrashing and his body was all sweaty. He always slept bare and although Phyna always complained. She somehow had to get used to it.She finally got tired of complaining and just ignored him there in the bed. Damian finally fell asleep and Phyna thought this was the perfect opportunity to use in paying a visit to her self acclaimed enemy.Annalise was getting worse and Linny could feel a rising fever threatening so she decided to quickly hurries to the kitchen to get some ice as she may have been having a headache too.When she came out of the room, she could have sworn that she had seen a figure move in the darkness. "Who's there?" she demand
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Chapter 18
The air was gentle and strangely satisfying. Annalise never felt more alive than this although she was missing a very important part. it was her birthday today.She hurriedly had a bath and wore her usual dress, the best one she could find and also the only one she had. Linny was the only one who wished her a happy birthday in the household."Aren't you going to have breakfast before going to school?" She asked Annalise shook her head. "I wouldn't want to be late" she replied. Linny was having none of it. "Come in , it. your special day. your birthday . Have some breakfast".Annalise thought about the offer. she also remembered how weak she had felt walking home that other rainy night because she hadn't eaten enough food to give her the right amount of strength she needed."Okay" she said and went with Linny to the kitchen.Damian didn't see the need to hire more domestic staff and only hired one cook because Phyna complained once about Linny's cooking. The malicious comment had Linn
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Chapter 19
Zen woke up and sat in bed. His alarm set up by his mom had done the actual work. He grunted. What he hated was birthday parties and bashes and this year he was just so certain that he wasn't getting any. "How about some breakfast?" His mom asked. Zen shook his head. "I'll pass, I don't think I feel hungry right now". His mom understood what he was going through. He wanted to see Annalise again although he wasn't certain arvthis point if he had feelings for her. He also didn't want to get any developed as he hadn't found his mate yet. Although there was one thing for sure. He wanted to invite her over tonight to have dinner at his place.Zen's mother Kira, who was also Phyna's mother was thrilled at the news that he had wanted to invite a friend over for dinner."You know , how about we have a family birthday dinner?" she asked assuring him of how fun it was going to be.Zen hesitated. "Mom , I don't want -"Kira was going to have none of it. She ensured that there was enough pressure
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Chapter 20
Mona ran until she could no longer and luckily enough for her, she had already arrived school. Annalise was exhausted by the time her wolf changed shape. Her clothes or what were left of them had become rags. She just had to stay close to the trees and stay off where she could be seen. Zen had arrived at school by this time and was looking everywhere for her. "Have you seen Annalise?" he asked from one person to the other but got the same response all together.Where could she be, he wondered. Could it be that Damian had made her walk to school again?Suddenly he felt rage. It was very unlikely to have a rage against the alpha.He couldn't reach her but she had once given him Linny's number. it was the only option he had now to make use of. Linny had her phone close to her most of the time and this wasn't the first time that Zen had called her on it to ask about Annalise's welfare.Linny was walking up the stairs when she felt a familiar vibration in her pocket. She never let her pho
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