Semua Bab The 13th Zodiac Lover of Charlotte: Bab 11 - Bab 20
89 Bab
Charlotte slowly opened her eyes and awoke in the middle of the night on an island that was still a part of Alabama. She looks around and becomes agitated when she cannot find Alexander or the girl they rescued from the bandits. Venus's projection appeared in front of her once more, and she looked so disappointed."Star gazer Venus, I'm glad to see you again!" said Charlotte. "What happened? Why are you sad?""I asked for the stars to separate you from Alexander because he is not your fated man, Charlotte!" answered the Star gazer.Charlotte frowned. "What do you mean? Are you saying that Alexander is not mean for me?""Indeed, I want you to know that he kissed you on the lips while you were asleep and no meteor fell from the skies which means he is the the one we are searching for. I know it's hard to accept especially when you already have a feelings for the handsome zodiac warrior!""But how is our kingdom? How is my family? Are they still imprisoned? Can you tell me what is happen
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The warrior blushed upon seeing Charlotte's stunning face. "Good day to you beautiful young lady, what do you want? Is there anything I can help you with?" asked the warrior."Pardon me, can I stay in your house right now? D-dont worry, I will leave this place... I just don't like spending my night in the middle of forest!" begged Charlotte.The warrior crossed his arms on his chest and gazed at Charlotte's eyes. "May I know what is your name and where are you from?"Charlotte swallowed her nervousness before speaking with a calm voice. "My name is Charlotte, my parents have been gone for so long and I spend my entire life wandering around Alabama... these fast few days have been so rough for me and many warriors attempt to take advantage of my innocence!""Is that so? Then you knocked on the right door. I'm Ammon, please come in and I'll make you some hot tea!"Charlotte smiled. "Thank you so much, Ammon!" She went inside Ammon's house and saw that there were many fruits and bread on
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Charlotte went to Ammon's room to sleep. While Ammon slept in the living room of his house. A sound of the footsteps awakened Ammon. He got up, took his celestial sword and dragged his feet to where he heard the sound. Outside, he saw two wounded bandit treasure hunters coming towards his house."What are bandit treasure hunters doing here?" he asked."Step aside, we have no business with you!" warned one of them."Is that so? Then I guess you want a trouble!" answered Ammon."We are not interested with you, warrior. You wanted your death!""Geez, as if you can lay your fingers me," Ammon sighed. "This is your last warning, leave this or I will dragged you out of here!" warned Ammon. "I am exhausted from my training but I can still hear your heavy footsteps on the ground." Ammon pointed his celestial sword on the two bandit treasure hunters. "Get lost or I'll show you no mercy?"The two bandit treasure hunters exchanged glances before turning to Ammon."We smelled the scent of the war
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The projection of Venus reappeared in front of Charlotte. "He may be your destiny, follow him!""I will not do such a thing, Star gazer Venus. I need a little more time to win his will!""I just don't want to hurt you, Charlotte so I don't want you to fall in love again with the warrior who kept you here in his home!""Then what? You're going to erase his memory of me again when you find out he's not my fated man?""Just trust me Charlotte, it's not our intention to do this but we have to do it for the sake of your kingdom. King Abaddon is coming to Alabama, there's a greater chance that you won't see your fated man again if he gets his hands on King Bartholomeo's kingdom!""What do you want me to do then?""I want you to kiss him on the lips!"Charlotte paled at what Star gazer Venus told her. "Huh? That is so awkward!""We have no other way to find out who your fated man is besides a kiss!""I just feel it's so awkward think about kissing someone you just met let alone kiss them on
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The King sighed before he continued speaking. "The negotiation went smoothly until one day, King Abaddon decided to continue his pursuit in taking over Sherlock's kingdom after discovering about the fullmoon's power that allows them to have omnipotent power. King Solomon tried to stop him but he was so naive and persistent. King Solomon then decided to consider King Abaddon his sworn mortal enemy and swore to kill him with his own hands. King Abaddon succeeds in defeating Sherlock using his Alpha form, though I thought he was no longer interested in taking over their Kingdom, not until today. I guess, my mind cannot fathom how that evil creature's mind works!""And what is his greatest weakness my father?" asked Prince Arthur."His main weakness is the sword you wield, the great Tizona sword! Not even his alpha form can match against its slash. The Celestial King once told me that it was intended to kill evil creatures like him . So I have a huge expectation that you utilize it someda
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Prince Arthur knelt down and wiped his bleeding mouth. "I will accept whatever punishment you give me, father. Maybe Dark Phoenix was just too strong for the twelve zodiac warriors. After all, the creature I summoned was once a legendary in the celestial spirit world!"King sighed. "You should have just let your zodiac warriors die because they are of no use to our kingdom. I am taking back what I said before to all of you when we had our grand banquet inside my kingdom!"The 12 zodiac warriors felt like their hearts were stabbed deep into their hearts with what King Bartholomeo said."If they find it difficult to fight against such a strong opponent, they have no right to guard our kingdom!" said the King in a deep tone of voice."But father, I don't see any other warriors with strength and determination like theirs. Give them a second chance," Prince Arthur appealed.The King nodded in disagreement. "My son, trust me, there are stronger warriors beside these weaklings. We just need
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Tomorrow morning, Prince Arthur bowed before King Bartholomeo, who was sitting on his throne."Father, I am so relieved that you allowed my warriors to become part of our defense strategy even though they only act as reserve forces," said Prince Arthur."When I left you yesterday evening, I watched over my window and saw the cooperation of your zodiac warriors. Although they are undeniably strong, I have doubt in my mind that it wouldn't be enough to defeat powerful enemies!""So who are the warriors you'd like to be the front liners, or should I say guard the entrance of our Kingdom?" asked Prince Arthur."I have spotted some great warriories in Alabama who have incredible strength and swordsmanship," answered the King. "I want them to guard every route going inside the Kingdom!"Prince Arthur raised his head to his father. "What do you mean, warrioress, father?""Female warriors also known as warrioress can fight evenly against the werewolves. As a matter of fact, this group called
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As Prince Arthur opened the door, 12 warrioress dressed in trousers riding destrier horses appeared before him, and it seemed they expected his arrival. They covered their skin with tattoos, and they were stunned to see the handsome face of their prince and greeted him."It's nice to finally meet you, Prince Arthur!" they said after they bowed their heads.Prince Arthur rolled his eyes at all of them and asked a question. "Likewise, are you the Amazonians my father is talking about?"One of them spoke and introduced herself. "I am Mila, the leader of the twelve Amazonians, my Prince... I used bows, swords, but my greatest weapon is my mind!""I see... Mila, and the rest of you, follow me to the frozen cave stream. We will waste no time and practice to see for myself how strong all of you are!"Prince Arthur walked towards the backyard of the Kingdom and the 12 Amazonians followed him until they arrived at the frozen cave stream that was covered by thick fog that the sun's light couldn
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"It's freaking huge. How are we supposed to beat that ugly monster?" asked Mila."Use any tactics you have... l want to see how you fight a creature as powerful as that. If you lose, then you leave me with no other choice but to convince my father to withdraw his decision to let you guard the entrance of our kingdom. Trust me, I am not fond of this method either," explained Prince Arthur.The Amazonians went down to their horses, and Prince Arthur stepped aside to give way to them."What are we going to do now, Milan?" asked Aravis.Mila answered Aravis while still looking at the monster before them. "Let us use our plan A, all the long-range Amazonians, hide in the trees and shoot that huge bird. Wait for my signal before you do that. While the rest of the short-range Amazonians stay where you are, I need to analyze what kind of power this creature has, we can't afford to lose this important battle!"Amidala and Aravis hide in the forest. The dark Phoenix flew in the air and fired fl
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Prince Arthur returned to the kingdom to report back what happened with the training of the Amazonians. He saw the empty throne of his father and went to his room. King Bartholomeo slightly opened the door. He was holding a wine glass and was startled by the sudden visit of his son."My son, is the training of the Amazonians finished?" asked King Bartholomeo.Prince Arhur grinned, "Y-yes father, and you are right. They are strong and they work as a team. May I come inside?"King Bartholomeo opened the door widely. "Come in, I am not preoccupied with anything, my son!"Prince Arthur came inside and saw the wine and two empty glasses of wine on the table. He sat on the wooden chair next to the enormous bed of his father across the fireplace that warmed the entire room. King Bartholomeo closed the door and sat on the chair in front of his son."Speak, my son, I am listening," said the King as he sipped his wine and put the glass on the table."I am surprised that one of the Amazonian war
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