Lahat ng Kabanata ng I'LL SEE YOU AGAIN, CAPTAIN!: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
53 Kabanata
Annika had an extremely busy opening shift at Lido Bar on Christ Church Day. She has to get ready in order to leave Lido Bar at eleven in order to meet the captain at Christ Church as scheduled.She was rushing up and down the steps, filling all the bottles they would require for the day while serving the customers because the Lido Bar is always the busiest when the ship departs. She makes sure that each beverage refrigerator is well stocked.Annika is ecstatic to spend more time with the captain on break, this time in one of her favorite countries, New Zealand. She has been here before and said that the crew bus ride to Christ Church was enjoyable since she could see all the farms and a lot of sheep on them. The abundance of animals and the fact that they are free to eat grass were so lovely to observe.It is always sunny, but the air is so chilly and the sky is so blue it appears to have been painted. The weather is also always pleasant. There is only nature everywhere you can smell
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Annika just finished her shift after another day at sea, making sure to clean everything and lock all the doors before going to bed. She only wants to spend time with Captain Magnus right now because it has been a hard day.The door was left open, so she helped herself inside and waited for him on the couch even though the captain was not present when she arrived at the cabin. He must have done a lot of shopping; she thought as she noticed all these paper bags on one side of the captain's chamber and grinned.The captain appeared out of nowhere. "Hello, have you been waiting long for me?" the captain inquires of Annika. Ten minutes is not that much time, she said. The captain then moves to a seat next to her and motions toward all the paper bags on the ground while saying, "Hey, look." The captain was proudly displaying the paper bags and exclaimed, "I bought you some goodies.""Oh, thank you, captain, but you don’t need to do this," Annika responded. "I've got a CD and a CD player fo
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Early in the morning, the captain wakes Annika with, "Good Morning, my love." Annika replied with that wonderful smile on her face, "Good morning, my captain. The captain said, "I want you to get up early because I'm going to the bridge now. "It is already five in the morning; I will just take a shower. In any case, I have to get back to my cabin right away," Annika replied, rising from her chair and beginning to dress.She notices that the captain's bed is messy and takes the opportunity to organize it because she always does so every time, she leaves the captain's cabin. Annika wondered if it would be embarrassing for the cleaning to see how messy theWhile the captain is in the shower, Annika waves goodbye and says, "I have to go now, captain." The captain turned to depart and said, "Hey, Annika, hold on!" She asked Annika, "Can I meet you in an hour at the bow of the ship, you know where the crew can stay to observe while sailing." While the captain is in the shower, Annika waves
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The ship started to swell in the middle of the South Pacific at about three in the morning. The ship is sailing on its way to Fiji. Captain Magnus wakes up as the phone rings in his cabin. The watch officer on the bridge is calling the captain and asks for some directions.Annika was awakened by the captain, who had dressed, saying, "Hey, Annika, I'm going up to the bridge; we're in a rough sea; there's a tropical cyclone approaching, and I need to direct the ship to safer waters." Annika was trying to understand what the captain had just said when she said, "Carl, I need to go back to my cabin; it's too rough for me.The captain said, "You be careful, as the ship is swelling too much." Annika successfully made it to her cabin. In order to ensure safe sailing in rough seas, the captain stepped up to the bridge and adjusted the ship's course and speed as necessary. He also looked at any offshore forecasts for the approaching tropical cyclone.The captains begin issuing orders to retain
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Annika has a cabin with other crew members; her bed is in the bottom bunk, which she made look particularly appealing by using her own floral bedsheets. She has a tiny toilet and bathroom, and the shower only has room for one person to stand. Additionally, she shared a table and chair between two compact closets.Annika needs to make sure everything is neat and organized. Annika had shared her cabin with Michelle, another bartender, but Michelle is now staying at her boyfriend's cabin, leaving Annika to herself.She is confined to her cabin since she is not reporting to work as the doctor on board advised. To get food, she can only go outside to the crew mess room. She genuinely finds time alone to be incredibly soothing. Even though she loves it so much, she's been so focused lately withThe day has been so quiet and serene for Annika that she has made the decision that she needs time to herself and to take care of herself. She also has to tell the captain that they need to be more c
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It was crew barbecue day; typically, this is done after the ship has arrived at its final port and will remain there overnight while all of the passengers go out to enjoy themselves. As a result, the team has more time to take off to attend events like this.When they leave New Zealand, the crew experiences poor weather, so Captain Magnus organizes a celebration to reward them for their incredible services, especially when they put in extra time. This is his method of saying "thank you" to everyone for their efforts and commitment.The majority of the crew looks forward to it because it is the time when they can consume grilled meats like hog and beef, poultry, and seafood, as well as a variety of side dishes and infinite sodas, juices, beers, and wines that are all provided for free to the crew. Additionally, there are certain fruits, veggies, and cakes. They can socialize with other crew members while dressed in their regular casual attire.The celebration concludes in the ship's st
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Annika's mother is reading the newspaper at home in Manila in the meantime. She enjoys keeping up with business news updates because it's the only way she can find out how her first love is doing right now. When Carmen flips through the book's pages, she notices a large photograph of Mr. Phillip Rocha, who is once again highlighted as Man of the Year for having assisted other deserving Filipinos in finding employment on the ship. He has improved the lives of numerous families. Phil, as she used to call him, is a philanthropist who hails from a wealthy family and a life of luxury. He has donated a lot of money to charity and will keep doing so until nowadays.Since she currently only has memories of Phil and their times together, she is constantly brought back to the most memorable—and painful—event of her life whenever she sees Phil in the newspaper.One of the richest families in Manila, the Rocha family originated in Spain before emigrating to the Philippines and founding PR Shippin
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There is something about Carmen that draws young Phillip Rocha's interest; perhaps it's the fact that she isn't scared to speak to him. Perhaps it's because she is so stunning, or perhaps it's because he feels bad for her. After all, she is their maid.While in his classroom, Phillip is not even paying attention to his professor. He can't wait to get home so that he may try to talk to her and get to know her. He was discovered by his lecturer simply staring out the classroom window at the sky, showing little interest in his subject. And Phillip hasn't behaved this way in days.When the bell rang, he was the first student to leave the classroom and head directly for the university's drop-off and pick-up area. Lando, the driver, observed him grinning and gazing out the window. He has never before noticed him smiling. Lando said to little Phillip, "You look cheerful today; it seems like you are thrilled to come home early now, just like before, when you didn't want to go home straight aw
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Phillip welcomed Carmen to spend a nice afternoon in the mansion, "Hi, Carmen, do you want to go for a walk in the garden?" Carmen replied, "Yes, sir, I can do that; let me just grab you some water to bring." Philip informed her, "No need to, Carmen; I simply want to tell you something.""It's unpleasant to hear you call me sir or master when we are alone", Phil said as the two were strolling. "Phil is okay," Carmen responded. "But it would be inappropriate, master." Just try it, Carmen, and say hello to Phil, Phil orders. Hello Phil!" exclaims Carmen.Phil grins, "See, I told you it was better to hear you call me by my given name." Carmen just went through with it and called him by name. Phil asked, "Carmen, may I ask you a personal question?" How come you are working and not in school, I mean college? "Yes, Phil, what is it?" I guess my parents cannot afford to send me to college, so I finished cosmetology and tailoring after high school. "I worked here at your home for a long becau
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Phil was talking to Carmen, "I adore this seat where we usually meet up, and I love this Molave tree. It offers us shade, and it is just great to hear the birds chirping while sitting here with you. "We should carve our names on the trunk of the tree." He added, "Oh no, you cannot do that master?" Carmen stopped Phil.Phil argued with Carmen, saying, "Why not? I like you and I want our name carved on this tree because this is where we always meet and this bench is where we always talk." When Carmen heard from Phil that he liked her, her heart briefly stopped since she knows that they cannot be together because she is only a servant in their home.Carmen tells Phil, "You cannot like me; I am only a servant here; I am here to work and to serve you; to clean your house; to clean the dishes, and to tidy the plants in this lovely garden; that is my job here; not to be with you." Carmen continued, "And I don't think your parents will ever like me. She continued, "And the maids are starting
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