83 Bab
Humble and loving
Mr. Stevens sat in his office waiting to hear news about the day's operation. He had managed to stop Mr. Crack from talking to Melissa for the time being. But he still feared what extent Diana would go to to keep the secret hidden. "Was all the cargo delivered?" He inquired from Diana when she got to the office. "Yes daddy. They delivered everything on time." Diana confirmed pouring herself a drink. "Our little rat, did you catch it?" He asked sitting back, placing his work aside. He had set the whole thing up to see what Melissa would do. "No, no one showed up. After clearing the goods, I let two of my trusted men stand watch for any vehicles driving in but nothing. I guess she didn't bite the bait." Though their informant with the police had nothing to report, Diana hoped she would get a reason to attack Melissa. Luckily the taxi Melissa took drove off seconds before Diana's men got to the location. Missing her by a whisker. "Then we don't need to pursue her if she is not a t
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The video
On the way to the meeting, Mark's assistant called asking him to go to the clubhouse for another meeting. As always the man sat in a dimly lit room concealing his face. Though Mark had men following his convoy, they didn't know his true identity or why he was helping them fight the organization. Every time they got close to finding out who he was, he managed to get rid of every piece of evidence they got. "How have you been son?" The grey haired man asked leaning back on his chair. "I'm well, but I guess you know since you have all the information about me. Why don't you stop the games and tell me what you are after." Mark blurted out taking a seat. "I want Melissa to be safe, keep her out of the limelight. Now she is your wife. You are responsible for her well-being." He said, twirling his walking stick. "Who is she to you? Why are you so interested in my wife?" Mark asked getting pissed off. "As I said, when the time is right you will find out, I'll tell her everything she n
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Meeting his parents
Melissa took some days off work to celebrate Tommy's birthday. Arranged her aunt's transport and security before leaving for the beach house. Sitting under the umbrella, Melissa's eyes sparkled. Her lips curved up watching Tommy play on the sandy beach. Running away whenever the water touched his feet. Giggling and screaming his father lifted him, walking him into the calm blue waters. "Hey, room for one more?" Joining them she fitted Tommy with a floater to him learn how to swim. "This is the best birthday ever." Tommy shouted wiping water from his face.His father taught him how to swim for the better part of the day, played around, running after each other. They built a sand castle and raced his toy cars on the sand. "Has he fallen asleep?" Mark asked standing behind the wheel sailing to the open sea for a fishing expedition. "Yes, he was so exhausted he fell asleep as soon as his head hit the pillow." She said standing at the rail. Spreading her arms she tilted back her h
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Impulsive and reckless
With her renovation contract over, Melissa planned to get back to the shopping center. To inquire if anyone could give more information about what had happened to Mr. Crack. There were no leads on his whereabouts or the kidnappers, but his niece looked at ease. She did not bombard the police with questions as she had done when they found the taxi. And though his niece had asked her to stay out of it, Melissa was determined to end what she had started. Seated in the car as her bodyguard drove her back to the office, Melissa saw the truck she had seen back at the warehouse. Though they concealed the number plates, she noticed the same lily flower drawn on the left side. "Follow that car." Pointing at the truck, she instructed. Getting her phone, she called her husband. The truck drove smoothly, not realizing the two vehicles following them at a distance. When it drove inside the gated compound, Melissa's car and that of her bodyguards parked at a safe distance. "What are you
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The evidence
With Mr. Crack missing and unable to locate the man who had last seen her father alive, Melissa lost all hope of getting the evidence she needed. She thought Mr. Stevens' illegal businesses would come to light when she found the truck, but it didn't. None of the casino managers mentioned him during the interrogation. And there was nothing linking them to the casino. "I'm I making all this up?" Massaging her temples, she thought of Diana. Seeing her calm and composed, left Melissa wondering if she had really seen Diana at the warehouse. All she wanted was to get her father's company back. To prove that Mr. Steven ran it down. But how was she to do that? Seated in the office, thinking of what to do, the receptionist called. She requested her to get an envelope dropped off by a courier serviceman.Scanning the white envelope in her hands, it surprised her to find no return address. When she called to inquire from the courier company who had sent it, they gave no information about
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Shooting at the hotel
As directed, the two men parked their car a short distance from the hotel. Watching and waiting. It was Jenifer's wedding. "I'm so happy for her." Nancy whispered to Lisa as they left the church after the ceremony heading to the reception area. The heart of the day's event which was held in a garden venue at a prestigious hotel. Melissa and Nancy had arranged the venue. Several tents were erected to host many guests, with an ample buffet and soft music for entertainment. "Congratulations Jenny." They squealed, pushing to hug the gorgeous bride. After a day of laughter and dancing, they escorted Jenifer and her husband out of the hotel. "There she is." The man in the car told his partner. Pointing at the group of people walking out, he checked the photo in his hands for confirmation. Blinking his eyes, the partner searched the crowd around the hotel's exit. "How do we get to her?" He asked, scratching his head scanning the area. Melissa, dressed in a sleeveless light green
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He has been lying to me
Melissa sat beside the hospital bed the whole night watching over Lisa. Waiting for the sedative drug to wear off. When Lisa passed out from shock and intense pain, Melissa was worried about her. She was afraid of losing her, but the surgery was successful. They removed the bullet and though it slightly missed her heart; the doctor assured them she would recover in a few days. It caused no major damage. "Don't wake her up." With her eyes closed, Melissa heard the hushed voices. Slightly opening her eyes, she found herself lying on the visitor's bed. She very well remembered sitting beside Lisa's bed before falling asleep. As she got up, she saw Mark and Robert in the room charting with Lisa. "Lisa, you are awake. How do you feel? Did you call.....?" Anxious Melissa inquired, rushing to Lisa's side. "Calm down. The doctor already examined her. How are you feeling?" Mark held her hand before she got to Lisa. Pulling her into his arms, he examined her. "Tell me, did you get hu
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I can't lose you too
To get to the top floor, Melissa used Mark's code to access the elevator thus needing no help from his secretary. When she got to the eighteenth floor she didn't find the secretary at the desk. James too was not in his office. Only Sasha and Mark were in the office. Giving them the privacy to make out. Seeing him cosy with Sasha sealed the deal. When she saw them kissing at the mansion she thought Sasha had forced herself on him. Seeing him embrace her broke her heart. She wanted their marriage to be more than an arrangement. She believed he was in love with her as much as she loved him. Holding back a sob, she ran to the elevator. She didn't look back at the secretary who called her name when she walked from the washroom. For a moment Mark's hands froze. He didn't understand what had happened. When Melissa walked in he couldn't move. "Ah!" Sasha screamed in pain as Mark pushed her off getting up from the chair. "Mark, please just let her go." She pleaded holding his hand.
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He won't wake up again
“Cheers! Hahaha! It’s done. We sent the mighty Mark Johnson to the hospital.” One of Diana’s goons cheered, opening another beer. “Good, this time you didn’t fail me.” She sat at her office table sipping a glass of whisky with a burning cigarette in the other hand. “I have information that they don’t allow his wife to see him. She cries every day outside the mansion gate, begging for her son.” One man informed them. “Boss, this is the perfect opportunity to get her.” The other man spoke standing from his chair. “Hold your horses. I want her to lose everything she has now before taking her. She should suffer until she wishes she was dead.” Diana said, dragging on the cigarette as the door busted open. “You are a monster. This is not what we agreed on.” Sasha barged into the room, startling everyone. One of Diana’s men pulled out a gun, pointing it at Sasha’s head. “Who let you in here?” He inquired, making her tremble with her hands held high. “That’s enough, leave us.” Dian
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Is she okay
Exhausted, Melissa sat leaning on the glass window as the plane took off, disappearing into the clouds. “Melissa, are you okay?” Lisa knelt beside her when they let her into the office. Using her handkerchief, she wiped Melissa’s face. “Aunt, come with the lawyer. They can’t detain you here anymore. Get up.” Lisa helped her up and out of the office. When they got home, she went straight to the bedroom. Days passed, but Melissa stayed in the house. She stayed in bed, not responding to anything they said. “How do we get her out of that bed?” Lisa asked, walking out with the untouched food plate. “She has not eaten for days since we got from the airport, aunt. I don’t know what to do anymore.” “The doctor said we should give her time. Be patient with her.” Betty walked into the room and sat beside Melissa, smoothing her hair. “When her parents died, she got depressed like this, but it was worse. For a moment, I thought she would die, but the news about her pregnancy gave her someth
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