Semua Bab Now I Do- Marrying My Fiance: Bab 11 - Bab 20
105 Bab
"Behind the walls of alcoholism and cynicism, I discern a troubled soul. The raging fire in your eyes appears to hold a faint whiff of melancholy. There is something so deep hidden in these deep pools." I sputter, my eyes glued to his by a powerful spark which I am trying so hard to break from.A minute passes, his eyes threatening to burn me, and mine pleading otherwise, and it's now that I know I have to act before I find myself dancing in this fire. I want to say a lot about the expression in his icy eyes, they are hiding quite a lot, but the fire in them simply won't let me. Him becoming so lost in mine is not helping at all. He undoubtedly is feeling my twitching hands in his, or the wetness because I am sweating due to this heat.I release his grip while breaking our eye contact. I'm proud of myself for keeping my gaze on him for so long though. It's quite difficult. I mentally tap myself on the shoulder for that."Am I right or wrong?" To break the tedium, I speak once more aft
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I pull myself up from the comfortable bed and drag my lazy ass to sit up. I have a blinding pounding headache and I feel so tired and wasted. It's like I puked all my lungs out leaving my belly empty. My wristwatch reads a quarter past ten. I am not even surprised that I slept this much. The shame of the mess I made last night in this house must have kept me in bed until this late. That was quite a huge mess. I wish there was a way I could evade catching a glimpse of Damian, but the only way for that is for me to latch myself in this room forever which I can't. Not when my stomach is growling like this. I need to grab something to eat and some painkillers for this damn headache. "Crap!"I curse as I tap my feet on the ground, my hands aiding my head. I feel like it weighs ten kilos. My goodness! Is this what they call a hangover? Is this what people experience after taking that fucking shit? If there was a time that I loathed that bitter liquid, it is undoubtedly this minute. I and
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I am done washing the dishes we used for that mouthwatering omelette we had for breakfast. I turn to stroll out, but I almost collide with him walking in yet again.I step back.He has been overly quiet throughout the breakfast and I didn't meddle. I am beginning to think that he lied when he said he wasn't angry. It seems like he just wanted to massage my worry. Or just so I could leave his presence. That hurts, honestly."Do you feel any better now?" He says, standing a distance from me."Yes. The headache is gone." I mumble, shame and guilt plastered on my face."Are you sure?""Yes." I state."Alright. Go get changed."Ahem! Ahem!I take a good once over my look. There is nothing wrong with my clothes. Well, I understand my shorts are too short but duh, he still is shirtless and I am not complaining despite the trouble his orbs are making my eyes go through. I am not exposing anything."Why?" I implore."Because I say so."I stare at him for minutes, trying to understand his expre
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We are standing on the white sand on the beautiful shores of the great Indian Ocean about two hours since we struck that deal back in the house. He didn't just agree to my deal, he also promised that he will not touch alcohol for that one week. Impossible, right? I can't wait to smirk at his handsome drunk face when he fails which won't be long, by the way. I am sure. He can't survive a day without that shit. Anyways, I toss the details of our deal aside and take my eyes to the beautiful waters of the sea. It feels so calm and tranquil here. The sound of the waves is so fascinating. It's peaceful here, just like how I wish my life can be. Instead of resulting to taking that garbage called alcohol last night, I should have just driven here and listened to it. I don't know if it is safe to come here at night though. But this, this is exactly what I needed. It's bliss. It's refreshing. I have never experienced this beauty of mind and soul in my entire life. If only I can live here, if
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We park his white Lamborghini at his ample parking lot and we step out, the large box of pizza in my hands. Time really flew on us at the beach and only darkness reminisced us that we needed to head back. That is how freaking fast time flies when you are having a good time, huh! But when life is screwing you, time drags worse than a tortoise pace. We didn't talk much except a few jokes here and there, but it was great all the same. I feel so fresh and new. I glance at my Porsche well parked between his two heavy machines. He had it delivered here the day after our encounter. I don't know whether I should be grateful for that accident or not, but at least I didn't end up sleeping on the street. I would have cursed this baby a million times if that happened."We can drive your baby around town tomorrow." He says, eyeing it as if he doesn't own two different models. "I kind of miss it, but I hate driving." I state."Who on earth hates driving especially a sweet rare babe like this one?
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I hug my gym wear to my chest as we get out of his car in front of this three-storey building somewhere I don't know. I am so new in this city, so even if this hot guy is taking me into a slaughterhouse, I wouldn't know until I'm inside it. Meh! I don't think he would do that though. Part of me is warming up to him and I feel like I can trust him even just a little bit. He is anything but an assassin or a mafia.The only thing freaking me out right now is this fear or paranoia that I can't control. I have been awfully quiet throughout the drive and now that we are here, I don't know. I don't know why I do not trust this decision is mine. Anyways, I follow his long strides inside the marble-floored building with aerobic signs everywhere. This is crazy! Ellie walking into a gym? Rose and Sherry would undoubtedly laugh their lungs out and crack their rips if they knew this. Who would believe this joke, huh? No one. Even I don't believe I am doing this. A gym is a gym. The real meaning
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We make a stop at a very highly populated area with street foods of all kinds being sold on the busy roadsides. The aroma, ooh my goodness! I forgot to mention that bordering Tanzania, this community has been ranked the best in delicacies in the country, and I tell you, the aroma beckons you from miles away. It's irresistible. We step out of the car, and I forget where we were going first and stare at the presentable dishes. "Hey!" Damian calls, standing where I am devouring the dishes with my eyes.I toss the exciting idea of the Bombolulu market aside for a moment. "Can we have some first, please?" I ask, and he raises an eyebrow."Are you sure you can eat that?" He queries.I get what he means. I have never tasted any street food ever. I even hated them because I heard that they are dirty and give most of the people a stomach upset. But all that turns cliche right now. These ones do not look like those black shirts sold in some streets in the name of I don't know what. These one
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"Shit!" I curse as Damian aids me plop onto the swivel chair in the bijou office of his gym. My body is in excruciating immense pain on my third day of working out. All of my body's veins are facing unprecedented muscle pulls. The worst is with my back - it feels like it's in shambles. Someone has to enlighten me once more why I'm even in this cursed gym.This guy keeps reassuring me that the muscular pulls would stop in a few days. What precisely does a few days mean to him, huh? A week? No, because I'm positive I'll continue to feel absolutely this terrible for the next four days. Then, how long? A month? I'd better stick with my figure. I am okay with my body just the way it is, and I love myself just the way I am. I don't know what made me try this shit.Damn!I'm not even sure why I'm still here. I'm so sick from even the aura of this building. Everything about this damn gym sucks!"Drink some". Damian offers me a bottle of water, which I annoyably grab."Thank you, but what I
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Our lips are pleadingly and daintily blooming against one another. My eyelids closed a long time ago, but I can still feel his vigorously appealing gaze sweeping across my face. Due to the impending malfeasance, my heart is loudly thumping with the sound of rejoicing. Although it shouldn't be, it is. This burning urge shouldn't be there, but it is. In his arms, I shouldn't be feeling this frail and convulsing, yet I do. Nothing is under my control, not even the sin that is beckoning to me. I cannot control my urge. I am fully cognizant that everything about this is all wrong, yet it's just so compelling. This is extremely difficult for me to resist. I can't... Any other idea escapes my mind as he aggressively yet gently places his lips against mine. Right now, the only thing I want is to taste this sweet sin, to fully squish in his kisses.I exclaim with excitement as I open my mouth to finally taste him, glad that the dreadful longing won't last long as I am about to quench it. He
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We saunter into what I presume to be his room, and he makes his way into the bathroom at the far end. As my feet make contact with the cold tiles, he makes no suggestions still, leaving me feeling a little letdown. He retains me in his arms, and I have no doubt that he is aware of the longing expression of desire on my face. Since he seems to be moving so slowly, I pull his face to mine and force our lips together. I can't wait any longer to taste him.Glorious! Sweet! Heavenly! He is a mixture of vanilla and chocolate, with a topping of cream.I wanted to demonstrate to him how skilled I am at kissing, but we only manage one fucking lengthy kiss before he abruptly pulls away.Like, what the freaking fuck?I mean, excuse me!I'm I such a lousy kisser that he had to stop just after the first one? Is there something wrong with my mouth, my breath, or something? I anticipated that his arms would stroke every inch of my body as soon as we sauntered here, his tongue exploring every corner
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