Semua Bab The Billionaire's Wanted Surrogate Mother : Bab 11 - Bab 20
167 Bab
Death of the Zahan
“Can I see it? The ledger and the iPad too. I need to know how far you guys have gone in the past few days.” Dwayne did not bother going into his office first, he is mainly concerned about the company's growth since his absence.There is a concrete reason for the companies to be entrusted under his care as the sole owner, and he needs to prove it, even to beyond.“Here it is, sir.” It was given to him by the head of his staffs. “Just some li…”Dwayne cut him short roughly with a hard face glare. “Your opinion is not needed as of now, let me go through these first.” His voice was bossy with no traces of friendliness in it.The head of staffs swallowed hard into nothing, his expression is not bright as he appeared like he's under the influence of greater force.Dwayne focused his attention on what he's going through, and soon, his face and expression darkened with his brows creased in a tight frown.“How do I go about this poor analysis and trash you guys are giving me? What do I do wit
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Meet with the devil
The rain was drizzling since dawn, with no hope of stopping any time soon. Umbrellas were held high, black outfits were seen on every one with no other color with faces pale with grieve.The men were in dark costly suits and the women, black gowns with black scarfs on their head. Only few were putting on glasses and their color is obvious, black.The atmosphere was thick as awkward silence hanged like a ticking time bomb. The quietness was deafening, only the soft voice of the priest was heard, but it was barely audible as it sounds far too faint.A brief opening statement was said by the priest with little introduction of himself. The deceased remembrance followed next, coupled up with eulogy. The committal followed after wards and then the closing statement.After these, the deceased was asked to rest as the coffin was lowered inside it new home. The family of the deceased who was the patriarch of the Zahans’ family paid him their last respect.The reception would be held afterwards
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Looks like the devil is back to haunt
“You won't dare, I promise you. Little rose, you won't dare…” He replied, his hot gaze pricking into her skin like a blazing furnace. Is he for real, huh?“Are trying to dare me…?” She asked, angered that the guy before her had the gut to underestimate her.“Of course, I am. How would you feel when you have to spend days behind bars just for touching parts of my body without my permission?” He uttered, in a manly and deep, husky voice.‘Why does his words feels like a threat?’ She thought within herself, as a cold chill run down her spine at the mention of ‘spend days behind bars’. Is he for real or trying to scare her off?“What did you mean? How can touching you lead me to spending days behind bars, eh?” She asked, trying her best not to let her voice quiver. It's clear that she's scared of being behind the bars.“Of course, it will because I insured every part of my body. You know, touching it will…” He trailed off, not wanting to complete his sentence in the first place. “I'll sue
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Thorn and thang
That voice again…?! What is he doing here? Has he come here on purpose because he saw her here, just to taunt and tease her with his cunning words again? Has he?“That's the suppose words I've always expected to hear from a loser like you.” Dwayne replied with no expression on his face. “Losers don't have much good things to say, you know?”“Ahh! It's only months since I left for San Francisco and you are still mean with words.” Damon said with a soft hiss. “At least losers like me depend mainly on themselves, not like you who can do nothing with Steel Zahan.”Dwayne snickered, wearing a smug grin after ward. “Coming from a mad kid who spend most of his lifetime wishing he was in my shoes. I can feel the anger and jealousy through your eyes, Damon. Stop denying it and accept that you are and will always be a loser.” Mockery was visible in Dwayne's voice.Damon only shrug his shoulders lightly. “Why will I admit that I'm a loser, huh? I might not own large and wide like you, but you're
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My babies are home sick
Few minutes earlier before now, Megan's phone won't stop ringing. She had to excused herself to receive the call, it was from Elite.“Hey, Elite…” She cooed into the phone. “What's up with the continuous call, is something wrong?”“… I guess so, ma'am.” Elite replied in a haste, urgency laced in her voice and Megan could sense it.‘I just hope it's not…’ She thought to herself before replying. She remembered asking Elite not to hesitate to give her a call if anything should go wrong.“What is it? Does it have to do with the babies? Did something happen to them, huh?” She asked, hoping it not, but…“… Yes, ma'am. It's with them, they won't stop crying, and they are running a temperature too.” Elite replied in a haste. “Should I take them to the hospital? You can join us there shortly.”“No, no! Just keep looking after them, find a way to make them stop crying.” Megan replied instead. “I'll be home soon.”“… Sure…” Elite replied before hanging the call. Megan sigh deeply, she could only
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Renewing the contract
Surprisingly, the babies' temperature started going down when Megan was singing them a lullaby. She read books to them and rock them to sleep.This has been her daily routine before now to calm the babies whenever they are crying or when she feels she's bored sitting all alone.It's clear the babies are used to it but started running temperature when Elite could not do any of this, maybe she did, but they are already obsessed with Megan.“This is way too surprising, though. I guess the babies are now used to Megan and can't stand her absence.” Hilary tells Dwayne. “I'm marvelled at this, for real.”“What else do you expect? She is doing what she's assigned to do, it's normal if the babies get used to her alone.” Dwayne said in a very flat tone. “It's only a matter of time, soon the babies will start getting used to her absence. Remember, the contract will be getting terminated soon.”It's the truth though, but the fact that Megan will be leaving sparks light inside Hilary. What will b
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I Accepted!
“You might find this uncomfortable, though. We don't want you to view us like we are not considerate or find pleasure in changing decisions and agreement.” Hilary uttered, carefully picking her words.“I don't get you, can you explain more? I need to understand your point, what's up with changing agreement? What agreement are you changing?” Megan questioned calmly, with her brows knotted tightly with confusion.Did something go wrong? Did she by some means do something very awful that even her herself is not aware of? Because she vividly cannot remember wronging this couple in any way. Why this sudden talk, huh?Maybe something doesn't seem right just the way I'm thinking it is. Whatever thing it turns out to be, I just hope it's not about the quadruplet.‘Wait! What if they want me to leave the house now? They might be pissed off because I took the babies to the hospital on their absence?’ She asked within herself. ‘Or maybe they are angry because I did not tell them the truth about
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The devil is back
Just like he had promised the Zahan's couple, it might not look like a promise to take to heart or view as one that's serious but still, he keeps to it.A car horn blared so very loud in an annoying manner as it made it way into the Zahan's building, Dwayne need not to be told who it is. It's no one other than Damon, his annoying younger sibling.“Why did Hilary tell him we still reside here, huh? When she's fully aware of how annoying and distracting he can be.” Dwayne wondered aloud, hissing at the end of his statement.Even without being told, Damon can be a big sneaky and a snitch to find out where Dwayne resides on his own.Like luck is on his side, he is dressing up since he has a business proposal he must attend to. He put on his suit and knot his tie, he knows the first place his brother will be coming in to is his room.Little did he know, Damon has some other motive for coming here, not for Dwayne himself.He picked up his briefcase and hurried out like he is in a haste. Nei
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Devil's pursuit
Megan had taken the quadruplets to the hospital for their immunization with the help of Elite. She will be taking them to the park too and after wards to the shopping mall.Hilary had asked her to shop some new clothing and few toys for them too after they must have finished at the hospital. Megan finds this as a nice idea to leave the house and have some outdoor fun with the babies.Since she births them, she hasn't got the chance to go out since she was advise to take much rest and the doctors had placed her on diets for few months. The reason is for her stitch to heal faster without any complications on her.All these had to hinder her from going out, she had the chance to do things on her own since Hilary forbids her from doing anything.“… The maids are always available to help with whatever you want and since Elite is personally assigned to you, I see no reason why you will stress yourself… ”Hilary had told her the night she returned from the hospital.Megan had wanted to make h
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Devil's little rose
Just when she thought he didn't see her, she felt a large hand grabbed her by her left wrist. “Where did you think you are sneaking too, huh…?” His voice was cozy and the same it sounded husky and straight. Megan felt goosebumps all over her skin. “Huh…?” She badly wanted to say something, but her voice failed her. ‘Why am I finding it difficult to blurt out words?’ “Now it seems like the talking tom have her tongue-tied, finding it difficult to say something. Eh?” Damon said with a taunting smirk. This is alone to make her pissed off and angry at herself. She badly wanted to shout at him and scream for him to let go off her, but she just couldn't due to the fact that she is having vocal failure. She knows he will be convinced she is afraid of him, or perhaps she has fallen prey to his charm, maybe it's rendering her useful. That is, if it does to other ladies too. But on the second instance, she isn't other ladies. She is just her. She hates being vulnerable, she hates it when o
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