Semua Bab NO ONE ELSE COMES CLOSE: Bab 121 - Bab 130
161 Bab
"What do you think you are doing?" Isabella asked."I'm trying to get us help," Angelo replied. "Red is quite attractive so it's easier for someone to spot our distress flag if I put it up."Isabella stared at her thighs which were now exposed while Angelo went to the stick and brought it down, so he could tie the red cloth and hang it up again.When he was done with that, he climbed the coconut tree and fell some of the fruits before coming down. Isabella stood down staring at him in awe. When he came down, she said, "wow! That was impressive, I don't think I can climb a coconut tree.""Trust me, you can," Angelo replied."And how exactly do you know this?" Isabella asked.Angelo thought briefly and lied, "you told me on the ship." She smiled, "I seem to have said a lot to you on the ship. How did you even notice the coconut tree so quickly? I didn't know it was there?""I guess I'm just so amazing," Angelo replied with a smile.He showed Isabella how to break the coconuts on the ro
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Angelo stared at Isabella in surprise, "why? Do you remember anything?""I do remember bumping into someone in a hospital with similar tattoos but I can't remember his face."Angelo became excited, "wow! That is amazing, it's progress and it means that eventually, all your memories will return."Isabella became hopeful, "do you really think so?""I am positive," Angelo replied. "When your memory gets back, it might turn out that we have unknowingly met before so let's just keep our fingers crossed."Isabella noticed that Angelo's mood had gotten better since she spoke about his tattoos. She could not tell if he was happier because she liked his tattoos or because she was able to recall something from her past. Whichever the case, she was pleased by his cheerful disposition.He picked up his clothes and said, "the weather is perfect for washing. I think you should consider taking advantage of it."Isabella had worn back her red gown when she woke up in the morning but now that Angelo h
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Isabella smiled, "oh wow! Angelo, are you being serious right now?""I've never been more serious in my entire life," Angelo replied.Isabella suddenly began to have flashes. She was on a beach and a man held her hand as he proposed to her. She recalled that Angelo had said she was married before and thought that it must be her ex-husband but then she recalled the fireworks as well as the voice. It was exactly the same as that of the man in front of her. She pulled her hand away from Angelo just as he was about to put the improvised ring on her finger.Angelo stared at her in surprise, "what is it dear?" Isabella moved closer and gave Angelo her hand as she said, "I remember being proposed to on a beach and although I didn't see his face, the man's voice is the same as yours. Could my memory be playing tricks on me?"Angelo smiled, "don't worry, dear. If it is something that really happened, then it will come back to you fully. Just be patient.She nodded and caressed one side of his
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Angelo caressed Isabella's cheeks, "I do not doubt your love for me, darling and I love you so much more. Now, let's go get married but after I take my bath."Isabella laughed and watched as Angelo went toward the water, brushed his teeth, and took his clothes off before taking his bath. When he was done, he put on his white shirt and black trousers. He saw that Isabella was staring at him and smiled, "I know that my shirt is not very clean but trust me, it is suitable for this occasion.”Isabella raised her hands in defense, "I never said otherwise. You look good by the way, Mr. Angelo Flores.”Angelo stood closer to the sea and said to her "it’s time to say our vows, my love!"As Isabella walked up to him with her wet hair covering the sides of her face, he stared at her and thought, "after today, we have just one day, Isabella. Tomorrow is the last day, so please come back to me because if my plan doesn't work and your memories don't return, I will be forced to go with plan B and
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After making Isabella smile, Angelo was about to get some coconuts for them to celebrate their marriage when a strong wind began to blow. It was so strong that Angelo wondered if they were about to experience a tornado. He had seen nothing about it when he checked the weather forecast for the week before coming to the island, otherwise, he would have concluded his plans earlier. Both he and Isabella covered their eyes as particles on the ground as well as sand began to fly about.Isabella began to scream so Angelo moved in her direction while his eyes were still closed and took her with him as he fell on his back.He turned their bodies so he would be on top and protected her from the sand. He didn't know how long it was going to last but he was willing to protect her for as long as possible, even if it took all day. She wrapped her arms around his back, holding tightly to his body while he kept his eyes closed and covered her face with his body.He could feel different particles f
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Angelo smiled, "it's either you imagined it or you are seeing the future. Your husband would not lie to you so trust me and don't be anxious. Your memories will return sooner than you think and then you can confidently distinguish between your dreams and reality."Isabella thought about it and nodded, "I guess you are right, my love. I will ignore these confusing flashes and wait patiently for when my memories will return. They both stared at each other for a while before getting up to brush their teeth. Isabella told Angelo that she wanted them to bathe together as they did the previous day. However, Angelo did not want to do so because he knew that his final plan would commence at any moment.Since he wasn't with a wristwatch, he didn't know what time precisely it would happen but he had specifically given instructions for it to happen early in the morning.He thought about the best way to stall Isabella and said, "let's have breakfast first, after that we can talk about having a b
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Isabella noticed that Angelo was lying on the ground and gasped in surprise. She began to shake him as she said, "wake up, Angelo. What happened? What are we doing here and where is our daughter?"When Angelo did not respond, she looked at his body and noticed that his singlet was stained with blood. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and looked around her once again.Nothing made sense to her. She knew they had once been stranded on the island but she could not understand how she was in the same place years later with practically the same clothes. She turned her attention to Angelo once again and checked his wrist for a pulse.When she noticed he had a pulse, she heaved a sigh of relief. She placed her hand on his stained singlet and said, "I will stop the bleeding." She slowly pulled the singlet up and was shocked to see that there was no injury on his body. She rubbed her hand on his belly and smelled his supposed blood and was surprised that it smelled like tomato ketchup. She in
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Isabella and Angelo came out of the bathroom feeling excited. She was so impressed with Angelo. He seemed to have been confident that she would get better since he kept everything she would need. Fresh clothes, shoes, comb, makeup, and so on.The only thing she lacked was a dryer but it did not matter. She was going to let the sea breeze dry her hair for her.Angelo also changed into a new set of clothes. He went to stand behind Isabella who was staring at her reflection in the mirror and wrapped his arms around her waist.She turned and circled her arms around his neck, "you look handsome and dashing, husband."Angelo chuckled, "do I now? You always find me handsome no matter what I wear. Even when I was putting on rags on the island, you could not take your eyes off of me. You kept stealing glances at me."Isabella laughed, "are you talking about five years ago or recently?""Both," Angelo replied."Well, it's your fault for being too irresistible. I can stare at you all day and I s
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Angelo stared at Isabella and said, "you should go back home, my love. Go be with your parents and I will bring our daughter to you, I promise."Isabella shook her head, "no, I don't want to, let's go get her together."Angelo sighed, "don't you trust me?""Of course, I trust you," Isabella replied."Then go back home and relax and I will bring our daughter."Tears fell from Isabella's eyes but she nodded and wiped them. Angelo made a phone call and said, "get Hamzat ready for me. I am coming to pick him up."Angelo drove Isabella to her house where her parents were staying. She hugged him before coming out of the car. She did not go inside the house immediately but stood outside waving at Angelo until he finally drove off.She walked back sadly into her house with a heavy heart. Hamzat and his sister were really out to make her miserable whereas she had treated them with nothing but love, respect, and honesty in the past.When her mum saw her, she happily took her into her arms while
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Hamzat stared at Nelly and also began to cry. When he opened his mouth to speak, he suddenly fell to the ground and his body began to shake as he started to foam in the mouth.Nelly screamed and tried to hold him still but he would not stop shaking."What happened to you? What did he do to you?" She asked.He suddenly stopped moving as he felt a bit of relief. "Angelo poisoned me," he managed to say while Nelly stared at him in shock.She quickly dialed Angelo's line to ask him about the poison. Angelo smiled when he saw her call.He answered and said, "I thought you would never call, Nelly.""Please, spare my brother's life," she begged. Angelo stared at Mirabella in the back seat as she happily gorged on her ice cream and said, "the poison in your brother's body will kill him in one hour if he doesn't get the antidote.Now, I so badly want your brother to live which is why I made a way out for him. There's a police station at Ferguson street. An officer has the antidote and is waiti
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