Semua Bab Sext Buddy: Bab 51 - Bab 60
88 Bab
Chapter 51
Arthur’s POV To be fair, Alicia didn’t know what to do with the information she received from Andre. She didn’t want to believe it but her gut was screaming at her that something was up. She’s known Anna long enough to know she does whatever she wants in the moment and worries about the consequences later. That was another wrong attribute she had. She’d do something and not care about it until later only when her bad choices comes down to haunt her. Alicia wasn’t worried about Anna, she was worried about Andre. He may look tough and try to portray himself as a strong alpha male but inside he was a gummy bear. Soft, squishy, chewy and sweet as hell. He’d never hurt anyone, at least not deliberately. He wouldn’t hurt someone’s feelings just because he wanted a lick of something else. He was an amazing person both in and out and loved his friends so much. He just got himself in a sticky situation by loving Anna.All his life, he’s felt rejected, most times unseen, growing up adopted to
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Chapter 52
Arthur’s POV Anna didn’t know she was being watched, she just had her eyes set on her goal, Frank, who was smiling at her, memories of earlier in their head while Andre was hurting. He wants to walk up to her and pull her aside for a conversation but he didn’t wanna ruin Alicia’s birthday so he tried to ignore how he was feeling. It wasn’t working, he was hurting so bad, he needed help but he didn’t know what he needed help with.He met up with Dylan who was casually sprung on the couch, gulping down a beer. Andre plopped down next to him with a sigh and that got Dylan’s attention, he knew immediately that something was wrong.“Relationship problems?”Andre glanced at him and nodded, he didn’t need to say anything else, he knew Dylan understood him even without going into details about what was going on.“That’s why you don’t cross the line and date your best friends, y’all will lose the relationship and a beautiful friendship you’ve built for so long. I don’t wanna say I told you so
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Chapter 53
Arthur’s POV “Care to tell me that you and Frank fucked?”Anna blinks, obviously taken aback by Andre’s words and she looks around to make sure nobody was listening before turning back to Andre.“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Anna said, looking anywhere else but at who she was talking to and Andre wasn’t having any of that.“Lying won’t get you anywhere. You’re not even trying to hide it Anna, you’re shamelessly gawking at him in the crowd, smiling at him and shit and I know he gave you that hickey because it wasn’t me and we both know it wasn’t Alicia either.”“Andre-““Did you cheat on me, with Frank?”“Why would you think that?” Anna said, stepping closer, expression soft and suddenly vulnerable, obviously ready to manipulate her way out of this one.“That’s not gonna work on me. If you didn’t wanna be with me, then you should’ve just said so. I didn’t force you into anything, you agreed to be my girlfriend, I didn’t tie you up to the bed rails and asked you to say ye
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Chapter 54
Arthur’s POV “What if something goes wrong? Anna knows about us, I told her. There’s a possibility she might tell my brother and well, she doesn’t really support what we’re doing and I certainly don’t blame her, it’s disgusting, I’m disgusting.”Jason took her hands and gently pulled her towards the bed until she was sitting.“I already told you I’m completely okay if you don’t wanna continue this. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable, I’m not gonna force anything, it’s completely up to you but I want you and you want me, why can’t we both just take what we want from each other?”Alicia sighed because it sounded so easy but it wasn’t very easy. She knew what exactly was eating her up and it wasn’t just the fact that they were cousins, it was more. Something she didn’t want to acknowledge at all but she knew she had to.There was a knock on the door that startled both of them and they pulled away from each other instantly while Jason went into the bathroom to stay for a minute and Ali
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Chapter 55
Arthur’s POV Jason stared at her for a minute, swallowing. He was already unbelievably hard from the kiss and how much she was touching him. He caressed her cheeks that were flushed a light shade of pink.“You have guests downstairs.” He reminded her and she whined, standing on her toes to kiss him again, soft and short before pulling back. Her small hands still fisting his shirt.“They can wait, I want you now, please.”Jason smiled at her, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. “I don’t wanna rush how much I wanna pleasure you, I wanna take my time with you.”Alicia wanted him to take time with her but at the same time, she couldn’t fight off the feeling of wanting him right then and there. “I can’t wait that long….I don’t know how long they’re gonna be downstairs.”“You’re gonna listen to me,” He said like he was scolding her. “It’s unfair to leave them down there although what’s more unfair is not being able to make you cum so bad but that can wait, after they leave, you’re
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Chapter 56
Arthur’s POV If anything, Alicia could only think of one thing, how it’d feel to actually sit on her cousin’s face. Weird right? But not to her, and definitely not to Jason who felt the need to end the game and the party in general to take her somewhere else and ravish her just like he’s been wanting to.Derek picks a card, reads it and chuckles, placing it face down on the table. “You people are joking right now because there’s no fucking way I’m doing that.” Derek complains and Chloe grabs the card and reads it, laughing while Andre tries to get a look of what’s written on it. “It says make out with a boy of his choice, I’m guessing this card was made for a girl.” Chloe says, chuckling again and Derek doesn’t seem really upset, he seems rather amused at the idea in general. “It’s not that bad, just kiss one of your buddies, not like y’all don’t share blunts.” Chloe adds, earning an eye roll from Betty.“I’m not doing that, I can do something else but definitely not that one, you l
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Chapter 57
Arthur’s POV“Frank, I need to leave soon because I have somewhere to be, can we talk? It’s important.” Alicia called after her brother who was headed outside, probably to continue drinking with his friends. Frank stopped and nodding, shutting the door and sitting on the couch in the living room which was now empty but still smelled like wet socks, drunk teenagers likewise sweaty bodies.“Is everything okay?” Frank asked and Alicia fought the urge to roll her eyes, of course nothing was okay, he ruined an almost perfect relationship because he couldn’t control his hormones but at the end of the day, it takes two to tango and Anna couldn’t control her raging hormones as well so here they are.“Don’t even act oblivious to the situation, you slept with Anna and Andre ended things with her. Frank, you’ve been here for 24 hours now and you already ruined a relationship, could you not have said no even if Anna came onto you?”Frank didn’t really seem shocked nor surprised that Alicia knew h
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Chapter 58
Arthur’s POVWhen they got to the bungalow Alicia recognized as probably Jason’s place, her nerve’s skyrocketed and now she was really really nervous and her nervousness surpassed the excitement she felt. Jason opened the car door for her, took her seatbelt off and let her get out before gently taking her hand and rubbing circles at the back of it to calm her nerves.He led her towards the front door, unlocked it and they both walked in and Alicia took her time to observe the place, nerves wracking as she took the living room in. She didn’t wanna talk or ask questions but she was still nervous as hell, trying not to make eye contact with Jason.Jason turned to her and she blinked, breathing, getting ragged from the one he was staring at her and now taking small steps towards her. She backed away just a little and he followed her until she couldn’t run anywhere else. “Where you going princess?” Jason asked in that gut twisting voice of his and what could a helpless horny adult like Ali
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Chapter 59
Arthur’s POVShe wants to do a lot and her mind is running laps. She then presses her cheek on Jason’s cock, feeling the swell of it.It was gonna be a long long night.***********Jason’s head falls back, a satisfied sound leaving his mouth. Alicia nuzzles the length of his cock, from the base to the tip like she has always wanted. Then, she rubs her nose firmly against the tip, smiling when she hears Jason’s harsh breath intake.Alicia’s tongue darts out and she runs her wet tongue over Jason’s ball sac and Jason’s pants stain with her saliva. Jason’s cheeks are back to rubbing back and forth on Jason’s cock, she likes how Jason’s hips keep arching into the warmness of her cheek, and how his cock twitches against the plushness of her cheek. Jason grabs Alicia’s neck, encouraging Alicia to rub her face all over his cock as he tilts his hips into the feeling, his moans coming out lower.Alicia finally lets her hand skim over Jason’s length, her eyes on Jason as she does and she sque
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Chapter 60
Chapter 60“Have you been crying?” Frank asked when she let him inside her house, she was the only one at home as her parents travelled to Amsterdam for a family reunion that she wasn’t interested in. She hugged her body robe and moved away from the door so Frank could come in. He shut the door when he came in and immediately reached for her, pushing her hair out of her face and she looked up at him with teary brown eyes and it pained Frank knowing he was potentially the reason why she was crying. If he knew getting involved with her would end up seeing her crying, to be honest he’d still get involved with her and make her feel better. He liked her way too much.“Are you okay?” He asked in a soft voice, pulling her in for a hug and he always chuckled at their height difference and the way her small hands went around him, barely going around his back. He kissed her hair, stroking it gently and stared down at her, her head resting on his chest as she sniffled. “You wanna cuddle and tell
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